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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 04:11:57 +0000

No Real Time Data Feed

View Count: 1061

[2020-02-20 19:44:35]
User816612 - Posts: 4
My Broker is AMP Clearing, Denali Data Feed with CQG Order Routing (full order book for CME).
My AMP Clearing initial new account setup is "Sierra Chart - CQG"
My AMP Clearing Sierra Chart Version is "Package 5 $25/month charged to my AMP Account"
I also opted in for $300 day trading margins for E-Mini S&P NASDAQ and DOW

I funded a Sierra Chart Account with $50, signed Agreements and completed all ToDo items.
I Selected the Full CME Group Exchange ($15.75/month)
In Sierra charts, I selected CQG WebAPI [trading] in Data/Trade Services, entered username, password, and successfully connected.

TradePro Academy supplied my Chartbook. The chart symbol is F.US.EPH20
I can download data history, but no streaming data.
I executed Translate Symbols to Current Service.
I see an orange box with error message, "Symbol is unknown. Click for symbol information. Real-time data for instrument F.US.EP are not allowed. Historical Download Complete."

I'm using this page to debug the issue: CQG Trading Platform Service: CQG Account Requirements
I'm also using this page: Sierra Chart / Trading Technologies Futures Order Routing Service

Under Service Settings, I only have the following: Username, Password, Allow Server to Drop Data (False), and Log Real-Time Market Data Messages (False). It DOES NOT show a "Connect to Market Data Server" Setting. I think I must be connected if historical data is downloaded.

I'm running Sierra Chart version 2054 64-bit

How do I get real time data?
[2020-02-20 23:26:12]
User816612 - Posts: 4
Here's my Message Log …
Reading Internal Order ID file. | 2020-02-20 09:53:21.797
Reading Trade Orders file. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.202
Reading Trade Positions file. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.207
Reading Account Balance file. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.208
UDPListener (1404). Port 22904 | Listening on UDP port 22904. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.246
Software version: 2054 64-bit | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Enabled for: Advanced Features 2. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Enabled for exchange2: CME (Trading Account Required) | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Enabled for exchange2: CBOT (Trading Account Required) | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Enabled for exchange2: COMEX (Trading Account Required) | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX (Trading Account Required) | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Current selected Data/Trading service: CQG WebAPI | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Custom symbol settings values: enabled | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Chart Update Interval: 500 | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0 | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Time Zone: -07:00:00 (MST-07) | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
2020-02-20 09:53:22 Local computer time | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
2020-02-20 16:53:22 Local computer time in UTC | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
2020-02-20 09:53:22 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
2020-02-20 16:53:24 Server time in UTC | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 3 seconds. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Program path: C:\SierraChart\ | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\ | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247
Locale Setting: C | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.247

Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code cqg. Request ID: 1. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.274
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.312
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.472
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.472
Received 5 login tokens. | 2020-02-20 09:53:22.809
Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1. | 2020-02-20 09:53:23.063
Symbol settings are up-to-date for cqg. | 2020-02-20 09:53:23.063

CQG WebAPI | Connecting to server api.cqg.com | 2020-02-20 09:53:27.986
CQG WebSocket | Connecting to WebSocket server api.cqg.com:443 | 2020-02-20 09:53:27.986
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.034
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.034
CQG WebSocket | Opening WebSocket. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.094
CQG WebSocket | Sending WebSocket handshake. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.094
CQG WebSocket | Server header | HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.344
CQG WebSocket | Server header | Connection: upgrade | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.344
CQG WebSocket | Server header | Sec-WebSocket-Accept: QBRiJCRZjafa1/2Z2gyrvE1MNSs= | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.344
CQG WebSocket | Server header | Server: WebSocket++/0.7.0 | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.344
CQG WebSocket | Server header | Upgrade: websocket | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.344
CQG WebSocket | Server header | | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.344
CQG WebSocket | Web socket state is now open. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.344
CQG WebAPI | WebSocket connected. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.344
CQG WebAPI | Sending market data logon message. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.344
CQG WebAPI | Base Time: 2020-02-16T17:13:41. 2020-02-16 17:13:41 | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.558
CQG WebAPI | Logon successful. Session Token = /5WFnjATg2OElTJqNgVvp9bqkou+oZP3oGtartzscB81CetMmRdIn0KgfGQYcF0fgjxVOTkXPTC | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.558
CQG WebAPI | Connected to data and trading server. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.558
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.558
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.558
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.558
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.558
Notice: Not connected to Live trading account to receive CME realtime futures data at non-professional fees. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.566
CQG WebAPI | Sending Trade Accounts request message. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.566
CQG WebAPI | Brokerage name: AMP3. Account Name: 124684 | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.679
CQG WebAPI | Sending collateral subscribe request. | 2020-02-20 09:53:28.679
CQG WebAPI | Sending positions subscribe request. RequestID: 129474 | 2020-02-20 09:53:33.547
CQG WebAPI | Sending orders subscribe request. RequestID=129475 | 2020-02-20 09:53:33.547
F.US.EPH20 1.25 Range #36 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.394
Custom studies file does not exist: C:\SierraChart\Data\EdgeTradingGroup_64.dll | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.399
F.US.EPH20 Rev. 5t #35 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.468
F.US.EPH20 1 Min #17 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.497
F.US.EPH20 60 Min #41 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.515
F.US.ENQH20 5 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.561
F.US.YMH20 5 Min #7 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.608
F.US.USAH20 5 Min #8 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.656
F.US.RTYH20 5 Min #5 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.717
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.778
F.US.JY6H20 5 Min #9 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.779
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.794
F.US.GCEJ20 5 Min #11 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.841
USDX 5 Min #12 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.885
F.US.SIEH20 5 Min #39 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:10.950
F.US.EPH20 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:11.042
F.US.GCEJ20 5 Min #16 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:11.080
F.US.EPH20 2.50 Range #33 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:11.127
F.US.EPH20 Rev. 5t #1 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:11.301
F.US.EPH20 2.50 Range #2 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:11.326
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.352
F.US.SIEH20 5 Min #39 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.448
USDX 5 Min #12 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.449
Chart #12 has tagged chart #16 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.450
F.US.JY6H20 5 Min #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.451
Chart #9 has tagged chart #16 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.451
F.US.USAH20 5 Min #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.452
Chart #8 has tagged chart #16 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.452
F.US.GCEJ20 5 Min #11 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.700
Chart #11 has tagged chart #16 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.701
F.US.RTYH20 5 Min #5 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.742
Chart #5 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.743
F.US.YMH20 5 Min #7 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.804
Chart #7 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.804
CQG WebAPI | Starting real-time market data updates for: F.US.EPH20. ID: 1 Service code: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
CQG WebAPI | Sending symbol resolution request for F.US.EPH20. ID: 129476 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
CQG WebAPI | Requesting security definition data for: F.US.EPH20. ID: 1 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
Requesting market depth updates for: F.US.EPH20 if supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. F.US.EPH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
Starting HDTimeoutTimer | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
Added historical Intraday data request for F.US.EPH20 to the queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
Intraday data recording state for symbol F.US.EPH20 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
Delaying start of download for F.US.EPH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.879
F.US.EPH20 1 Min #17 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.924
CQG WebAPI | Starting real-time market data updates for: F.US.ENQH20. ID: 2 Service code: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.949
CQG WebAPI | Sending symbol resolution request for F.US.ENQH20. ID: 129477 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.949
CQG WebAPI | Requesting security definition data for: F.US.ENQH20. ID: 2 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.949
Added historical Intraday data request for F.US.ENQH20 to the queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.949
Intraday data recording state for symbol F.US.ENQH20 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.949
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.949
CQG WebAPI | Received symbol resolution report for symbol F.US.EPH20. Search Symbol: F.US.EPH20. Request ID: 129476. Contract ID: 1. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.949
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data including full depth for F.US.EPH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.950
CQG WebAPI | Starting real-time market data updates for: F.US.YMH20. ID: 3 Service code: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.950
CQG WebAPI | Sending symbol resolution request for F.US.YMH20. ID: 129478 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.950
CQG WebAPI | Requesting security definition data for: F.US.YMH20. ID: 3 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.950
Added historical Intraday data request for F.US.YMH20 to the queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.950
Intraday data recording state for symbol F.US.YMH20 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.950
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.950
CQG WebAPI | Starting real-time market data updates for: F.US.USAH20. ID: 4 Service code: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.951
CQG WebAPI | Sending symbol resolution request for F.US.USAH20. ID: 129479 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.951
CQG WebAPI | Requesting security definition data for: F.US.USAH20. ID: 4 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.951
Added historical Intraday data request for F.US.USAH20 to the queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.951
Intraday data recording state for symbol F.US.USAH20 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.951
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.951
CQG WebAPI | Starting real-time market data updates for: F.US.RTYH20. ID: 5 Service code: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.952
CQG WebAPI | Sending symbol resolution request for F.US.RTYH20. ID: 129480 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.952
CQG WebAPI | Requesting security definition data for: F.US.RTYH20. ID: 5 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.952
Added historical Intraday data request for F.US.RTYH20 to the queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.952
Intraday data recording state for symbol F.US.RTYH20 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.952
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.953
CQG WebAPI | Starting real-time market data updates for: F.US.JY6H20. ID: 6 Service code: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.954
CQG WebAPI | Sending symbol resolution request for F.US.JY6H20. ID: 129481 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.954
CQG WebAPI | Requesting security definition data for: F.US.JY6H20. ID: 6 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.954
Added historical Intraday data request for F.US.JY6H20 to the queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.954
Intraday data recording state for symbol F.US.JY6H20 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.954
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.955
CQG WebAPI | Starting real-time market data updates for: F.US.GCEJ20. ID: 7 Service code: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.956
CQG WebAPI | Sending symbol resolution request for F.US.GCEJ20. ID: 129482 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.956
CQG WebAPI | Requesting security definition data for: F.US.GCEJ20. ID: 7 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.956
Added historical Intraday data request for F.US.GCEJ20 to the queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.956
Intraday data recording state for symbol F.US.GCEJ20 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.956
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.956
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: USDX. ID: 8 Service code: fxstatscalc | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.958
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Connecting to the server ds4.sierracharts.com. Port 10048 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.958
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Requesting security definition data for: USDX. ID: 8 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.959
Added historical Intraday data request for USDX to the queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.959
Intraday data recording state for symbol USDX is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.959
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.959
CQG WebAPI | Starting real-time market data updates for: F.US.SIEH20. ID: 9 Service code: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.961
CQG WebAPI | Sending symbol resolution request for F.US.SIEH20. ID: 129483 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.961
CQG WebAPI | Requesting security definition data for: F.US.SIEH20. ID: 9 | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.961
Added historical Intraday data request for F.US.SIEH20 to the queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.961
Intraday data recording state for symbol F.US.SIEH20 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.961
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.961
DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.963
DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:12.963
CQG WebAPI | Received symbol resolution report for symbol F.US.ENQH20. Search Symbol: F.US.ENQH20. Request ID: 129477. Contract ID: 2. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.012
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data for F.US.ENQH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.012
CQG WebAPI | Received symbol resolution report for symbol F.US.YMH20. Search Symbol: F.US.YMH20. Request ID: 129478. Contract ID: 3. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.016
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data for F.US.YMH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.016
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.EPH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.EP (corresponding to ID = 1) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.016
Symbol Error - F.US.EPH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.EP (corresponding to ID = 1) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.016
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Connected to server. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.029
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Starting socket receive thread. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.029
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.029
CQG WebAPI | Received symbol resolution report for symbol F.US.USAH20. Search Symbol: F.US.USAH20. Request ID: 129479. Contract ID: 4. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.058
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data for F.US.USAH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.058
CQG WebAPI | Received symbol resolution report for symbol F.US.RTYH20. Search Symbol: F.US.RTYH20. Request ID: 129480. Contract ID: 5. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.058
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data for F.US.RTYH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.058
CQG WebAPI | Received symbol resolution report for symbol F.US.JY6H20. Search Symbol: F.US.JY6H20. Request ID: 129481. Contract ID: 6. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.058
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data for F.US.JY6H20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.058
CQG WebAPI | Received symbol resolution report for symbol F.US.GCEJ20. Search Symbol: F.US.GCEJ20. Request ID: 129482. Contract ID: 7. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.059
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data for F.US.GCEJ20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.059
CQG WebAPI | Received symbol resolution report for symbol F.US.SIEH20. Search Symbol: F.US.SIEH20. Request ID: 129483. Contract ID: 8. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.059
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data for F.US.SIEH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.059
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.122
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Sending logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.122
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.ENQH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.ENQ (corresponding to ID = 2) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.130
Symbol Error - F.US.ENQH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.ENQ (corresponding to ID = 2) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.130
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.YMH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.YM (corresponding to ID = 3) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.130
Symbol Error - F.US.YMH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.YM (corresponding to ID = 3) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.130
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.USAH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.USA (corresponding to ID = 4) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.130
Symbol Error - F.US.USAH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.USA (corresponding to ID = 4) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.130
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.152
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.RTYH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.RTY (corresponding to ID = 5) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.187
Symbol Error - F.US.RTYH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.RTY (corresponding to ID = 5) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.187
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.JY6H20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.JY6 (corresponding to ID = 6) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.187
Symbol Error - F.US.JY6H20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.JY6 (corresponding to ID = 6) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.187
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.GCEJ20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.GCE (corresponding to ID = 7) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.187
Symbol Error - F.US.GCEJ20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.GCE (corresponding to ID = 7) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.187
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.SIEH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.SIE (corresponding to ID = 8) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.187
Symbol Error - F.US.SIEH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.SIE (corresponding to ID = 8) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.187
Requesting market depth updates for: F.US.ENQH20 if supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.561
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data including full depth for F.US.ENQH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.561
Requesting market depth updates for: F.US.GCEJ20 if supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.561
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data including full depth for F.US.GCEJ20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.561
Requesting market depth updates for: F.US.JY6H20 if supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.561
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data including full depth for F.US.JY6H20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
Requesting market depth updates for: F.US.RTYH20 if supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data including full depth for F.US.RTYH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
Requesting market depth updates for: F.US.SIEH20 if supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data including full depth for F.US.SIEH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
Requesting market depth updates for: F.US.USAH20 if supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data including full depth for F.US.USAH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
Requesting market depth updates for: F.US.YMH20 if supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
CQG WebAPI | Requesting market data including full depth for F.US.YMH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
Requesting market depth updates for: USDX if supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. USDX | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.562
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.ENQH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.ENQ (corresponding to ID = 2) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
Symbol Error - F.US.ENQH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.ENQ (corresponding to ID = 2) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.GCEJ20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.GCE (corresponding to ID = 7) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
Symbol Error - F.US.GCEJ20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.GCE (corresponding to ID = 7) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.JY6H20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.JY6 (corresponding to ID = 6) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
Symbol Error - F.US.JY6H20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.JY6 (corresponding to ID = 6) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.RTYH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.RTY (corresponding to ID = 5) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
Symbol Error - F.US.RTYH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.RTY (corresponding to ID = 5) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.SIEH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.SIE (corresponding to ID = 8) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
Symbol Error - F.US.SIEH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.SIE (corresponding to ID = 8) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.USAH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.USA (corresponding to ID = 4) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
Symbol Error - F.US.USAH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.USA (corresponding to ID = 4) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
CQG WebAPI | Market data subscription for F.US.YMH20 was unsuccessful. Text: Real-time data for instrument F.US.YM (corresponding to ID = 3) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
Symbol Error - F.US.YMH20 is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Real-time data for instrument F.US.YM (corresponding to ID = 3) are not allowed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.670
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Received logon response. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.684
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Server Name: SC Realtime Server. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.684
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.684
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Successfully connected. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.684
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Trading is not supported. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.685
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: USDX | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.685
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Received security definition for symbol USDX | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.778
HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.EPH20 to the file F.US.EPH20.scid. Service: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.883
HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-20 09:33:52.000 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.887
HD Request # 1 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.887
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.888
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:13.888
HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:14.030
HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:14.030
HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-20 09:33:52. Record interval: 0. Symbol: F.US.EPH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:14.577
HD Request # 1 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:14.641
HD Request # 1 | Receiving Intraday data for F.US.EPH20 starting at 2020-02-20 09:33:52 | 2020-02-20 09:54:14.805
HD Request # 1 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-20 09:33:52 | 2020-02-20 09:54:14.941
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.089
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.089
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.089
HD Request # 1 | Received 119137 records from 2020-02-20 09:33:52.000 to 2020-02-20 09:54:17.023 (20.4 minutes) and wrote 118999 records for F.US.EPH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.089
HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 2s | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.094
HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.EPH20. Unique request ID: 1 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.094
Removing historical data download ID 1. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.094
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.EPH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.094
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.EPH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.094
HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.094

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.095
HD Request # 2 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.ENQH20 to the file F.US.ENQH20.scid. Service: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.095
HD Request # 2 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:34.000 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.096
HD Request # 2 | Using server: ds3.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.096
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.096
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.096
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.154
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.154
HD Request # 2 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.229
HD Request # 2 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.229
HD Request # 2 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:34. Record interval: 0. Symbol: F.US.ENQH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.289
HD Request # 2 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.349
HD Request # 2 | Receiving Intraday data for F.US.ENQH20 starting at 2020-02-20 08:54:34 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.549
HD Request # 2 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-20 08:54:34 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.610
F.US.ENQH20 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.726
Chart #4 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 09:54:15.726
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.017
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.017
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.017
HD Request # 2 | Received 160576 records from 2020-02-20 08:54:34.000 to 2020-02-20 09:54:18.070 (59.7 minutes) and wrote 160542 records for F.US.ENQH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.017
HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
HD Request # 2 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.ENQH20. Unique request ID: 2 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
Removing historical data download ID 2. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.ENQH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.ENQH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
HD Request # 2 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
HD Request # 3 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.YMH20 to the file F.US.YMH20.scid. Service: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
HD Request # 3 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:36.000 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
HD Request # 3 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.021
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.080
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.080
HD Request # 3 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.161
HD Request # 3 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.161
HD Request # 3 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:36. Record interval: 0. Symbol: F.US.YMH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.225
HD Request # 3 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.289
HD Request # 3 | Receiving Intraday data for F.US.YMH20 starting at 2020-02-20 08:54:36 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.439
HD Request # 3 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-20 08:54:36 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.649
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.657
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.657
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.657
HD Request # 3 | Received 60632 records from 2020-02-20 08:54:36.000 to 2020-02-20 09:54:17.025 (59.7 minutes) and wrote 60626 records for F.US.YMH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.657
HD Request # 3 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
HD Request # 3 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.YMH20. Unique request ID: 3 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
Removing historical data download ID 3. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.YMH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.YMH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
HD Request # 3 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
HD Request # 4 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.USAH20 to the file F.US.USAH20.scid. Service: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
HD Request # 4 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:33.000 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
HD Request # 4 | Using server: ds3.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.662
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.722
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.722
HD Request # 4 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.799
HD Request # 4 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.799
HD Request # 4 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:33. Record interval: 0. Symbol: F.US.USAH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.859
HD Request # 4 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:16.919
HD Request # 4 | Receiving Intraday data for F.US.USAH20 starting at 2020-02-20 08:54:33 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.163
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.167
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.168
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.168
HD Request # 4 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-20 08:54:37 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.168
HD Request # 4 | Received 23015 records from 2020-02-20 08:54:33.000 to 2020-02-20 09:54:14.000 (59.7 minutes) and wrote 22929 records for F.US.USAH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.168
HD Request # 4 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.173
HD Request # 4 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.USAH20. Unique request ID: 4 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.173
Removing historical data download ID 4. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.173
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.USAH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.173
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.USAH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.173
HD Request # 4 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.173

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.173
HD Request # 5 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.RTYH20 to the file F.US.RTYH20.scid. Service: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.173
HD Request # 5 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:36.000 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.173
HD Request # 5 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.174
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.174
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.174
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.231
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.231
HD Request # 5 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.309
HD Request # 5 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.309
HD Request # 5 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:36. Record interval: 0. Symbol: F.US.RTYH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.372
HD Request # 5 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.437
HD Request # 5 | Receiving Intraday data for F.US.RTYH20 starting at 2020-02-20 08:54:36 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.590
HD Request # 5 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-20 08:54:36 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.720
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.721
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.721
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.721
HD Request # 5 | Received 32050 records from 2020-02-20 08:54:36.000 to 2020-02-20 09:54:19.008 (59.7 minutes) and wrote 32048 records for F.US.RTYH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.721
HD Request # 5 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.725
HD Request # 5 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.RTYH20. Unique request ID: 5 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.725
Removing historical data download ID 5. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.725
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.RTYH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.725
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.RTYH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.725
HD Request # 5 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.725

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.726
HD Request # 6 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.JY6H20 to the file F.US.JY6H20.scid. Service: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.726
HD Request # 6 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:37.000 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.727
HD Request # 6 | Using server: ds3.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.727
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.727
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.727
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.787
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.787
HD Request # 6 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.867
HD Request # 6 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.867
HD Request # 6 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:37. Record interval: 0. Symbol: F.US.JY6H20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.928
HD Request # 6 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:17.990
HD Request # 6 | Receiving Intraday data for F.US.JY6H20 starting at 2020-02-20 08:54:37 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.151
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.154
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.154
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.154
HD Request # 6 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-20 08:54:39 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.154
HD Request # 6 | Received 12261 records from 2020-02-20 08:54:37.000 to 2020-02-20 09:54:16.000 (59.6 minutes) and wrote 12253 records for F.US.JY6H20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.154
HD Request # 6 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.158
HD Request # 6 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.JY6H20. Unique request ID: 6 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.158
Removing historical data download ID 6. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.158
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.JY6H20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.158
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.JY6H20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.158
HD Request # 6 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.158

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.158
HD Request # 7 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.GCEJ20 to the file F.US.GCEJ20.scid. Service: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.158
HD Request # 7 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:38.000 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.158
HD Request # 7 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.159
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.159
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.159
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.221
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.221
HD Request # 7 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.303
HD Request # 7 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.303
HD Request # 7 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:38. Record interval: 0. Symbol: F.US.GCEJ20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.367
HD Request # 7 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.431
HD Request # 7 | Receiving Intraday data for F.US.GCEJ20 starting at 2020-02-20 08:54:38 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.583
HD Request # 7 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-20 08:54:39 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.707
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.707
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.707
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.707
HD Request # 7 | Received 35115 records from 2020-02-20 08:54:38.000 to 2020-02-20 09:54:19.000 (59.7 minutes) and wrote 35112 records for F.US.GCEJ20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.708
HD Request # 7 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.711
HD Request # 7 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.GCEJ20. Unique request ID: 7 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.711
Removing historical data download ID 7. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.711
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.GCEJ20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.711
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.GCEJ20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.711
HD Request # 7 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.711

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.711
HD Request # 8 | Downloading Intraday chart data for USDX to the file USDX.scid. Service: fxstatscalc | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.711
HD Request # 8 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-20 09:33:45.000 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.711
HD Request # 8 | Using server: ds3.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.712
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.712
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.712
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.774
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.774
HD Request # 8 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.851
HD Request # 8 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.851
HD Request # 8 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-20 09:33:45. Record interval: 0. Symbol: USDX | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.911
HD Request # 8 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:18.972
HD Request # 8 | Receiving Intraday data for USDX starting at 2020-02-20 09:33:45 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.110
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.111
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.111
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.113
HD Request # 8 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-20 09:33:46 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.113
HD Request # 8 | Received 1231 records from 2020-02-20 09:33:45.000 to 2020-02-20 09:54:20.000 (20.6 minutes) and wrote 1230 records for USDX | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.114
Added 4 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for USDX after download. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.118
HD Request # 8 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.122
HD Request # 8 | Intraday data download complete for USDX. Unique request ID: 8 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.122
Removing historical data download ID 8. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.122
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for USDX | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.122
Intraday chart data file opened for USDX | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.122
HD Request # 8 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.122

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.122
HD Request # 9 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.SIEH20 to the file F.US.SIEH20.scid. Service: cqg | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.122
HD Request # 9 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:39.000 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.123
HD Request # 9 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.123
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.123
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.123
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.190
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.190
HD Request # 9 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.266
HD Request # 9 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.266
HD Request # 9 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-20 08:54:39. Record interval: 0. Symbol: F.US.SIEH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.333
HD Request # 9 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.407
HD Request # 9 | Receiving Intraday data for F.US.SIEH20 starting at 2020-02-20 08:54:39 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.481
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.482
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.482
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.482
HD Request # 9 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-20 08:54:44 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.482
HD Request # 9 | Received 6475 records from 2020-02-20 08:54:39.000 to 2020-02-20 09:54:20.001 (59.7 minutes) and wrote 6470 records for F.US.SIEH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.483
HD Request # 9 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.486
HD Request # 9 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.SIEH20. Unique request ID: 9 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.486
Removing historical data download ID 9. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.486
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.SIEH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.486
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.SIEH20 | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.486
HD Request # 9 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.486

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.486
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.555
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 09:54:19.555
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:20.784
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 09:54:21.234
F.US.EPH20 5 Min #3 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 09:54:21.602
F.US.GCEJ20 5 Min #16 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 09:54:21.633
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\USDX.scid | 2020-02-20 09:54:22.690
Reloading charts due to time zone change. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.866
CQG WebAPI | Sending Web API Logoff message. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.868
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.868
CQG WebSocket | WebSocket closed. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.868
CQG WebAPI | WebSocket closed. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.868
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Write in progress. Shutdown being delayed. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.868
DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.872
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Disconnected from the server. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.872
CQG WebAPI | Disconnected. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.872
Symbol settings could not be loaded because there are no applicable files to load. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.872
DTC Client socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.872
Requested symbol settings for service code sc_futures.dtc.trading. Request ID: 2. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.872
CQG WebSocket socket (0) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.873
CQG WebSocket socket (0) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.874
CQG WebSocket socket (0) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.874
Current selected Data/Trading service: SC Futures Order Routing/Data | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.876
Will reconnect to the server in 1.0 seconds. Select 'File >> Disconnect' to prevent further connection attempts. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.876
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Write has completed. Shutdown being performed. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.933
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.933
DTC Client socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.935
DTC Client socket (2) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.935
F.US.SIEH20 5 Min #39 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.964
F.US.EPH20 Rev. 5t #35 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.969
F.US.EPH20 60 Min #41 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.976
F.US.EPH20 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.980
F.US.ENQH20 5 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.987
F.US.GCEJ20 5 Min #16 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.991
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.994
CQG WebSocket socket (1) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.994
F.US.YMH20 5 Min #7 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:56.998
F.US.EPH20 2.50 Range #33 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.003
F.US.USAH20 5 Min #8 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.070
F.US.RTYH20 5 Min #5 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.163
F.US.JY6H20 5 Min #9 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.167
F.US.EPH20 Rev. 5t #1 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.413
F.US.SIEH20 5 Min #39 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.416
F.US.EPH20 2.50 Range #2 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.421
F.US.GCEJ20 5 Min #11 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.426
USDX[M] 5 Min #12 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.430
F.US.EPH20 1.25 Range #36 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.435
F.US.EPH20 1 Min #17 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.440
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.471
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 11:55:57.915
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.226
Symbol settings received. Request ID: 2. | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.304
F.US.JY6H20 5 Min #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.551
Chart #9 has tagged chart #16 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.551
F.US.RTYH20 5 Min #5 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.563
Chart #5 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.563
F.US.USAH20 5 Min #8 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.564
Chart #8 has tagged chart #16 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.565
USDX[M] 5 Min #12 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.566
Chart #12 has tagged chart #16 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.566

SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Connecting to the server futurestrading2.sierracharts.com. Port 11098 | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.578
DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2. | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.633
DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.633
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Connected to server. | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.715
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Starting socket receive thread. | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.715
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.716
F.US.GCEJ20 5 Min #11 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.791
Chart #11 has tagged chart #16 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.791
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.909
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Sending logon request message. | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.909
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Received logon response. | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.970
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Server Name: SC DTC Server. | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.970
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.970
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Connection error: Trade account not assigned. | 2020-02-20 11:55:58.970 *
DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-20 11:55:59.019
DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-20 11:55:59.019
SC Futures Order Routing/Data | Disconnected. | 2020-02-20 11:55:59.019
DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-20 11:55:59.079
DTC Client socket (1) | Closed. | 2020-02-20 11:55:59.079
F.US.YMH20 5 Min #7 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 11:55:59.085
Chart #7 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:55:59.085
F.US.ENQH20 5 Min #4 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-20 11:56:00.852
Chart #4 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:56:00.852
Chart #33 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:56:03.202
Chart #33 has tagged chart #36 for full recalculation. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:56:03.202
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 11:56:06.157
Loading market depth data. | 2020-02-20 11:56:06.251
F.US.EPH20 5 Min #3 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:56:06.520
F.US.GCEJ20 5 Min #16 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: TRADEPRO ES.Cht | 2020-02-20 11:56:06.543
[2020-02-21 01:58:10]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We see the reason for the problem. This is an an inadvertent issue due to a recent change. We have it now resolved and we will have a new version out in about an hour. We apologize for the delay.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-02-21 05:36:03]
User816612 - Posts: 4
I waited 2 hours for your update to take effect (9PM AZ Time, 11PM EST).
I closed the chartbook, disconnected the data feed, and launched update to the latest version of Sierra Charts. No update was applied. I'm still running version 2054, 64-bit.
I connected to the data feed and loaded my chartbook. I still do not have streaming data.
I waited another 1.5 hours and tried again. Close chartbook, disconnect/reconnect, open chartbook, market price was frozen at 3357.0 for 10 minutes.
Once again, I closed chartbook, disconnect/reconnect, open chartbook, now market price is frozen at 3354.75 for another 10 minutes.
This is the Message Log copied at 11PM EST.

(Message Log removed)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-02-21 05:37:39
[2020-02-21 05:42:24]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We are doing some additional code review before we get the release out. We have activated the real-time data for your account now. You should be receiving it now.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-02-21 05:42:33
[2020-02-24 09:47:03]
User658577 - Posts: 3
I have the same problem. My broker is AMP, using CQG data feed and have no real-time feed.

It says "Market data subscription for F.US.MNQH20 was unsuccessful. Rea-time data is not allowed" and I also get a symbol error.

Please, advise!

I have found a solution. In the Data/Trade Service Settings I've unchecked the Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds. Now I'm getting the real-time data.

Yes, it probably was coincidental. I checked it back again and it works fine.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-02-25 11:10:10
[2020-02-25 03:50:25]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
"Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds " is definitely completely unrelated to the problem. If you no longer are getting that error, your unchecking of that option is completely coincidental. This is with certainty.

We have heard that CQG has had some problem related to market data authorizations and that is why you are getting the error.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-02-25 04:11:10]
User712893 - Posts: 11
Reading Internal Order ID file. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.582
Reading Trade Orders file. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.629
Reading Trade Positions file. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.632
Reading Account Balance file. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.635
UDPListener (1404). Port 22904 | Listening on UDP port 22904. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Software version: 2056 64-bit | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Enabled for: Advanced Features 2. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Enabled for exchange2: CME (Trading Account Required) | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Enabled for exchange2: CBOT (Trading Account Required) | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Enabled for exchange2: COMEX (Trading Account Required) | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX (Trading Account Required) | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Current selected Data/Trading service: CQG WebAPI | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Custom symbol settings values: enabled | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Chart Update Interval: 500 | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0 | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Time Zone: -05:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00) | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
2020-02-24 23:07:41 Local computer time | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
2020-02-25 04:07:41 Local computer time in UTC | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
2020-02-24 23:07:41 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
2020-02-25 04:07:41 Server time in UTC | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 0 seconds. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Program path: C:\SierraChart\ | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\ | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.650
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.651
Locale Setting: C | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.651

Created the DTC Protocol server. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.663
DTC Protocol Server listening on port 11099. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.664
Created the DTC Protocol historical data server. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.664
HD Server Manager | Listening on port 11098 | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.665
Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code cqg. Request ID: 1. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.665
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.683
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.683
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:41.683
Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1. | 2020-02-24 23:07:42.380
Symbol settings are up-to-date for cqg. | 2020-02-24 23:07:42.380
Received 5 login tokens. | 2020-02-24 23:07:42.403
HTTPS connection ID:2 to www.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:2 (2) | Close event error. Windows error code 10053: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. | 2020-02-24 23:07:42.651 *
Files to Open on Start up | Opening file: ExampleChartbook.cht | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.253
XAUUSD 1 Min #1 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.283
XAUUSD Daily #2 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.319
US30 1 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.330
USOil 1 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.369
F.US.EPH20 1 Min #5 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.421
$INX Daily #6 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.434
EURUSD Daily #7 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.494
EURUSD 5 Min #8 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.534
F.US.EPH20 #9 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.608
F.US.EPH20 1 Min #10 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.812
$INX Daily #6 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChart\Data\$INX.dly | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.842
Using Bid/Ask average for last trade price for XAUUSD | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.976
Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.977
Starting HDTimeoutTimer | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.977
Added historical Intraday data request for XAUUSD to the queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.977
Intraday data recording state for symbol XAUUSD is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.977
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.977
HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for XAUUSD to the file XAUUSD.scid. Service: fxcm | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.977
HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:07:25.000 | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.978
HD Request # 1 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.978
Socket (1) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.979
Socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.979
Added historical Daily data request for XAUUSD to the queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.980
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.980
Using Bid/Ask average for last trade price for US30 | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.998
Added historical Intraday data request for US30 to the queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.999
Intraday data recording state for symbol US30 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-24 23:07:45.999
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.009
Using Bid/Ask average for last trade price for USOil | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.017
Added historical Intraday data request for USOil to the queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.017
Intraday data recording state for symbol USOil is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.017
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.017
Added historical Intraday data request for F.US.EPH20 to the queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.021
Intraday data recording state for symbol F.US.EPH20 is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.021
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.021
Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.025
Starting HDTimeoutTimer | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.025
Added historical Daily data request for $INX to the queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.025
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.025
HD Request # 2 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for $INX. Starting date: 1970-02-24. Service: sp.index | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.026
HD Request # 2 | Requesting historical Daily data for $INX starting at 1970-02-23 | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.026
Added historical Daily data request for EURUSD to the queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.027
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.027
Using Bid/Ask average for last trade price for EURUSD | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.027
Added historical Intraday data request for EURUSD to the queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.038
Intraday data recording state for symbol EURUSD is set to download 'Pending'. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.038
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.038
HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.087
HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.087
HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:07:25. Record interval: 0. Symbol: XAUUSD | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.616
HD Request # 1 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.650
HD Request # 1 | Receiving Intraday data for XAUUSD starting at 2020-02-24 23:07:25 | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.650
Socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.651
Socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.651
HD Request # 1 | Historical data for XAUUSD is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.651
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.651
HD Request # 1 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-24 23:07:26 | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.651
HD Request # 1 | Received 22 records from 2020-02-24 23:07:25.000 to 2020-02-24 23:07:41.000 (16.0 seconds) and wrote 20 records for XAUUSD | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.651
HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.652
HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for XAUUSD. Unique request ID: 1 | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.652
Removing historical data download ID 1. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.652
HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.652

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.652
HD Request # 3 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for XAUUSD. Starting date: 2020-02-21. Service: fxcm | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.653
HD Request # 3 | Using server: ds3.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.654
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.654
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.654
Socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.694
Socket (1) | Closed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.694
HD Request # 3 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.750
HD Request # 3 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.750
HD Request # 3 | Requesting historical Daily data starting at 2020-02-21. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.784
HD Request # 3 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.829
HD Request # 3 | Receiving historical Daily data for XAUUSD starting at 2020-02-21 | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.892
HD Request # 3 | Writing historical Daily data to the file XAUUSD.dly | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.893
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.912
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.912
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.913
HD Request # 3 | Received 3 records from 2020-02-21 00:00:00 to 2020-02-25 00:00:00 (5.0 days) and wrote 3 records for XAUUSD | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.913
HD Request # 3 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.913
HD Request # 3 | Daily data download complete for XAUUSD. Unique request ID: 2 | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.913
Removing historical data download ID 2. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.913

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.913
HD Request # 4 | Downloading Intraday chart data for US30 to the file US30.scid. Service: fxcm | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.913
HD Request # 4 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:07:24.000 | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.914
HD Request # 4 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.914
Socket (1) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.914
Socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.914
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.958
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:46.958
HD Request # 4 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.010
HD Request # 4 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.010
HD Request # 4 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:07:24. Record interval: 0. Symbol: US30 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.042
HD Request # 4 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.072
HD Request # 4 | Receiving Intraday data for US30 starting at 2020-02-24 23:07:24 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.073
Socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.073
Socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.073
HD Request # 4 | Historical data for US30 is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.073
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.073
HD Request # 4 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-24 23:07:26 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.073
HD Request # 4 | Received 18 records from 2020-02-24 23:07:24.000 to 2020-02-24 23:07:37.000 (13.0 seconds) and wrote 13 records for US30 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
HD Request # 4 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
HD Request # 4 | Intraday data download complete for US30. Unique request ID: 3 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
Removing historical data download ID 3. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
HD Request # 4 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
HD Request # 5 | Downloading Intraday chart data for USOil to the file USOil.scid. Service: fxcm | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
HD Request # 5 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:07:24.000 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
HD Request # 5 | Using server: ds3.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.074
Socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.122
Socket (1) | Closed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.122
HD Request # 5 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.178
HD Request # 5 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.178
HD Request # 5 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:07:24. Record interval: 0. Symbol: USOil | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.213
HD Request # 5 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.245
HD Request # 5 | Receiving Intraday data for USOil starting at 2020-02-24 23:07:24 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.245
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
HD Request # 5 | Historical data for USOil is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
HD Request # 5 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-24 23:07:26 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
HD Request # 5 | Received 5 records from 2020-02-24 23:07:24.000 to 2020-02-24 23:07:27.000 (3.0 seconds) and wrote 4 records for USOil | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
HD Request # 5 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
HD Request # 5 | Intraday data download complete for USOil. Unique request ID: 4 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
Removing historical data download ID 4. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
HD Request # 5 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
HD Request # 6 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.EPH20 to the file F.US.EPH20.scid. Service: cqg | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.246
HD Request # 6 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:03:29.000 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.247
HD Request # 6 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.247
Socket (1) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.247
Socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.247
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.288
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.288
XAUUSD[M] Daily #2 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.327
HD Request # 6 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.358
HD Request # 6 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.358
HD Request # 6 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:03:29. Record interval: 0. Symbol: F.US.EPH20 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.388
Socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.449
Socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.449
HD Request # 6 | Historical data for F.US.EPH20 is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.449
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.449
HD Request # 6 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00.000 to 00:00:00.000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for F.US.EPH20 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.450
HD Request # 6 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.450
HD Request # 6 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.EPH20. Unique request ID: 5 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.450
Removing historical data download ID 5. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.450
HD Request # 6 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.450

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.450
HD Request # 7 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for EURUSD. Starting date: 2020-02-21. Service: fxcm | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.451
HD Request # 7 | Using server: ds3.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.451
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.451
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.451
Socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.493
Socket (1) | Closed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.493
HD Request # 7 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.570
HD Request # 7 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.570
HD Request # 7 | Requesting historical Daily data starting at 2020-02-21. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.599
HD Request # 7 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.641
HD Request # 7 | Receiving historical Daily data for EURUSD starting at 2020-02-21 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.668
HD Request # 7 | Writing historical Daily data to the file EURUSD.dly | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.668
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.710
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.710
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.711
HD Request # 7 | Received 3 records from 2020-02-21 00:00:00 to 2020-02-25 00:00:00 (5.0 days) and wrote 3 records for EURUSD | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.711
HD Request # 7 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.711
HD Request # 7 | Daily data download complete for EURUSD. Unique request ID: 7 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.711
Removing historical data download ID 7. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.711

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.711
HD Request # 8 | Downloading Intraday chart data for EURUSD to the file EURUSD.scid. Service: fxcm | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.711
HD Request # 8 | Download start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:07:05.000 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.712
HD Request # 8 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.712
Socket (1) | Creating socket. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.712
Socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.712
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.754
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.754

HD Request # 8 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.830
HD Request # 8 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.830
CQG WebAPI | Connecting to server api.cqg.com | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.830
CQG WebSocket | Connecting to WebSocket server api.cqg.com:443 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.830
CQG WebSocket socket (3) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.831
CQG WebSocket socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.831
HD Request # 8 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2020-02-24 23:07:05. Record interval: 0. Symbol: EURUSD | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.862
CQG WebSocket | Opening WebSocket. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.882
CQG WebSocket | Sending WebSocket handshake. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.882
HD Request # 8 | Decompressing data. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.897
HD Request # 8 | Receiving Intraday data for EURUSD starting at 2020-02-24 23:07:05 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.897
Socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
Socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
HD Request # 8 | Historical data for EURUSD is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
HD Request # 8 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2020-02-24 23:07:32 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
HD Request # 8 | Received 8 records from 2020-02-24 23:07:05.000 to 2020-02-24 23:07:32.005 (27.0 seconds) and wrote 6 records for EURUSD | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
HD Request # 8 | Completion time: 0s | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
HD Request # 8 | Intraday data download complete for EURUSD. Unique request ID: 8 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
Removing historical data download ID 8. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
HD Request # 8 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.898
Socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.934
Socket (1) | Closed. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.934
F.US.EPH20 1 Min #10 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.976
EURUSD[M] Daily #7 | Reloading chart. | 2020-02-24 23:07:47.988
CQG WebSocket | Server header | HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.081
CQG WebSocket | Server header | Connection: upgrade | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.081
CQG WebSocket | Server header | Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 1HOpooCcS0/nJEsVI8jHEuGI7hE= | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.081
CQG WebSocket | Server header | Server: WebSocket++/0.7.0 | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.081
CQG WebSocket | Server header | Upgrade: websocket | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.081
CQG WebSocket | Server header | | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.081
CQG WebSocket | Web socket state is now open. | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.081
CQG WebAPI | WebSocket connected. | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.081
CQG WebAPI | Sending market data logon message. | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.081
CQG WebAPI | Base Time: 2020-02-16T22:05:42. 2020-02-16 22:05:42 | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.236
CQG WebAPI | Logon successful. Session Token = XPTybXKhVclJrB9mnpPJTSLFD5tuHb4/V2em5htfrKQYW3HwQ3llA3nmZ7mXfdBB15Eju5D/Ssf | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.236
CQG WebAPI | Connected to data and trading server. | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.236
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.236
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.236
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.236
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.236
Notice: Not connected to Live trading account to receive CME realtime futures data at non-professional fees. | 2020-02-24 23:07:48.237
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-02-25 04:46:10
[2020-02-25 04:47:29]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We apologize. The solution we released previously was not implemented correctly. We are correcting this now and will have version 2057 out in about 20 minutes.

For the time being we have authorized your account for the CME group data. So you should begin to receive it in a couple of minutes.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-02-25 04:47:35

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