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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:05:06 +0000

Post From: ACSIL User study compilies into DLL and file is located in Da

[2024-06-28 15:18:29]
bennomori - Posts: 5
Hi Team, firstly I wanted to let you know I am blown away by the depth of functionality - learning so many new features daily. Amazing.

My challenge: I have coded a few user studies in ACSIL and they compiled just fine, and were then viewable via the 'Analysis'-Add Custom Study route, and added to my chart(s). They work great. I have coded a further study that adds slope lines to RSI pivots, it compiles without errors, and shows up as a final .dll file in Sierrachart/Data folder BUT does not show up in the Add Custom Study list as the others had... I have tried compiling other simpler studies and same issue - shows up in the Folder but not in the study list. Must be something I am doing incorrectly for sure. Or have I used up my quota? :-) I did search for some similar issues/oversights but nothing as yet. Thanks when you have some time to reply.

Regards and thanks a million,
