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Date/Time: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 21:16:00 +0000

Live Data Feed Issues

View Count: 42

[2024-12-02 13:12:10]
Kadodia12 - Posts: 14

I need to renew my live data feed with AMP clearing firm, whom I am a client with and have got my sierra platform setup with them.

However, I'm not sure which option on their site to select in terms of data feed. I selected the 'Sierra Chart - Denali - CQG (No Data - Order Routing only)' option as I did last year, but when I select the 'CQG WebAPI' option from global 'trade/data service settings' under Global Settings in sierra, to access my account with AMP, I get the message saying 'real-time data subscription for XXX instrument has ended' and nothing loads.

Pls help with this so I can continue getting live data.

[2024-12-02 19:05:08]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36617
You are setup to get your live data for the CME Group from our Denali Exchange Data Feed. You need to continue to do so, as we do not have connectivity with CQG for data for the CME Group and EUREX.

You should be selecting "CQG WebAPI" for the "Current Selected Service" in Sierra Chart.

The particular error you are stating is not familiar. Can you please get us your Message Log or a screenshot of the error you are getting. You should not be getting any errors if you are getting your data from us and trading with CQG.
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