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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:05:59 +0000

Dom not displaying resting ask orders correctly

View Count: 156

[2024-06-28 15:23:30]
Jared Berlinski - Posts: 4
Hello, starting a couple days ago my NQ dom randomly started not displaying the resting ask orders correctly. all my other 7 doms look OK so my guess is that it's something to do with my settings but I can't find anything I might have accidentally changed.

This is what I've tried so far:
1. uncheck use custom symbol settings values in global symbol settings, then use update from server button
2. edit-> delete all data and download
3. manually reset all NQ symbol settings under chart settings and also under global symbol settings
4. update to latest version of SC

This is what I modified in symbol settings (both in chart settings and global symbol settings). note if I switch everything back to default it displays incorrectly in a different way
-price display format to "1"
-tick size to "1.0"
-market depth combine increment in ticks to "1"

This is only affecting my Topstep account, for which I use denali data but route through rithmic per this forum post: Understanding Sierra Chart with Topstep

If I connect to my data feed through Amp and keep all the symbol settings the same the NQ dom works as it should. so my best guess is it's just some hiccup with rithmic but I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done to fix it. the curious thing is sometimes when I disconnect and reconnect to the rithmic data feed, it will display completely fine but after 10 seconds then will go back to being screwed up

NQ DOM compressed

NQ DOM uncompressed
attachmentJigsaw DOM.Cht - Attached On 2024-06-28 15:23:26 UTC - Size: 33.34 KB - 99 views
[2024-06-28 15:28:42]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34449
We are not seeing any issue with the chartbook ourselves.

You state that "if I switch everything back to default it displays incorrectly in a different way". This is where we need to start. Please set the Chart Settings for "Combine Increment in Ticks" to be "0", the "Tick Size" to "0.25" and the "Price Display Format" to be "0.01", then give us an image of what you are seeing in this case.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-06-28 15:47:18]
Jared Berlinski - Posts: 4
Hi John, thanks for the reply. Sorry if this wasn't clear, but the "NQ dom uncompressed" image from the original post is what my dom looks like when those 3 chart settings are set as you requested

NQ DOM uncompressed
[2024-06-28 16:38:12]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34449
And this only happens when you are connected to Rithmic?

Please follow these instructions to get us your Message Log when connected to a service where you see this issue:

Follow the instructions here to clear the Message Log:
Message Log: Clearing the Message Log

Close all of the Chartbooks with "File >> Close All Chartbooks".

Open a single chart for the symbol you have an issue with through "File >> Find Symbol". Tell us that symbol of the chart. Tell us about *one* symbol only.

Disconnect from the data feed with "File >> Disconnect".

Connect to the data feed with "File >> Connect to Data Feed".

After the connection and after about 10 seconds, provide a copy of the Message Log following these instructions:
Support Board Posting Information: How to Post Your Message Log (Required In Some Cases)

We will then determine what the problem is.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-06-28 18:45:16]
Jared Berlinski - Posts: 4
That's correct, it's only messed up when I'm connected to Rithmic. The message log below is for instance 4, but I have the same problem across all instances.
Symbol with error in message log is NQU4.CME

Here is a picture of my NQ compressed DOM when connected to my AMP/Teton data feed. looks as it should

2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Software version: 2651 64-bit
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Primary Thread ID: 10512
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Usage end date: 2024-07-08
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Enabled for exchange2: CME (Trading Account Required)
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Enabled for exchange2: CBOT (Trading Account Required)
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Enabled for exchange2: COMEX (Trading Account Required)
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX (Trading Account Required)
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Current selected Data/Trading service: DTC - Sub Instance
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Custom symbol settings values: enabled
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Chart Update Interval: 100
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Time Zone: -04:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00)
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | 2024-06-28 18:40:24 Local computer time in UTC
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | 2024-06-28 14:40:24 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | 2024-06-28 13:50:29 Server time in UTC
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 0 seconds.
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Program path: C:\SierraChart\SierraChartInstance_4\
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\SierraChartInstance_4\Data\
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Locale Setting: C
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | DLLs: UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Allowed protected custom studies:
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 | Crash reporter started: true
2024-06-28 14:40:24.198 |
2024-06-28 14:40:51.685 |
2024-06-28 14:40:51.685 | DTC - Sub Instance | Connecting to the server Port 11099
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Network connection to server complete.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Sending logon request message.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Received logon response.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=50583.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=rithmic_v2.trading|SymbolSettings=rithmic_v2.trading.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Trading is supported.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | OCO Orders supported.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Bracket Orders supported.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-06-28 14:40:51.686 | DTC - Sub Instance | Connected to server complete.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.688 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2024-06-28 14:40:51.692 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2024-06-28 14:40:51.692 | DTC - Sub Instance | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQU4.CME. ID: 1 Service code: rithmic.trading
2024-06-28 14:40:51.692 | DTC - Sub Instance | Requesting security definition data for: NQU4.CME. ID: 1
2024-06-28 14:40:51.692 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQU4.CME to the queue.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.692 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQU4.CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.692 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.694 | Delaying start of download for NQU4.CME.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.694 | Added historical Market Depth data request for NQU4.CME to the queue.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.694 | Market depth data recording state for symbol NQU4.CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.694 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.694 | Historical Market Depth data request, start 00:00:00.000 , for NQU4.CME is discarded because a matching download is already pending and the new one is not for earlier data.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.694 | DTC - Sub Instance | Received security definition for symbol NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 14:40:51.694 | HD Request # 124 | Downloading Market Depth data for NQU4.CME. Service: cme.marketdepth.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.695 | HD Request # 124 | Download start date-time: 2024-06-28 14:39:50.734266.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.695 | HD Request # 124 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10150
2024-06-28 14:40:51.695 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-06-28 14:40:51.695 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 14:40:51.695 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 14:40:51.754 | HD Request # 124 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-06-28 14:40:51.754 | HD Request # 124 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.040 | HD Request # 124 | Requesting market depth data. Start date-time: 2024-06-28 14:39:50. Symbol: NQU24
2024-06-28 14:40:52.065 | HD Request # 124 | Decompressing data.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.100 | HD Request # 124 | Receiving market depth data for NQU4.CME starting at 2024-06-28 14:39:50.808000
2024-06-28 14:40:52.185 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.185 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.185 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.185 | HD Request # 124 | Timestamp of first market depth data file record written: 2024-06-28 14:39:50.808000.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.185 | HD Request # 124 | Received 21478 Market Depth data records from 2024-06-28 14:39:50.808000 to 2024-06-28 14:40:47.842000 (57.0 seconds. Delay: 4.3 seconds) and wrote 21478 records for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 14:40:52.185 | HD Request # 124 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.185 | HD Request # 124 | Market Depth data download complete for NQU4.CME. Unique request ID: 159
2024-06-28 14:40:52.185 | Removing historical data download ID 159.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.185 | Real-time market depth file updates started for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 14:40:52.190 | Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart\SierraChartInstance_4\Data\MarketDepthData\NQU4.CME.2024-06-28.depth
2024-06-28 14:40:52.190 | NQU4.CME [CV] #7 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.190 |
2024-06-28 14:40:52.190 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.195 | NQU4.CME [CV] #7 | Reloading chart.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.205 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.205 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-06-28 14:40:52.210 | NQU4.CME [CV] #7 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 158,
2024-06-28 14:40:52.215 | Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart\SierraChartInstance_4\Data\MarketDepthData\NQU4.CME.2024-06-28.depth
2024-06-28 14:40:56.677 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQU4.CME if supported. NumLevels=1400
2024-06-28 14:40:56.677 | DTC - Sub Instance | Starting market orders updates for: NQU4.CME. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: rithmic.trading
2024-06-28 14:40:56.677 | DTC - Sub Instance | Clearing market depth for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 14:40:56.943 | HD Request # 125 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQU4.CME to the file NQU4.CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-06-28 14:40:56.943 | HD Request # 125 | Download start date-time: 2024-06-28 14:39:50.000000. File last date-time: 2024-06-28 14:39:50.131000
2024-06-28 14:40:56.943 | HD Request # 125 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-06-28 14:40:56.943 | Socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-06-28 14:40:56.943 | Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 14:40:56.943 | Socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 14:40:56.998 | HD Request # 125 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-06-28 14:40:56.998 | HD Request # 125 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.266 | HD Request # 125 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-06-28 14:39:50. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQU24
2024-06-28 14:40:57.290 | HD Request # 125 | Decompressing data.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.314 | HD Request # 125 | Receiving Intraday data for NQU4.CME starting at 2024-06-28 14:39:50.129000
2024-06-28 14:40:57.315 | Socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.315 | Socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.315 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.315 | HD Request # 125 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-06-28 14:39:52.759000.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.315 | HD Request # 125 | Received 475 Intraday data records from 2024-06-28 14:39:50.129000 to 2024-06-28 14:40:56.515000 (66.4 seconds. Delay: 0.8 seconds) and wrote 473 records for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 14:40:57.321 | HD Request # 125 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-06-28 18:40:56.515000
2024-06-28 14:40:57.321 | Added 1 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for NQU4.CME after download.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.321 | HD Request # 125 | Completion time: 1s.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.321 | HD Request # 125 | Intraday data download complete for NQU4.CME. Unique request ID: 158
2024-06-28 14:40:57.321 | Removing historical data download ID 158.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.321 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 14:40:57.321 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 14:40:57.321 | HD Request # 125 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.324 |
2024-06-28 14:40:57.324 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.325 | NQU4.CME [CV] #7 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.325 | NQU4.CME [CV] #7 | Reloading chart.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.338 | Socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.338 | Socket (2) | Closed.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.380 | NQU4.CME [CV] #7 | Reloading chart.
2024-06-28 14:40:57.487 | NQU4.CME [CV] #7 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2024-06-28 14:40:57.488 | NQU4.CME [CV] #7 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-06-28 14:41:00.757 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\SierraChartInstance_4\Data\NQU4.CME.scid. Thread ID: 16904
[2024-06-28 18:55:37]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34449
Does this also occur in the main instance?

In either case, we need the Message Log for the main instance by following these instructions:

Follow the instructions here to clear the Message Log:
Message Log: Clearing the Message Log

Close all of the Chartbooks with "File >> Close All Chartbooks".

Open a single chart for the symbol you have an issue with through "File >> Find Symbol". Tell us that symbol of the chart. Tell us about *one* symbol only.

Disconnect from the data feed with "File >> Disconnect".

Connect to the data feed with "File >> Connect to Data Feed".

After the connection and after about 10 seconds, provide a copy of the Message Log following these instructions:
Support Board Posting Information: How to Post Your Message Log (Required In Some Cases)

We will then determine what the problem is.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-06-28 19:02:03]
Jared Berlinski - Posts: 4
Ok, sorry about that. Yes it also happens in the main instance. Here is the message log for NQU4.CME

2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Software version: 2651 64-bit
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Primary Thread ID: 15284
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Usage end date: 2024-07-08
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Enabled for exchange2: CME (Trading Account Required)
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Enabled for exchange2: CBOT (Trading Account Required)
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Enabled for exchange2: COMEX (Trading Account Required)
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX (Trading Account Required)
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Rithmic Direct - DTC
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Custom symbol settings values: enabled
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Chart Update Interval: 100
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Time Zone: -04:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00)
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | 2024-06-28 19:01:04 Local computer time in UTC
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | 2024-06-28 15:01:04 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | 2024-06-28 18:35:05 Server time in UTC
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 1 seconds.
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Program path: C:\SierraChart\
2024-06-28 15:01:04.987 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\
2024-06-28 15:01:04.988 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2024-06-28 15:01:04.988 | Locale Setting: C
2024-06-28 15:01:04.988 | DLLs: UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2024-06-28 15:01:04.988 | Allowed protected custom studies:
2024-06-28 15:01:04.988 | Crash reporter started: true
2024-06-28 15:01:04.988 |
2024-06-28 15:01:15.038 |
2024-06-28 15:01:15.038 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Using server connection: TopstepTrader-Chicago Area-Non-Aggregated
2024-06-28 15:01:15.038 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Trading server address/port: rsc.rithmic.com:50508
2024-06-28 15:01:15.038 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Connecting to the server rsc.rithmic.com. Port 50508
2024-06-28 15:01:15.091 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.092 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 15:01:15.092 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 15:01:15.118 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Network connection to server complete.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.118 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.118 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Setting DTC encoding to Binary
2024-06-28 15:01:15.118 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Sending logon request message.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Received logon response.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Server Name: .
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Successfully connected.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Trading is supported.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | OCO Orders supported.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Symbol and Exchange Delimiter: .
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | MarketDepthIsSupported: 0
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Connected to server complete.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.200 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2024-06-28 15:01:15.286 | Mapping NQU4.CME to NQU24. Service code: cme
2024-06-28 15:01:15.286 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2024-06-28 15:01:15.286 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQU4.CME (NQU24). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2024-06-28 15:01:15.286 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds13.sierracharts.com. Port 10048
2024-06-28 15:01:15.286 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQU4.CME (NQU24). ID: 1
2024-06-28 15:01:15.286 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQU4.CME to the queue.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.286 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQU4.CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.286 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.288 | Delaying start of download for NQU4.CME.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.399 | DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.399 | DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 15:01:15.399 | DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 15:01:15.470 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.470 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.470 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-06-28 15:01:15.565 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-06-28 15:01:15.565 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: RealTimeServer.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | Denali Data Feed | Logon error received from server: Data service (sc_exchange2.datafeed) is disabled or unsupported. A software update may be necessary.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | Denali Data Feed | Failed connections: 1
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | Denali Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | DTC Client socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.643 | Denali Data Feed | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 3 seconds.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.715 | DTC Client socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-06-28 15:01:15.715 | DTC Client socket (2) | Closed.
2024-06-28 15:01:18.630 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds26.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2024-06-28 15:01:18.630 | DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket.
2024-06-28 15:01:18.630 | DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 15:01:18.630 | DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 15:01:18.653 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2024-06-28 15:01:18.653 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-06-28 15:01:18.653 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-06-28 15:01:18.680 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-06-28 15:01:18.680 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.055 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.055 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.055 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-06-28 15:01:19.055 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.055 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.055 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-06-28 15:01:19.055 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQU4.CME -> NQU24
2024-06-28 15:01:19.181 | Added historical Market Depth data request for NQU4.CME to the queue.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.181 | Market depth data recording state for symbol NQU4.CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.181 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.181 | Historical Market Depth data request, start 00:00:00.000 , for NQU4.CME is discarded because a matching download is already pending and the new one is not for earlier data. | Number times message added: 16
2024-06-28 15:01:19.181 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 15:01:19.181 | HD Request # 9 | Downloading Market Depth data for NQU4.CME. Service: cme.marketdepth.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.183 | HD Request # 9 | Download start date-time: 2024-06-28 15:00:50.541792.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.183 | HD Request # 9 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-06-28 15:01:19.184 | Socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.184 | Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 15:01:19.184 | Socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 15:01:19.243 | HD Request # 9 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-06-28 15:01:19.243 | HD Request # 9 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.508 | HD Request # 9 | Requesting market depth data. Start date-time: 2024-06-28 15:00:50. Symbol: NQU24
2024-06-28 15:01:19.531 | HD Request # 9 | Decompressing data.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.567 | HD Request # 9 | Receiving market depth data for NQU4.CME starting at 2024-06-28 15:00:50.548000
2024-06-28 15:01:19.592 | Socket (3) | CloseSocket call.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.592 | Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.592 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.592 | HD Request # 9 | Timestamp of first market depth data file record written: 2024-06-28 15:00:50.548000.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.592 | HD Request # 9 | Received 15076 Market Depth data records from 2024-06-28 15:00:50.548000 to 2024-06-28 15:01:15.740000 (25.2 seconds. Delay: 3.9 seconds) and wrote 15076 records for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 15:01:19.592 | HD Request # 9 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.592 | HD Request # 9 | Market Depth data download complete for NQU4.CME. Unique request ID: 115
2024-06-28 15:01:19.592 | Removing historical data download ID 115.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.592 | Real-time market depth file updates started for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 15:01:19.597 | Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\NQU4.CME.2024-06-28.depth
2024-06-28 15:01:19.597 | NQU4.CME[M] #2 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.597 |
2024-06-28 15:01:19.597 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.613 | Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.613 | Socket (3) | Closed.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.663 | NQU4.CME[M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.663 | NQU4.CME[M] #2 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2024-06-28 15:01:19.665 | NQU4.CME[M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2024-06-28 15:01:19.684 | Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\NQU4.CME.2024-06-28.depth
2024-06-28 15:01:20.192 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQU4.CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2024-06-28 15:01:20.193 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Connecting to the server ds26.sierracharts.com. Port 10060
2024-06-28 15:01:20.193 | DTC Client socket (3) | Creating socket.
2024-06-28 15:01:20.193 | DTC Client socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 15:01:20.193 | DTC Client socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 15:01:20.224 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Network connection to server complete.
2024-06-28 15:01:20.224 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting socket receive thread.
2024-06-28 15:01:20.224 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2024-06-28 15:01:20.243 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 15:01:20.274 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-06-28 15:01:20.274 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Sending logon request message.
2024-06-28 15:01:20.649 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Received logon response.
2024-06-28 15:01:20.649 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2024-06-28 15:01:20.649 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2024-06-28 15:01:20.649 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Successfully connected.
2024-06-28 15:01:20.649 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Trading is not supported.
2024-06-28 15:01:20.649 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2024-06-28 15:01:20.649 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Starting market orders updates for: NQU24. MinimumMarketByOrderQuantity: 0. Service code: cme
2024-06-28 15:01:20.649 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Restarting market orders data for symbol: NQU4.CME -> NQU24
2024-06-28 15:01:20.774 | Denali Data Feed (Market Orders Data) | Market Orders data has been rejected for symbol: NQU4.CME. Market orders request not authorized.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.075 | HD Request # 10 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQU4.CME to the file NQU4.CME.scid. Service: cme
2024-06-28 15:01:24.076 | HD Request # 10 | Download start date-time: 2024-06-28 15:00:50.000000. File last date-time: 2024-06-28 15:00:50.037002
2024-06-28 15:01:24.076 | HD Request # 10 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2024-06-28 15:01:24.076 | Socket (4) | Creating socket.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.076 | Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 15:01:24.076 | Socket (4) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 15:01:24.134 | HD Request # 10 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2024-06-28 15:01:24.134 | HD Request # 10 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.155 | HD Request # 10 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-06-28 15:00:50. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQU24
2024-06-28 15:01:24.179 | HD Request # 10 | Decompressing data.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.205 | HD Request # 10 | Receiving Intraday data for NQU4.CME starting at 2024-06-28 15:00:50.037000
2024-06-28 15:01:24.205 | Socket (4) | CloseSocket call.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.205 | Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.206 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.206 | HD Request # 10 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-06-28 15:00:50.039000.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.206 | HD Request # 10 | Received 832 Intraday data records from 2024-06-28 15:00:50.037000 to 2024-06-28 15:01:23.115000 (33.1 seconds. Delay: 1.1 seconds) and wrote 829 records for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 15:01:24.210 | HD Request # 10 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-06-28 19:01:23.115000
2024-06-28 15:01:24.210 | Added 8 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for NQU4.CME after download.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.211 | HD Request # 10 | Completion time: 0s.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.211 | HD Request # 10 | Intraday data download complete for NQU4.CME. Unique request ID: 114
2024-06-28 15:01:24.211 | Removing historical data download ID 114.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.211 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 15:01:24.211 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQU4.CME
2024-06-28 15:01:24.211 | HD Request # 10 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.211 |
2024-06-28 15:01:24.211 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.229 | Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-06-28 15:01:24.229 | Socket (4) | Closed.
2024-06-28 15:01:28.074 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\NQU4.CME.scid. Thread ID: 884
2024-06-28 15:01:35.103 | HTTPS connection ID:3 to downloads.rithmic.com:443 for request ID:3 (4) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2024-06-28 15:01:35.104 | HTTPS connection ID:3 to downloads.rithmic.com:443 for request ID:3 (4) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-06-28 15:01:35.104 | HTTPS connection ID:3 to downloads.rithmic.com:443 for request ID:3 (4) | Connecting to IP:
2024-06-28 15:01:35.558 | HTTPS connection ID:3 to downloads.rithmic.com:443 for request ID:3 (4) | CloseSocket call.
2024-06-28 15:01:35.558 | HTTPS connection ID:3 to downloads.rithmic.com:443 for request ID:3 (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2024-06-28 15:01:35.589 | HTTPS connection ID:3 to downloads.rithmic.com:443 for request ID:3 (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2024-06-28 15:01:35.589 | HTTPS connection ID:3 to downloads.rithmic.com:443 for request ID:3 (4) | Closed.
[2024-06-29 08:57:58]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16387
You cannot do this for the Global Symbol Settings
This is what I modified in symbol settings (both in chart settings and global symbol settings). note if I switch everything back to default it displays incorrectly in a different way
-price display format to "1"
-tick size to "1.0"
-market depth combine increment in ticks to "1"
Change the Global Symbol Settings for that symbol back to the default. You are creating the issue by changing the settings. You can simply cannot do this at all . Otherwise, you are creating a problem that you are. We cannot provide any further help.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

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Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-06-29 15:22:32

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