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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 13:36:08 +0000

Se realizo un trade sin mi intervención

View Count: 618

[2021-04-07 22:09:48]
User543464 - Posts: 14
Buenas tardes.

Deseo solicitarles su revisión urgente de una operación en long que el sistema de la plataforma abrió por si sola el día 6 de abril a las 22:29 hora New York, la cual yo observe y la cerré de inmediato con la opcion Flatten, al momento de darme cuenta. Siendo que su resultado era positivo para mi, al verificar en la opción "Trade activity log" su resultado estaba registrado con valor cero, lo cual vi bien porque sabia que no era correcta, porque no la había puesto yo, era como un error del sistema. Posteriormente cerré mi plataforma y apague mi laptop.
No obstante esta mañana que abrí mi laptop y entre a la plataforma de sierra chart, nuevamente estaba abierta esa misma operación, siendo que en esta ocasión iba con resultado negativo para mi. La cerré de inmediato a las 8:52 hora New York, pensando que nuevamente me daría un valor cero en el registro, tal como la noche anterior. Pero para mi sorpresa, me registra el valor negativo por $166 a mi cargo.
Yo no acepto ese trade, porque no lo hice yo. Es un error del sistema, el cual estuvo muy erróneo el día de ayer a esa hora que se realizo la operación. Por lo que les pido revisen su sistema y me reviertan esa perdida que no fue realizada por mi.
Quedo atenta a su respuesta.

imageF.US.MNQM21 [CB] 2 Min #3 2021-04-07 18_02_19.968.png / V - Attached On 2021-04-07 22:03:11 UTC - Size: 39.5 KB - 204 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2021-04-08 15:03:07]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38150
From Google Translate:
Good afternoon.

I would like to request your urgent review of a long operation that the platform system opened by itself on April 6 at 10:29 p.m. New York, which I observed and closed immediately with the Flatten option, at the time to realize. Since its result was positive for me, when checking the "Trade activity log" option, its result was registered with a value of zero, which I saw well because I knew it was not correct, because I had not put it, it was like an error of the system. Later I closed my platform and turned off my laptop.
However this morning when I opened my laptop and entered the Sierra chart platform, the same operation was open again, being that this time it was with a negative result for me. I closed it immediately at 8:52 a.m. New York, thinking that it would give me a zero value in the registry again, just like the night before. But to my surprise, it records the negative value for $ 166 at my expense.
I do not accept that trade, because I did not do it. It is a system error, which was very wrong yesterday at that time the operation was carried out. So I ask you to check your system and revert that loss that was not made by me.
I remain attentive to your answer.

Sierra Chart is not going to open positions without some reason for it occurring. You would need to check to see if there is an automated trading study running that would have caused this to occur. You will be able to determine the source of the trades from your Trade Activity Log. Refer to the following:
Trade Activity Log: Basic Analysis Procedure for Trading Question/Issue
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-04-09 19:44:39]
User543464 - Posts: 14
No estoy de acuerdo con su respuesta, solicito una revisión de la operación referida, porque no la hice yo. Y en ese caso cuando la cerré la primera vez, que iba muy positiva a mi favor, porque razón no me registro la ganancia? mientras que a la mañana siguiente, cuando iba negativa y la volví a cerrar si me registro perdida.
Solicito una reversión de esa perdida, porque no la acepto.
[2021-04-11 17:41:56]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18555
To determine the source of a particular order, refer to:
Trade Activity Log Analysis: Determining the Origin of a New/Modified Order

For the first line which indicates the submission of the order we need you to provide that here so we can tell you the origin of it.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-04-11 17:43:15
[2021-04-12 01:50:30]
User543464 - Posts: 14
"For the first line which indicates the submission of the order we need you to provide that here so we can tell you the origin of it."

No entiendo que es lo que necesita. Ya envié la imagen de la operación, donde inicio y donde me tomo la perdida. Por favor revisarla y explicar ampliamente que es lo que necesitan.
Lo que solicito es la reversión de esa operación que yo no realice.

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