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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:01:05 +0000


View Count: 164

[2024-07-25 20:18:47]
User996503 - Posts: 14

Hope all is well. Today after trading I flattened all my positions. I had the trade order log open and noticed a position fill on its own. Have noticed this happen a few times. Is there a setting on the DOM that I need to change for this to not happen? Or do I just need to click "CANCEL ALL" to ensure nothing is open. I even had 3 accounts set as "order allocation" but only 1 account placed the order.

Thank you!
[2024-07-25 22:00:43]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
If you think you may have had a working order that was left and then filled, then make sure you are selecting "Flatten and Cancel" in order to flatten positions AND cancel the working orders. The "Flatten" button on the Trade Window does both - flatten and cancel, but the keyboard shortcuts and control bar options do what they state (Flatten, or Flatten and Cancel, or Cancel. So make sure that you are selecting the correct option.

Otherwise, we need more information on exactly what occurred and what you think may have happened. You can look at your Trade Activity Log and see how the order got placed by analyzing the Orders. Refer to the following:
Trade Activity Log Analysis: Determining the Origin of a New/Modified Order
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-07-25 22:39:52]
User996503 - Posts: 14
Hi John,

Click "Flatten" then click "cancel all" button next to "M"? The thing is i have a stop 5 point stop on, so the amount i lost was way over my stop. Is it an issue with the trade copier? I only had 3 accounts for trade copier and it only took 1 of the accounts so im not sure. I know other people have had issues with this as well. I even had my positions window open and didnt see anything open at the time. Anyways, would going to "M>orders> cancel orders on flat position" work?

Thank you for all your help!!!
Private File
[2024-07-26 16:50:36]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
It could have been an issue with the trade copier. We are not quite sure exactly the scenario, so we really can not give any specifics.

As we noted above, the "Flatten" butt on the Trade Window does a "Flatten and Cancel", so you would not need to do both on that window. But it does not sound like this is the particular issue you are seeing.

We really need the exact workflow and what happened. Since you state that the order was nowhere near the Stop, then this does not sound an issue related to cancelling working orders.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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