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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:06:27 +0000

Post From: Orders opened and closed instantly with a loss of 1 tick

[2022-08-11 17:02:01]
Radu Sirbu - Posts: 40
Thanks for the answer. I still have a few things that I need to clarify.

1. Most definitely that limit is hit on the Sim account, probably due to some settings I need to modify in the "Chart settings" section. But still I don't know why Sierra "remembers" that limit hit when I switch to the live account. Normally, the 2 accounts (sim & live) should have different trigger values, but I can't set distinct values for each one. Once I set a limit for one account, it appears also on the other one.

2. I've attached another screenshot with my setting from the section in SC you've mentioned in your reply. This is from my Trading Dom window for M6E. I don't have a trading DOM for 6E and then use M6E for "Trade and Current Quote Symbol" & "Use as trade only symbol". Instead I loaded it from the start for M6E.
Can you please confirm me that the value "1" from "Real-time price multiplier" field is correct ? (see the screenshot).
If I would have used 6E symbol in my Trading Dom instead of M6E, and the use M6E only for "Use as trade only symbol", then I would have had to fill in another value other than "1" in that field?
imagechart settings.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-11 16:51:09 UTC - Size: 37.48 KB - 110 views