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Date/Time: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 05:35:18 +0000

Pencil Cursor in Draw Mode does not always work?

View Count: 1391

[2014-09-22 15:01:00]
User51760 - Posts: 108
Hello Support Team,

on having activated the Pencil Cursor in Draw Mode through Menu >> Global Settings >> Tool Settings >> General the Pencil Cursor does not appear reliable in all charts and chartbooks. There are chartbooks showing the Pencil Cursor, other bringing up the standard windows pointer in the same instance of Sierra Chart. We find this effect on 3 different installations of Sierra Chart on 3 different computers.
Since we assume the Switch to Pencil Cursor in Draw Mode is a global setting: What are we missing?

Thank you for your support,


[2014-09-22 16:07:35]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
This is a global option for an instance of Sierra Chart. The pencil is only active when actively using a tool (i.e. line). When the tool is active within a chart, the cursor changes to the pencil and remains active as long as the tool is active, even when changing charts/chartbooks. We do not see any issue with multiple charts/chartbooks, even when windows are detached.

Are you using any other options like having the chart values tool always active?
[2014-09-22 18:01:19]
User51760 - Posts: 108
Thank you Support Team for your fast reply.

We would expect the Pencil Cursor functioning as you explain. It does not. On certain chartbooks the windows pointer is active, on some chartbooks in the same installation at the same time the Pencil Cursor is active.
Opening a NEW chartbook and opening a NEW chart the Pencil Cursor will work globally in this installation of SC. Exiting Sierra Chart and restarting the unpredictibility of cursor shape is back.

We find this on 2 different Windows 7 and one Windows 8.1 machines, so we can reproduce the effect.

Yes, we are using other options - we have the Tool Values Window active; but also on deactivating it the cursor's behaviour stays the same.

Hope there is a solution,


[2014-09-22 18:25:27]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
Would it be possible to record a quick video of this happening so we can see the sequence to help us reproduce? Either post a link here or send to support _@_ sierrachart.com with subject Pencil Video For Al
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-09-22 20:29:01
[2014-09-23 11:55:04]
User51760 - Posts: 108
Al, thank you for your reply.

I sent a video.

Thank you for your support,


Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-09-24 20:28:17
[2014-09-24 14:07:50]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
We have been able to reproduce, and are working to address the issue.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-09-24 14:08:17
[2014-09-24 19:48:41]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
This will be addressed in ver 1196.

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