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Date/Time: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:07:36 +0000

New SC RT Data Feed: Sensitive Information Collection

View Count: 1146

[2014-02-26 08:09:35]
Rusty - Posts: 38
From this board and IB information, I conclude that the latest releases of Sierra Chart supporting the new RT Futures Data Feed query the customer's brokerage account and verify that the customer account is active and funded. Will you please answer the following?
1. What personal information (e.g. account name, account number, balance, transaction history) is collected by the SC client via the broker's API?
2. What personal information is transmitted and stored at your site?
3. How long will that information will be stored at your site? The Uniform Subscriber Addendum, paragraph 5. Right of Inspection and Audit, requires the subscriber to "maintain records and books upon which it bases its reporting for CBOE, CBOT, CCX, CCFE, CME…", etc. for three years following the period to which the records relate. I assume these "records and books" include the brokerage account for which the fee waiver is obtained. Do you interpret this as requiring you, the data vendor, to maintain records of the personal information listed above for three years following the subscription period?
4. What safeguards do you have in place to protect that information from disclosure, either accidental or malicious?
5. How will the information be destroyed when it is no longer required to be stored?

Thank you for considering this request.
[2014-02-26 08:17:22]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. Nothing more than already has been requested for the last few years. Whatever information is requested by Sierra Chart from the trading server is only held on your computer. It is never provided to us.

2. Nothing. Other than the name and address information you specify when filling out the Market Data Feed Agreement.

3. We do not see this as relevant and really this is for Barchart to answer who is the vendor of record.

4. Not relevant because nothing is held on our side other than a name and address that has always been provided.

5. Also not relevant.

We can gather, that there is a significant misunderstanding of how this works. Sierra Chart will not provide you the market data unless you get a successful connection to the trading service. In some cases there's an account balance check. This is all a very straightforward mechanical check on the client-side. There is no record gathering at all. If there is an account balance check it merely checks that the balance exceeds 500 USD. Nobody has any idea what the balance is because that is never sent to us. Really we could care less about that.

We have enough work to do to develop and maintain Sierra Chart. We are certainly not going to burden ourselves with the gathering trading account information on customers. We have better things to do.

We could only ever foresee something like that happening if we were to develop our own trading backend that connects into the exchanges. Perhaps that might come one day. And in that case, yes on that system there would be some record-keeping in order to perform the functions of the system.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-02-26 08:19:57
[2014-02-28 05:19:11]
Rusty - Posts: 38
You are right - I misunderstood how the CME data fee waiver is validated. Sorry if my post seemed to question SC's use of the data. It was not intended that way. My financial data has been compromised on several occasions. I just wanted to assess the potential for another unauthorized disclosure. All I needed to know was that any balance checking is limited to the client side, that no account data is transmitted, so no data is stored. I feel very comfortable with that approach.

Thank you for answering my questions.

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