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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:44:19 +0000


View Count: 200

[2024-02-22 13:36:57]
CHIDERA - Posts: 1
Greetings, so currently I'm having issues with my PC, so I haven't been able to use the Sierra chart since after I made the recent payment. I was wondering instead of my data time usage just going to waste because of lack of use, IS POSSIBLE TO TEMPORARILY DEACTIVATE THE DATA FOR SOME TIME, MAYBE A WEEK? . Until I repair my PC.
I will greatly appreciate it, if there is a way out, to avoid not enjoying what I paid for.
Best Regards
[2024-02-22 17:53:00]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
We do not have a way to 'Pause' subscriptions. The only option available is if you have more than 31 days of Usage Time remaining, then we can refund the usage time in whole month (31 day) increments. You only have 25 days of Usage Time remaining, so this is not an option.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2024-06-26 19:31:23]
User981290 - Posts: 2
Would you be able to either refund the usage time I have paid for or pause it as this person has requested for my account? I'm making a move across the county soon and switching roles into a different position so I will not be able to use my Sierra chart over the next few months. I would greatly appreciate it!
[2024-06-26 19:42:11]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254

You had 169 days of Usage Time remaining. As noted above, we give Usage Time refunds in whole month (31 day) increments. Therefore we were able to refund 5 months (155 days) of Usage Time for your account back to your Services Surplus.

At this time, you have 14 days of Usage Time remaining. After July 9, 2024 your account will automatically be put in a disabled state. There is nothing further you need to do at this time.

If you would like for us to refund the Services Surplus balance in your account to your payment method, then please open an Account Support Ticket making this request. Note that there is a $5.00 processing fee for payment refunds. The Account Support Tickets can be accessed at the following link:
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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