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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 13:54:27 +0000

Post From: High and Low Lines on Trade DOM

[2021-09-30 22:11:29]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
Not sure what to change the settings to.
I set up a Daily candlestick chart with the Open, High and Low using Daily OHLC. I am attching the settings for that chart
I then did the study overlay on the Trade DOM and am attaching the Settings I have for that
I show a picture of the way I have the DOM comfigure with ES on the left and then MES on the right with the study overlay (which appears distorted). Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated

Thank you
very much
imageDaily chart for overlay Sierra.PNG / V - Attached On 2021-09-30 22:06:16 UTC - Size: 151.95 KB - 223 views
Attachment Deleted.
imageTrade DOM settings.PNG / V - Attached On 2021-09-30 22:07:18 UTC - Size: 596.39 KB - 248 views