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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:14:48 +0000
High and Low Lines on Trade DOM
View Count: 1768
[2021-09-29 16:33:01] |
Steve Leon - Posts: 311 |
Two questions regarding customizing the Trade DOM 1) I would like the daily high and low lines to represent the cash session high and low. Right now I believe the session high and low lines represent the start of the Globex session(evening session). Is there a way to do this ? Could not find the answer in the materials provided 2) Is there a way to highlight the prices that have been traded in the price column versus the untraded prices. This would solve the problem i would like to resolve also 3) How can I display the opening price for the session "automatically" at the start of the session ? Thank you for your help. Steven |
[2021-09-29 16:47:31] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292 |
First, keep in mind that when using studies on the Trade DOM, it is typically better to put the study on a standard chart and then use the Study/Price Overlay in order to get the information displayed on the Trade DOM. 1) Use the Daily OHLC study and set the Input for Use Day Session Only to Yes. 2) We are not quite understanding what you want here. There is no way to highlight the prices in the Price Ladder where there have been trades within a certain time period. There are several workarounds, however, such as the following: - Use a Volume by Price Profile that is set to Align to Far Right and the desired time period and it will show the traded levels. - Add the Recent Bid and Recent Ask columns and turn on the Profiles for these columns. Just be aware that you are only going to see the data from when those columns were last reset. 3) Use the OHLC as described in #1 above and just be sure to show the Open. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-09-30 01:09:11] |
Steve Leon - Posts: 311 |
I treis to do what you suggested but am doing something wrong. Let me describe: I tried to find the Daily OHLC study under Studies but could not find it. I assume it cant be done this way ? Is there a way to add this study to the list of studies on the Trade DOM ? I then tried to do a Study/Price Overlay. I have the DOM in a chartbook and have several other chartbooks openin the main instance. I then selected a Daily TPO study where I have the Daily OHLC set up but could not get the OPEN for example to display. I went under subgraphs and selected OPEN with label etc ... Interestingly when i closed the window down and then reopened it the OPEN went back to a setting of Ignore. I also tried to play around with some the of settings and it would distort the DOM. I never saw any label come up anywhere in the label column I also noted that in Chart Settings in the Trade DOM when I uncheck the evening session, close the window and then reopen it it remains checked off. Is this the way its supposed to be ? What does this chart settings mean as it applies to the DOM. I was trying only show the volume profile for either the Day session or the overnight session alone ? My final question is related to the size/width of the label column; with divider present and the Last traded quantity showing the label column is very narrow. Is there a way to make it wider ? Thank you Steven |
[2021-09-30 14:11:36] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292 |
1) You can select other studies on the Trading DOM to put them on directly. Refer to the following instructions: Chart Trading and the Chart DOM: Adding Studies on a Trade DOM But, as we stated initially, depending on what you want to add, you may be best served by putting the study you want on a regular chart and then using the Study/Price Overlay to display that study on the Trading DOM. Particularly something like the Daily OHLC which requires a lot of bars in order to get the right information. 2) To begin with, you can not have the Daily OHLC on a TPO chart. Refer to the following for which studies will work with the TPO chart: Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts: Using Other Studies on a TPO Chart With regards to the Open changing state - the Study/Price Overlay takes its information from the original study and, by default, if you want to have changes show in the Study/Price Overlay, you would need to make those changes in the referenced study, not in the Study/Price Overlay. If you do want to change just the Study/Price Overlay, then you would need to change the appropriate Inputs depending on what you want to change. Refer to the Input at the following link and the 3 sections after it: Study/Price Overlay Study: Use Subgraph Name/Value Related Display Settings from Source Study 3) You do not want to change the Session Times in the Trading DOM, unless they are wrong. Changing these are not going to get you what you want in terms of the studies. You have to use the study options in order to get either just the day or just the evening. The Volume by Price profiles are not setup to have Day and Evening Sessions on the Trading DOM. You will need to go through the options to see what works for you, but you will also find some that do not work at all on the Trading DOM and the Input will change (such as "From Start Date-Time + Fixed Time Length"). 4) Refer to the following: Global Trade Settings Windows: Chart/Trade DOM Column Widths and Headers (Trade >> Customize Chart/Trade DOM Columns) For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-09-30 22:11:29] |
Steve Leon - Posts: 311 |
Not sure what to change the settings to. I set up a Daily candlestick chart with the Open, High and Low using Daily OHLC. I am attching the settings for that chart I then did the study overlay on the Trade DOM and am attaching the Settings I have for that I show a picture of the way I have the DOM comfigure with ES on the left and then MES on the right with the study overlay (which appears distorted). Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated Thank you very much Steven |
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[2021-10-01 00:44:06] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292 |
Get us your chartbook so we can take a look at what is going on. Follow these instructions to attach it to this thread. Note that you can make it private if you do not want anyone else to be able to access your chartbook: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-10-01 14:11:29] |
Steve Leon - Posts: 311 |
I was able to sort out he main problems i was having y playing around with the standard Precedence section to the left of the study settings section. i do have a couple of additional questions: I am trying to display the SHORT Name for a study instead of the subgraph name. Not sure if the is feasible somehow ? For example on the Close from the OHLC study I want o name it Settle (which I am pulling in from a historical Daily chart) bit it is showing Close because that is the subgracph name I also wanted to get your guidance the center line. Right now it see like it is recentering at the bottom third of the DOM. How can I get it to sit at the center. Also in terms of the scrolling/recentering I am not quite sure how to set this (I understand its personal preference) but not sure where to start with this. Finally I want to be able to recenter all othe DOM's at the same time (if possible) assuming I have several DOM's from different markets lined up side by side Thank you again Steve |
[2021-10-03 17:53:29] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292 |
1) If you are entering the "Short Name" for the Subgraph and then using the Name Label, you should be able to get what you want. Keep in mind, as we noted previously, if you are only making the change on the Study/Price Overlay, then you need to adjust the Inputs for that study to allow you to make changes to the settings. 2) First, there is an option in the Trade Menu for Re-Center Trade DOM Scales, so you can recenter all of them at once. Refer to the following information: Trade Menu: Re-Center Trade DOM Scales (Trade menu) As to the centering options, refer to the following (note that a Trading DOM has to have a main setting of Constant Range, so it is a matter of the options available for that setting): Chart Scale and Scale Adjusting: Constant Range (Scale Range) For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-10-04 02:35:03] |
Steve Leon - Posts: 311 |
Thank you John I was able to resolve the name issue. I think i had to make a selection on the settings/input for the subgraph study. I will keep reading and working on the centering issues based on the information you sent Thank you Steven Leon |
[2021-10-04 03:01:20] |
Steve Leon - Posts: 311 |
i actually played around with the scale settings and i am just not getting any reaction regardles of the settings i am using. previously i would have the Trade DOM scroll up or down after a move in the opposite direction but id did not know how to control it which is why i sent you the question Now i am changing the settings and no matter what they are i ge tno reaction fro the DOM at the extremes. I reloaded the DOM several times after making each change. Not sure what is happening Attached is the settings i have set for Thanks |
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[2021-10-04 03:27:55] |
Refer to this page: The Chart DOM Scale And also reset the scale through Chart >>Reset Scale. Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
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