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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 19:38:29 +0000

New Teton User - Data Delayed - should not be

View Count: 794

[2022-01-20 21:02:02]
tradezilla1 - Posts: 69
Hi there, I have activated Real-time CME Group Exchanges, but my charts are still delayed.

My agreements are complete
My account is verified -- I am using Teton Order Routing thought Phillip Capital

Can someone please take a look for me? Thank you

Reading Internal Order ID file. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.205
Reading Trade Orders file. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.430
Reading Trade Positions file. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.430
Reading Trade Account Data files. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.430
UDPListener (1532). Port 22903 | Listening on UDP port 22903. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.461
Software version: 2345 64-bit | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Primary Thread ID: 11936 | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Usage end date: 2022-02-11 | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Enabled for exchange2: CME (Trading Account Required) | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Enabled for exchange2: CBOT (Trading Account Required) | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Enabled for exchange2: COMEX (Trading Account Required) | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX (Trading Account Required) | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Enabled for exchange2: fairx_exchange.data | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is disabled. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Current selected Data/Trading service: Teton CME Order Routing | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Custom symbol settings values: disabled | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Chart Update Interval: 500 | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0 | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Time Zone: -05:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00) | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
2022-01-20 20:53:31 Local computer time in UTC | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
2022-01-20 15:53:31 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
2022-01-20 20:53:33 Server time in UTC | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 3 seconds. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Program path: C:\SierraChart\ | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\ | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Locale Setting: C | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
DLLs: UserContributedStudies.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll, ZerolagMacd (3).dll | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462
Allowed protected custom studies: | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.462

Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading. Request ID: 1. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.492
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.541
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.721
HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed. | 2022-01-20 15:53:31.722
Received 5 login tokens. | 2022-01-20 15:53:32.085
Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1. | 2022-01-20 15:53:33.254
Requested symbol settings for service code sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading. Request ID: 2. | 2022-01-20 15:53:33.254
Symbol settings received. Request ID: 2. | 2022-01-20 15:53:35.980

Teton CME Order Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading2.sierracharts.com. Port 11089 | 2022-01-20 15:53:38.306
DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2. | 2022-01-20 15:53:38.307
DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-20 15:53:38.308
DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-20 15:53:38.308
Teton CME Order Routing | Network connection to server complete. | 2022-01-20 15:53:38.382
Teton CME Order Routing | Starting socket receive thread. | 2022-01-20 15:53:38.382
Teton CME Order Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none | 2022-01-20 15:53:38.382
Teton CME Order Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-20 15:53:38.584
Teton CME Order Routing | Sending logon request message. | 2022-01-20 15:53:38.584
Teton CME Order Routing | Received logon response. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.113
Teton CME Order Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=40479. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.113
Teton CME Order Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.113
Teton CME Order Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.113
Teton CME Order Routing | Trading is supported. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.113
Teton CME Order Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.113
Teton CME Order Routing | OCO Orders supported. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.113
Teton CME Order Routing | Bracket Orders supported. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.113
Teton CME Order Routing | Connected to server complete. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.113
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.114
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.114
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.114
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.114
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.127
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.127
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.127
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.127
Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2022-02-19 20:53:39 | 2022-01-20 15:53:39.191
ESH19_FUT_CME #2 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.432
ESH19_FUT_CME #2 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.432
JVNT.Z 5 Min #21 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.451
JTat.Z 5 Min #11 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.463
irat.Z 5 Min #22 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.472
Loading DLL: C:\SierraChart\Data\UserContributedStudies.dll (UserContributedStudies_64.dll). Handle: 7ffdd1d90000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.477
ESH22_FUT_CME 5 Min #8 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.509
NQH22_FUT_CME 5 Min #3 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.581
RTYH22_FUT_CME 5 Min #1 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.623
NQH22_FUT_CME 30 Min #4 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.641
ESH22_FUT_CME 30 Min #5 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.662
RTYH22_FUT_CME 30 Min #6 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:21.679
RTYH22_FUT_CME #7 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:23.056
RTYH22_FUT_CME #7 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2022-01-20 15:54:23.056
RTYH22_FUT_CME 100 Volume #9 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:23.117
NQH22_FUT_CME #10 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:23.874
NQH22_FUT_CME #10 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2022-01-20 15:54:23.875
ESH22_FUT_CME 1 Min #12 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-20 15:54:23.930
RTYH22_FUT_CME 5 Min #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2022-01-20 15:54:23.999
Using symbol data fast lookup vector | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.285
Teton CME Order Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: JVNT.Z. ID: 1 Service code: equities.us | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.285
Teton CME Order Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: JVNT.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.285
Teton CME Order Routing | Requesting security definition data for: JVNT.Z. ID: 1 | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.285
Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.285
Starting HDTimeoutTimer | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.285
Added historical Intraday data request for JVNT.Z to the queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.285
Intraday data recording state for symbol JVNT.Z is set to download 'Pending'. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.285
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.285
Delaying start of download for JVNT.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.290
Mapping ESH19_FUT_CME to ESH19. Service code: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.291
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESH19_FUT_CME (ESH19). ID: 2 Service code: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.291
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Connecting to the server ds21.sierracharts.com. Port 10043 | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.291
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Requesting security definition data for: ESH19_FUT_CME (ESH19). ID: 2 | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.291
Added historical Intraday data request for ESH19_FUT_CME to the queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.291
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESH19_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.291
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.291
Teton CME Order Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: irat.Z. ID: 3 Service code: equities.us | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.293
Teton CME Order Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: irat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.293
Teton CME Order Routing | Requesting security definition data for: irat.Z. ID: 3 | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.293
Added historical Intraday data request for irat.Z to the queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.293
Intraday data recording state for symbol irat.Z is set to download 'Pending'. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.293
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.293
Teton CME Order Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: JTat.Z. ID: 4 Service code: equities.us | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.297
Teton CME Order Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: JTat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.297
Teton CME Order Routing | Requesting security definition data for: JTat.Z. ID: 4 | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.297
Added historical Intraday data request for JTat.Z to the queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.297
Intraday data recording state for symbol JTat.Z is set to download 'Pending'. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.297
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.297
Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol JVNT.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.358
Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol irat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.358
Teton CME Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol JTat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.358
DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.369
DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.369
DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.369
Mapping ESH22_FUT_CME to ESH22. Service code: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.401
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESH22_FUT_CME (ESH22). ID: 5 Service code: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.401
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Requesting security definition data for: ESH22_FUT_CME (ESH22). ID: 5 | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.401
Added historical Intraday data request for ESH22_FUT_CME to the queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.401
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESH22_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.401
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.401
Mapping NQH22_FUT_CME to NQH22. Service code: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.408
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH22_FUT_CME (NQH22). ID: 6 Service code: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.408
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Requesting security definition data for: NQH22_FUT_CME (NQH22). ID: 6 | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.408
Added historical Intraday data request for NQH22_FUT_CME to the queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.408
Intraday data recording state for symbol NQH22_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.408
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.408
Mapping RTYH22_FUT_CME to RTYH22. Service code: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.416
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYH22_FUT_CME (RTYH22). ID: 7 Service code: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.416
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Requesting security definition data for: RTYH22_FUT_CME (RTYH22). ID: 7 | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.416
Added historical Intraday data request for RTYH22_FUT_CME to the queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.416
Intraday data recording state for symbol RTYH22_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.416
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.416
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Network connection to server complete. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.445
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Starting socket receive thread. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.445
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.445
Requesting market depth updates for: ESH19_FUT_CME if supported. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.446
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. ESH19_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.446
Requesting market depth updates for: NQH22_FUT_CME if supported. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.446
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. NQH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.446
Requesting market depth updates for: RTYH22_FUT_CME if supported. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.446
Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. RTYH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.446
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.582
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Sending logon request message. | 2022-01-20 15:54:24.582
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Received logon response. | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.260
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Server Name: SC Realtime Server. | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.260
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.260
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Successfully connected. | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.260
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Trading is not supported. | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.260
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESH19_FUT_CME -> ESH19. Market Depth data restarted. | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.260
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESH22_FUT_CME -> ESH22 | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.260
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQH22_FUT_CME -> NQH22. Market Depth data restarted. | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.260
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: RTYH22_FUT_CME -> RTYH22. Market Depth data restarted. | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.260
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Clearing market depth for ESH19_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.519
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Clearing market depth for NQH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.520
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Real-time data for symbol ESH19_FUT_CME is currently unavailable. | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.520
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Received security definition for symbol ESH19_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.520
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Received security definition for symbol ESH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.520
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Received security definition for symbol NQH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.520
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Clearing market depth for RTYH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.520
SC DTC Delayed Exchange Data | Received security definition for symbol RTYH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:25.520
HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for JVNT.Z to the file JVNT.Z.scid. Service: equities.us | 2022-01-20 15:54:29.287
HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2021-07-18 16:54:29.000000. File last date-time: 2016-06-20 16:05:01.000000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:29.287
HD Request # 1 | Using server: exchangehistdata2.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2022-01-20 15:54:29.288
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-20 15:54:29.288
Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-20 15:54:29.288
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-20 15:54:29.288
HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-20 15:54:29.419
HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-20 15:54:29.419
HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-07-18 16:54:29. Record interval: 0. Symbol: JVNT.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:29.958
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.019
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.019
HD Request # 1 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for JVNT.Z. Historical data file not available for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.061
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.061
HD Request # 1 | Received 0 Intraday data records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for JVNT.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.062
HD Request # 1 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2016-06-20 20:05:01.000000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.062
HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 1s | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.062
HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for JVNT.Z. Unique request ID: 1 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.062
Removing historical data download ID 1. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.062
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for JVNT.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.062
Intraday chart data file opened for JVNT.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.062
HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.062

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.062
HD Request # 2 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESH19_FUT_CME to the file ESH19_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.063
HD Request # 2 | Download start date-time: 2019-03-15 09:29:55.000000. File last date-time: 2019-03-15 09:29:55.000000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.063
HD Request # 2 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.063
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.064
Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.064
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.064
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.081
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.081
HD Request # 2 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.273
HD Request # 2 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.273
HD Request # 2 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2019-03-15 09:29:55. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESH19 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.812
HD Request # 2 | Decompressing data. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.879
HD Request # 2 | Receiving Intraday data for ESH19_FUT_CME starting at 2019-03-15 09:29:55.000000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.880
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.880
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.880
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
HD Request # 2 | Received 1 Intraday data record from 2019-03-15 09:29:55.000000 to 2019-03-15 09:29:55.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for ESH19_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
HD Request # 2 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2019-03-15 13:29:55.000000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 0s | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
HD Request # 2 | Intraday data download complete for ESH19_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 2 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
Removing historical data download ID 2. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESH19_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
Intraday chart data file opened for ESH19_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
HD Request # 2 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
HD Request # 3 | Downloading Intraday chart data for irat.Z to the file irat.Z.scid. Service: equities.us | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.881
HD Request # 3 | Download start date-time: 2021-07-18 16:54:30.000000. File last date-time: 2016-06-20 16:05:01.000000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.882
HD Request # 3 | Using server: exchangehistdata2.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.882
Socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.882
Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.882
Socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.882
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.947
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2022-01-20 15:54:30.947
HD Request # 3 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.018
HD Request # 3 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.018
HD Request # 3 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-07-18 16:54:30. Record interval: 0. Symbol: irat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.087
Socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.152
Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.152
HD Request # 3 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for irat.Z. Historical data file not available for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
HD Request # 3 | Received 0 Intraday data records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for irat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
HD Request # 3 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2016-06-20 20:05:01.000000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
HD Request # 3 | Completion time: 1s | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
HD Request # 3 | Intraday data download complete for irat.Z. Unique request ID: 3 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
Removing historical data download ID 3. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for irat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
Intraday chart data file opened for irat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
HD Request # 3 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.170
HD Request # 4 | Downloading Intraday chart data for JTat.Z to the file JTat.Z.scid. Service: equities.us | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.171
HD Request # 4 | Download start date-time: 2021-07-18 16:54:31.000000. File last date-time: 2016-06-20 16:05:01.000000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.171
HD Request # 4 | Using server: exchangehistdata1.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.171
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.171
Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.171
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.172
Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.222
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.222
HD Request # 4 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.307
HD Request # 4 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.307
HD Request # 4 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-07-18 16:54:31. Record interval: 0. Symbol: JTat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.865
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.925
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.926
HD Request # 4 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for JTat.Z. Historical data file not available for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
HD Request # 4 | Received 0 Intraday data records from 00:00:00.000000 to 00:00:00.000000 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for JTat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
HD Request # 4 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2016-06-20 20:05:01.000000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
HD Request # 4 | Completion time: 0s | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
HD Request # 4 | Intraday data download complete for JTat.Z. Unique request ID: 4 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
Removing historical data download ID 4. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for JTat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
Intraday chart data file opened for JTat.Z | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
HD Request # 4 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
HD Request # 5 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESH22_FUT_CME to the file ESH22_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.929
HD Request # 5 | Download start date-time: 2022-01-20 15:50:26.000000. File last date-time: 2022-01-20 15:50:26.976000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.930
HD Request # 5 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.930
Socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.930
Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.930
Socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.930
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.993
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2022-01-20 15:54:31.993
HD Request # 5 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-20 15:54:32.127
HD Request # 5 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-20 15:54:32.128
HD Request # 5 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2022-01-20 15:50:26. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESH22 | 2022-01-20 15:54:32.682
HD Request # 5 | Decompressing data. | 2022-01-20 15:54:32.754
HD Request # 5 | Receiving Intraday data for ESH22_FUT_CME starting at 2022-01-20 15:50:26.022000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:32.897
Socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.023
Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.023
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.023
HD Request # 5 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2022-01-20 15:50:27.098000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.024
HD Request # 5 | Received 25476 Intraday data records from 2022-01-20 15:50:26.022000 to 2022-01-20 15:54:34.235000 (4.1 minutes) and wrote 25361 records for ESH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.024
HD Request # 5 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2022-01-20 20:54:34.235000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.029
HD Request # 5 | Completion time: 2s | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.029
HD Request # 5 | Intraday data download complete for ESH22_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 5 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.029
Removing historical data download ID 5. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.029
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.029
Intraday chart data file opened for ESH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.029
HD Request # 5 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.029

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.029
HD Request # 6 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH22_FUT_CME to the file NQH22_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.029
HD Request # 6 | Download start date-time: 2022-01-20 15:50:27.000000. File last date-time: 2022-01-20 15:50:27.020000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.030
HD Request # 6 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.030
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.030
Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.030
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.030
Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.088
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.088
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESH22_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 10640 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.089
HD Request # 6 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.181
HD Request # 6 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.181
HD Request # 6 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2022-01-20 15:50:27. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH22 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.246
HD Request # 6 | Decompressing data. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.309
HD Request # 6 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH22_FUT_CME starting at 2022-01-20 15:50:27.020000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.541
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.598
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.598
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.660
HD Request # 6 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2022-01-20 15:50:27.098000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.661
HD Request # 6 | Received 10422 Intraday data records from 2022-01-20 15:50:27.020000 to 2022-01-20 15:54:33.394000 (4.1 minutes) and wrote 10421 records for NQH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.661
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.663
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.663
HD Request # 6 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2022-01-20 20:54:33.394000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.666
HD Request # 6 | Completion time: 0s | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.666
HD Request # 6 | Intraday data download complete for NQH22_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 6 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.666
Removing historical data download ID 6. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.666
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.666
Intraday chart data file opened for NQH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.666
HD Request # 6 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.666

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.666
HD Request # 7 | Downloading Intraday chart data for RTYH22_FUT_CME to the file RTYH22_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.667
HD Request # 7 | Download start date-time: 2022-01-20 15:50:29.000000. File last date-time: 2022-01-20 15:50:29.019001 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.667
HD Request # 7 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.667
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.668
Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.668
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.668
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\NQH22_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 10640 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.714
HD Request # 7 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.807
HD Request # 7 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.807
HD Request # 7 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2022-01-20 15:50:29. Record interval: 0. Symbol: RTYH22 | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.871
HD Request # 7 | Decompressing data. | 2022-01-20 15:54:33.933
Chart #10 has tagged chart #4 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES.cht | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.000
Chart #10 has tagged chart #5 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES.cht | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.000
Chart #10 has tagged chart #6 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES.cht | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.000
HD Request # 7 | Receiving Intraday data for RTYH22_FUT_CME starting at 2022-01-20 15:50:29.006000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.079
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.082
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.082
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.096
HD Request # 7 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2022-01-20 15:50:29.106000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.096
HD Request # 7 | Received 4916 Intraday data records from 2022-01-20 15:50:29.006000 to 2022-01-20 15:54:33.906000 (4.1 minutes) and wrote 4912 records for RTYH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.097
HD Request # 7 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2022-01-20 20:54:33.906000 | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.103
HD Request # 7 | Completion time: 1s | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.103
HD Request # 7 | Intraday data download complete for RTYH22_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 7 | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.103
Removing historical data download ID 7. | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.103
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for RTYH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.103
Intraday chart data file opened for RTYH22_FUT_CME | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.103
HD Request # 7 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.103

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.103
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.103
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\RTYH22_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 10640 | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.104
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.152
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.152
NQH22_FUT_CME[M] 30 Min #4 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES.cht | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.266
ESH22_FUT_CME[M] 30 Min #5 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES.cht | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.283
RTYH22_FUT_CME[M] 30 Min #6 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES.cht | 2022-01-20 15:54:34.302
[2022-01-20 21:57:08]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18663
You need to enable this setting:
Data/Trade Service Settings: Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds (Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Common Settings >> Common Other Settings) (Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds (Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Common Settings))

Set it to Yes and reconnect to the data feed.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-20 21:57:46
[2022-01-21 01:19:19]
tradezilla1 - Posts: 69
It appears everything is already set on yes..

Here's the pic of what I see..

[2022-01-21 01:31:12]
tradezilla1 - Posts: 69
Also my CL-Nymex chartbook disappeared.. does that have something to do with the settings?
[2022-01-21 06:11:14]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18663
The screenshot in post number 3 shows the option is set to No. It needs to be Yes.

This is the Setting:
Data/Trade Service Settings: Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds (Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Common Settings >> Common Other Settings) (Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds (Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Common Settings))

Also my CL-Nymex chartbook disappeared..
You can get a backup of the chartbook. Refer to:
Chartbooks (Workspaces): Accessing a Backup Chartbook File
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-21 06:11:25
[2022-01-21 06:22:39]
tradezilla1 - Posts: 69
Where it says download total volume for all contracts and not download dividend adjusted history correct?

[2022-01-21 06:26:55]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
On that tab you need to set "Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds" to Yes.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-01-21 06:30:33]
tradezilla1 - Posts: 69

I just did it and it still says delayed and shows the M at the same time... According to the instructions, its not supposed to show both..
[2022-01-21 06:36:30]
tradezilla1 - Posts: 69
Just fixed the delayed data.. thanks!

I can recreate my CL chartbook but it would be nice to recover it.. not sure why it disappeared..

Also, where's your anchored VWAP? I looked in your indicators and don't see it.. is it a feature of another VWAP indicator?
[2022-01-21 08:46:11]
tradezilla1 - Posts: 69
Also, how do you open a trading dom? Nothing says trading dom on the trade menu..
[2022-01-21 12:57:15]
1+1=10 - Posts: 270
Instructions for opening a TradingDOM:
Chart Trading and the Chart DOM: Trade DOM

To post a message in this thread, you need to log in with your Sierra Chart account:


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