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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Mar 2025 21:31:24 +0000
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[2021-11-11 22:49:31] |
coachted - Posts: 368 |
yes the broker said the order is a "Market if Touched" order on the Crude orders. I do not see any market if touched selections anywhere
[2021-11-11 22:56:21] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38341 |
We would like for you to do the following for us: - Put your Sierra Chart in Simulation Mode by selecting Trade >> Trade Simulation Mode On. - Go to your CL chart and enter an order as you have been. Since you are in Trade Simulation, it will not go to the exchange. - Make sure you can see all 3 of the order lines for that order (parent and Attached orders). Scale the chart as necessary to ensure that all 3 order lines are visible. - Take a screen shot of that chart by selecting Edit >> Screen Images >> Upload Chart with Overlays. You will get a popup message telling you that the capture has been done and asking if you want to copy the link for the image. Select Yes and then paste the link into this thread and post it for us. If one of orders is a Market if Touched (MIT) then it should state that in the order line and we can then figure out where it is coming from. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-11-12 01:18:22] |
coachted - Posts: 368 | here it is after the order was executed |
[2021-11-12 21:25:24] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38341 |
We are totally confused now. Those orders are proper Limits and Stop. There are no Market if Touched orders in there. So we do not know why CQG is complaining about Market if Touched. The only thing we can think to do is to remove the attached orders and re-enter them and see if you continue to have the problem. If you do have a problem after that, then try to delete the chart and rebuild it and see what happens. We think this is probably something else that we are just not seeing, so hopefully one of these will resolve whatever it is. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-11-15 04:09:23] |
coachted - Posts: 368 |
yeah deleting it didnt work it still is doing the same thing...obviously the order is being generated somehow to be a MIT...this is a problem...and I would like to continue to use your software but if it cant be rectified I will be forced to use something else.
[2021-11-15 04:10:16] |
coachted - Posts: 368 |
imjust tried to place a non attached oder and got the same error message...
[2021-11-15 15:18:36] |
coachted - Posts: 368 |
i deleted the chart and created a new one and now it works
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