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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:19:29 +0000

Cannot download a historical chart for N225M from IB

View Count: 483

[2021-10-06 06:49:15]
User826207 - Posts: 2

I cannot download a historical chart for Nikkei 225 Mini (N225M) from the Interactive Brokers even though I can download an intraday chart for the same instrument. I get the message, "Error downloading historical Daily data for N225M-202112-OSE.JPN-JPY-100. User is not authorized to execute query for one or more of the specified symbols" even though I do subscribe to data for this instrument. I thought this was due to some issues with IB, so I contacted IB first. It turned out, however, that that was not the case. According to IB support who examined relevant logs, there is nothing wrong with them and this is a problem with Sierra Chart. As a matter of fact, as I recall, this problem started to occur after I started subscribing to Denali data feed. Please take a look at the log attached.

Kind regards,
attachmentSCLog-09122021.txt - Attached On 2021-10-06 06:45:10 UTC - Size: 14.89 KB - 311 views
[2021-10-07 19:55:13]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18607
We made a change to always cause the historical data to come from Interactive Brokers for this symbol.

Follow the instructions here to update the Symbol Settings:
Global Symbol Settings: Update Global Symbol Settings

After that:

Re-download all the data in the chart by going to the chart and selecting "Edit >> Delete All Data and Download". You just need to do this once per symbol and not for each chart.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-07 19:55:36

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