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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 12:02:28 +0000

Post From: Orders opened and closed instantly with a loss of 1 tick

[2022-08-11 14:55:13]
Radu Sirbu - Posts: 40
Hi guys,
I have this issue every day which costs me at least one losing trade without doing anything wrong.
Daily, the first trade on the live account opens and closes instantly with a loss of 1 tick (+ commissions). Sometimes I happen to have such events during the day as well, not only at the beginning. I have such situations regardless of the type of order chosen (limit, market, no brackets, with brackets, etc.)
The traded symbol is micro Euro (M6E), although I don't think it is important, because I encountered this on several other symbols in the last weeks in SIM mode.
Always, before I open a trade, I carefully check that the time and quotes are updated, both on the mini and micro contracts, having both DOMs open.
I have reached the point where I am afraid to open another trade because I will start the day with a loser without my fault.

Looking closer into Trade log file today I've noticed that whether my first trade is on Sim mode or on my live account my first position is flatten due to the "daily loss trigger value " set in "Global P/L management" section (-50 set in my case). If this is the cause, then this is absurd b/c I had not trades prior to that moment. Also if it really would flatten my positions due to that rule, why it lets my have other trades after that?
Please have a look at the screenshot attached to this ticket. It has the info from the Trade log

Please help me because it is extremely frustrating losing money on stupid things like that.

imageorders Aug 11th.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-11 14:54:48 UTC - Size: 73.39 KB - 106 views