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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:12:07 +0000

ACSIL User study compilies into DLL and file is located in Da

View Count: 203

[2024-06-28 15:18:29]
bennomori - Posts: 5
Hi Team, firstly I wanted to let you know I am blown away by the depth of functionality - learning so many new features daily. Amazing.

My challenge: I have coded a few user studies in ACSIL and they compiled just fine, and were then viewable via the 'Analysis'-Add Custom Study route, and added to my chart(s). They work great. I have coded a further study that adds slope lines to RSI pivots, it compiles without errors, and shows up as a final .dll file in Sierrachart/Data folder BUT does not show up in the Add Custom Study list as the others had... I have tried compiling other simpler studies and same issue - shows up in the Folder but not in the study list. Must be something I am doing incorrectly for sure. Or have I used up my quota? :-) I did search for some similar issues/oversights but nothing as yet. Thanks when you have some time to reply.

Regards and thanks a million,

[2024-06-28 15:20:25]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
There is no "quota" on the number of studies you can compile or have available.

One of the reasons this can happen is if you have an underscore character (_) near the _64. For instance, we saw this recently with someone that had something like the following:

This would not load until they removed the _2.
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[2024-06-29 00:47:25]
bennomori - Posts: 5
Many thanks John, that possibility did cross my mind but I have tried a number of file names with and without underscores and same result.

Other steps I have taken:

I re-installed and updated version of Sierrachart thinking I may have changed something that caused the issue - but no change on new install.
Which made me assume it was compiler related so I reinstalled my VSC and no change.
I also used the remote compiler and that gets the file compiled and into the Data folder but still not appearing under my Add Custom studies list.

Any other thoughts. I am running a very fast machine, loads of memory and disk.

Just wondering are the options in the Build menu relvant to the issue, e.g. 'release all' 'release single'

Some output text from the latest build

-- Starting remote build of Custom Studies Source files: Untitled.cpp. 64-bit -- 19:32:09

Allow time for the server to compile the files and build the DLL.

Server: https://build.sierrachart.com
The remote build is complete.
The build succeeded.
The compiler response is empty.

Writing file to: C:\SierraChart\Data\Untitled_64.dll
-- End of Build -- 19:32:15

I have uploaded an example of a file I last compiled

Thanks again for the suggestions - I will try a few more tweaks and perhaps try this on another instance of SC
Private File
Attachment Deleted.
[2024-07-01 14:04:27]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
We get the following in the Message Log when we try to access this DLL:
2024-07-01 08:54:23.040 | No custom study function names found in C:\Users\Owner\Documents\SierraChart\Data\Untitled_64.dll
2024-07-01 08:54:23.040 | InternalVersionNumberToFileNameMap is empty for Untitled
2024-07-01 08:54:23.040 | Closest match search for: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\SierraChart\Data\Untitled.dll returned empty result. *

So it appears there is something wrong with the code where it is missing a function name. We are not sure if this is the actual function name, or perhaps the sc.GraphName.
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[2024-07-01 20:55:25]
User275839 - Posts: 61
Hi -

Maybe this is helpful, maybe not...

The errors that @John - SC Support mentions are identical to what I saw following a clean install of Win11.

I found that some 3rd party DLLs have implicit dependencies on various library DLLs that get apparently get installed when you install Visual Studio.

Downloading and installing just the standard MS C and C++ redistributable libraries didn't fix things. I had to reinstall Visual Studio to get the necessary I-don't-even-know-what files to be available. BTW, I installed VS 2022.

You can use the dumpbin tool that comes with VS to examine dependencies for any built DLLs.
[2024-07-01 22:59:07]
bennomori - Posts: 5
Thanks John and 275839. It was both problems :-) I was using a template that had not been updating properly with function name. My VSC still won't compile properly so have defaulted to the remote builder - not an SC issue as ususal :-))
Much appreciated for all your help - thanks again

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