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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 14:03:14 +0000

Orders opened and closed instantly with a loss of 1 tick

View Count: 437

[2022-08-11 14:55:13]
Radu Sirbu - Posts: 40
Hi guys,
I have this issue every day which costs me at least one losing trade without doing anything wrong.
Daily, the first trade on the live account opens and closes instantly with a loss of 1 tick (+ commissions). Sometimes I happen to have such events during the day as well, not only at the beginning. I have such situations regardless of the type of order chosen (limit, market, no brackets, with brackets, etc.)
The traded symbol is micro Euro (M6E), although I don't think it is important, because I encountered this on several other symbols in the last weeks in SIM mode.
Always, before I open a trade, I carefully check that the time and quotes are updated, both on the mini and micro contracts, having both DOMs open.
I have reached the point where I am afraid to open another trade because I will start the day with a loser without my fault.

Looking closer into Trade log file today I've noticed that whether my first trade is on Sim mode or on my live account my first position is flatten due to the "daily loss trigger value " set in "Global P/L management" section (-50 set in my case). If this is the cause, then this is absurd b/c I had not trades prior to that moment. Also if it really would flatten my positions due to that rule, why it lets my have other trades after that?
Please have a look at the screenshot attached to this ticket. It has the info from the Trade log

Please help me because it is extremely frustrating losing money on stupid things like that.

imageorders Aug 11th.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-11 14:54:48 UTC - Size: 73.39 KB - 107 views
[2022-08-11 15:13:13]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
Definitely the closing of the position is due to the Global Profit/Loss Management. As to why it allows you to trade, that all depends on the other settings you have on that page. If you do not have it set to lock trading, then you will continue to be able to trade.

As to why you are hitting your limit so quickly, we do not know for sure, and you will have to do the analysis of this. But we are wondering if you are using a "Trade and Current Quote Symbol" to trade the M6E and whether you updated your "Currency Value Per Tick" for this. Refer to the following:
Chart Settings: Updating Currency Value per Tick for Trade Symbol
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-08-11 17:02:01]
Radu Sirbu - Posts: 40
Thanks for the answer. I still have a few things that I need to clarify.

1. Most definitely that limit is hit on the Sim account, probably due to some settings I need to modify in the "Chart settings" section. But still I don't know why Sierra "remembers" that limit hit when I switch to the live account. Normally, the 2 accounts (sim & live) should have different trigger values, but I can't set distinct values for each one. Once I set a limit for one account, it appears also on the other one.

2. I've attached another screenshot with my setting from the section in SC you've mentioned in your reply. This is from my Trading Dom window for M6E. I don't have a trading DOM for 6E and then use M6E for "Trade and Current Quote Symbol" & "Use as trade only symbol". Instead I loaded it from the start for M6E.
Can you please confirm me that the value "1" from "Real-time price multiplier" field is correct ? (see the screenshot).
If I would have used 6E symbol in my Trading Dom instead of M6E, and the use M6E only for "Use as trade only symbol", then I would have had to fill in another value other than "1" in that field?
imagechart settings.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-11 16:51:09 UTC - Size: 37.48 KB - 108 views
[2022-08-11 17:54:02]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
1. It is a per trading account setting. There is a selection for the trading account in the upper right corner. So although the settings will stay the same when you switch between accounts, the values being tested against are for the selected account on that page at that time.

In other words, even if your Sim account was at -20.00 loss, when you switch to your live account, if you have not done any trades in that live account, then your profit/loss would be showing 0.00 on the Global Profit/Loss Page.

2. Since you are not using a "Trade and Current Quote Symbol" your Real-Time Price Multiplier should be 1.0.

If you were using a "Trade and Current Quote Symbol", then refer to the following for the items where you would need to change that Real-Time Price Multiplier (of which 6E and M6E do need this):
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing: Using Trade Symbol

But we also want to point out that you would also need to change the Currency Value per Tick when using the "Trade and Current Quote Symbol" as we linked to previously.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-08-11 18:38:51]
Radu Sirbu - Posts: 40
thanks for support!

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