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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 22:13:44 +0000

Real-Time Nasdaq Data NOT working or Downloading

View Count: 2287

[2014-03-03 14:54:49]
User23386 - Posts: 43
I just added the Nasdaq exchange to my list of enabled exchanges this morning and I am NOT getting any data (Real Time or Historical) for the following symbols,
$Bank, $IUXX, $NASX. I followed your instructions as per update symbols list, disconnect, reconnect etc and still no data. I haven't checked any of the other Nasdaq symbols apart from the 3 listed above...

[2014-03-03 15:12:17]
User23386 - Posts: 43
Getting message log

Symbol Error - $BANK is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted
Symbol Error - $IUXX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted
Symbol Error - $NASX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted
[2014-03-03 17:12:14]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We are going to be checking on this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-03 19:03:39]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We have looked into this. There should not be a problem with this.

Restart Sierra Chart and if you still have a problem post a copy of the Message Log, by following these steps:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-03 21:34:00]
User23386 - Posts: 43
I have restarted and updated symbols from server many time today and I still can't get any data for Nasdaq symbols. Please find attached copy of the log file with screen caps of both charts and quote box

Software version: 1099 | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Usage end date: 2015-02-07 | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Real-Time Market Data Feed. | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Enabled for: CME with exchange fee trading waiver. | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Enabled for: DOW INDEXES exchange. | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Enabled for: S&P INDEXES exchange. | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Enabled for: NASDAQ INDEXES exchange. | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Received 1 data feed usernames. | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Active service: Rithmic Trading | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Time Zone: -05:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00) | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
2014-03-03 16:17:31 Local computer clock time | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
2014-03-03 21:17:31 GMT time | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
2014-03-03 16:17:31 Time zone adjusted time | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Time difference to server time: 1 seconds. | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Program path: C:\SierraChart\ | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\ | 2014-03-03 16:17:31
OS Version Number: 6.1 | 2014-03-03 16:17:31

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-03-03 22:26:28
attachmentNO Nasdaq Quotes.bmp - Attached On 2014-03-03 21:32:54 UTC - Size: 474.29 KB - 519 views
[2014-03-03 22:27:15]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We know what the problem is now. It will be resolved in about an hour. At that time you will need to restart Sierra Chart.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-03 22:33:32]
User23386 - Posts: 43
I downloaded the latest version earlier today 1100 prior to your notice to roll back to prior version 1099. I could not get any data for Nasdaq symbols using 1100 or 1099 after I rolled back from 1100. When I tried to download the latest non.NET CLR version I get the following message just below. I have just tested 1097 version on a laptop and I can get the historical data from today for Nasdaq symbols. I won't know about real-time data until the open Tuesday. Is there some sort of corruption possibly from downloading version 1100 earlier today that is causing the No Data for Nasdaq Symbols?


Error 404

The page you requested is not available.
If you have come to this page, you may be viewing old content or be using an old version of Sierra Chart. Go back to the prior page and refresh it. Or install the latest version of Sierra Chart.
If you continue to come to this page, please contact support by filling out an Account Support Ticket. Let support know what page you are trying to view and what page you came from.

*Last modified Thursday, 20th June, 2013.

[2014-03-03 22:34:14]
User23386 - Posts: 43
Okay thank you for the prompt reply.
[2014-03-04 15:08:32]
User23386 - Posts: 43
I've updated to the latest version 1101 Non-CLR Version and still NO data for any of the Nasdaq Symbols. I've tested this on both trading pc and laptop and BOTH have NO Nasdaq data now after upgrade. I've pasted the log file and a screen cap of quote box and chart for $BANK.


Software version: 1101 | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Usage end date: 2015-02-07 | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Real-Time Market Data Feed. | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Enabled for: CME with exchange fee trading waiver. | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Enabled for: DOW INDEXES exchange. | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Enabled for: S&P INDEXES exchange. | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Enabled for: NASDAQ INDEXES exchange. | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Received 1 data feed usernames. | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Active service: Rithmic Trading | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Time Zone: -05:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00) | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
2014-03-04 09:41:30 Local computer clock time | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
2014-03-04 14:41:30 GMT time | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
2014-03-04 09:41:30 Time zone adjusted time | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Time difference to server time: 0 seconds. | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Program path: C:\SierraChart\ | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\ | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
OS Version Number: 5.1 | 2014-03-04 09:41:30

Checking for new symbol settings for rim | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Symbol settings are up-to-date for rim | 2014-03-04 09:41:30
Mapping $DOWI to $DOWI. Service code: dow.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Mapping $OEX to $OEX. Service code: sp.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Mapping $INX to $INX. Service code: sp.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Mapping $NASX to $NASX. Service code: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Mapping $IUXX to $IUXX. Service code: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Mapping $BANK to $BANK. Service code: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Mapping NQH4-CME to NQH4. Service code: cme | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Mapping YMH4-CBOT to YMH4. Service code: cbot | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Mapping ESH4-CME to ESH4. Service code: cme | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Mapping EMDH4-CME to EMDH4. Service code: cme | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Downloading Intraday chart data for $NASX to the file $NASX.scid. Service: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Download start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 16:15:59.0 | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Using server: scdf1.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
Resolved address ds6.sierracharts.com to IP | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
The network socket is connected. | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Sending historical data logon request message. | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Requesting Intraday data. Max. days to return: 100. Start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 21:15:59. Record interval: 0 | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Decompressing data. | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Receiving Intraday data for $NASX starting at 2014-03-03 16:15:59 | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
The network socket for historical data has been closed. | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Historical data for $NASX is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection. | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Received 1 record from 2014-03-03 16:15:59 to 2014-03-03 16:15:59 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:33
HD Request # 2 - Intraday download COMPLETE for $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:33

Rithmic Trading - Port for executable: 63493 | 2014-03-04 09:41:35
Rithmic Trading - Starting server: C:\SierraChart\Rim\DTCBridge.exe | 2014-03-04 09:41:35
Rithmic Trading: Connecting to the server Port 63493 | 2014-03-04 09:41:36
The network socket is connected. | 2014-03-04 09:41:36
Rithmic Trading: Connected to server. | 2014-03-04 09:41:36
Rithmic Trading: Sending logon request message. | 2014-03-04 09:41:36
Rithmic Trading - Starting the connection process to data and trading service. | 2014-03-04 09:41:36
Rithmic Trading - Logging is enabled. Log file: Rithmic.log | 2014-03-04 09:41:36
Rithmic Trading - Connecting to Rithmic 01 Europe server. | 2014-03-04 09:41:36
Rithmic Trading - Server Alert: Market Data Connection Opened | 2014-03-04 09:41:37
Rithmic Trading - Server Alert: Market Data Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2014-03-04 09:41:38
Rithmic Trading - Server Alert: Trading System Connection Opened | 2014-03-04 09:41:38
Rithmic Trading - Server Alert: Trading System Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2014-03-04 09:41:39
Rithmic Trading - Server Alert: PnL Connection Opened | 2014-03-04 09:41:39
Rithmic Trading - Server Alert: PnL Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2014-03-04 09:41:39
Rithmic Trading - Server Alert: Intraday History Connection Opened | 2014-03-04 09:41:40
Rithmic Trading - Server Alert: Intraday History Connection Login Complete. Result text: "ok" | 2014-03-04 09:41:40
Rithmic DTC Server Info - Server Name: SC DTC Bridge. Server Version: 1.1. Provider Name: Rithmic DTC. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
Rithmic DTC - Server protocol version: 3. Client protocol version: 3. There is a protocol match. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
Rithmic DTC - Successfully connected. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
Rithmic DTC: Requesting trade accounts from server. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
Mapping $NASX to $NASX. Service code: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
Using username 0 | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
SC Exchange Data: Connecting to the server scdf1.sierracharts.com. Port 443 | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
Resolved address ds6.sierracharts.com to IP | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
HD Request # 3 - Downloading Intraday chart data for $NASX to the file $NASX.scid. Service: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
HD Request # 3 - Download start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 16:15:59.0 | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
HD Request # 3 - Using server: scdf2.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
Resolved address ds7.sierracharts.com to IP | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
The network socket is connected. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
SC Exchange Data: Connected to server. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
SC Exchange Data: Sending logon request message. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
The network socket is connected. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
HD Request # 3 - Sending historical data logon request message. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
HD Request # 3 - Requesting Intraday data. Max. days to return: 100. Start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 21:15:59. Record interval: 0 | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
HD Request # 3 - Decompressing data. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
HD Request # 3 - Receiving Intraday data for $NASX starting at 2014-03-03 16:15:59 | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
The network socket for historical data has been closed. | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
HD Request # 3 - Received 1 record from 2014-03-03 16:15:59 to 2014-03-03 16:15:59 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
HD Request # 3 - Intraday download COMPLETE for $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:41
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:41

Mapping $DOWI to $DOWI. Service code: dow.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: $DOWI | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Mapping $OEX to $OEX. Service code: sp.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: $OEX | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Mapping $INX to $INX. Service code: sp.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: $INX | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Mapping $IUXX to $IUXX. Service code: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: $IUXX | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Mapping $BANK to $BANK. Service code: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: $BANK | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Mapping NQH4-CME to NQH4. Service code: cme | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH4 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Rithmic Trading - Starting real-time market data updates for: TF FMH0014!-NYBOT | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Mapping YMH4-CBOT to YMH4. Service code: cbot | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: YMH4 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Mapping ESH4-CME to ESH4. Service code: cme | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: ESH4 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Mapping EMDH4-CME to EMDH4. Service code: cme | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Starting real-time market data updates for: EMDH4 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data Server Info - Server Name: . Server Version: . Provider Name: . | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Server protocol version: 3. Client protocol version: 3. There is a protocol match. | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Successfully connected. | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: $BANK -> $BANK | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: $DOWI -> $DOWI | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: $INX -> $INX | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: $IUXX -> $IUXX | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: $NASX -> $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: $OEX -> $OEX | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: EMDH4-CME -> EMDH4 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESH4-CME -> ESH4 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQH4-CME -> NQH4 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
SC Exchange Data - Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: YMH4-CBOT -> YMH4 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
HD Request # 4 - Downloading Intraday chart data for $NASX to the file $NASX.scid. Service: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
HD Request # 4 - Download start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 16:15:59.0 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
HD Request # 4 - Using server: scdf1.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Resolved address ds6.sierracharts.com to IP | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Symbol Error - $BANK is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Exchange not authorized. | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Symbol Error - $IUXX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Exchange not authorized. | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
Symbol Error - $NASX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Exchange not authorized. | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
The network socket is connected. | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
HD Request # 4 - Sending historical data logon request message. | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
HD Request # 4 - Requesting Intraday data. Max. days to return: 100. Start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 21:15:59. Record interval: 0 | 2014-03-04 09:41:42
HD Request # 4 - Decompressing data. | 2014-03-04 09:41:43
HD Request # 4 - Receiving Intraday data for $NASX starting at 2014-03-03 16:15:59 | 2014-03-04 09:41:43
The network socket for historical data has been closed. | 2014-03-04 09:41:43
HD Request # 4 - Received 1 record from 2014-03-03 16:15:59 to 2014-03-03 16:15:59 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:43
HD Request # 4 - Intraday download COMPLETE for $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:43
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for $NASX | 2014-03-04 09:41:43

Rithmic DTC: Requesting Trade Positions data. | 2014-03-04 09:41:46
HD Request # 5 - Downloading Intraday chart data for $IUXX to the file $IUXX.scid. Service: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
HD Request # 5 - Download start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 16:15:59.0 | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
HD Request # 5 - Using server: scdf2.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
Resolved address ds7.sierracharts.com to IP | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
The network socket is connected. | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
HD Request # 5 - Sending historical data logon request message. | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
HD Request # 5 - Requesting Intraday data. Max. days to return: 100. Start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 21:15:59. Record interval: 0 | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
HD Request # 5 - Decompressing data. | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
HD Request # 5 - Receiving Intraday data for $IUXX starting at 2014-03-03 16:15:59 | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
The network socket for historical data has been closed. | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
HD Request # 5 - Received 1 record from 2014-03-03 16:15:59 to 2014-03-03 16:15:59 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for $IUXX | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
HD Request # 5 - Intraday download COMPLETE for $IUXX | 2014-03-04 09:42:25
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for $IUXX | 2014-03-04 09:42:25

LoadIntradayData: Load canceled. | 2014-03-04 09:42:28
Restarting the loading process. | 2014-03-04 09:42:28
HD Request # 6 - Downloading Intraday chart data for $BANK to the file $BANK.scid. Service: nasdaq.index | 2014-03-04 09:42:28
HD Request # 6 - Download start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 16:15:59.0 | 2014-03-04 09:42:28
HD Request # 6 - Using server: scdf1.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2014-03-04 09:42:28
Resolved address ds6.sierracharts.com to IP | 2014-03-04 09:42:28
The network socket is connected. | 2014-03-04 09:42:29
HD Request # 6 - Sending historical data logon request message. | 2014-03-04 09:42:29
HD Request # 6 - Requesting Intraday data. Max. days to return: 100. Start Date-Time: 2014-03-03 21:15:59. Record interval: 0 | 2014-03-04 09:42:29
HD Request # 6 - Decompressing data. | 2014-03-04 09:42:29
HD Request # 6 - Receiving Intraday data for $BANK starting at 2014-03-03 16:15:59 | 2014-03-04 09:42:29
The network socket for historical data has been closed. | 2014-03-04 09:42:29
HD Request # 6 - Received 1 record from 2014-03-03 16:15:59 to 2014-03-03 16:15:59 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for $BANK | 2014-03-04 09:42:29
HD Request # 6 - Intraday download COMPLETE for $BANK | 2014-03-04 09:42:29
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for $BANK | 2014-03-04 09:42:29

imageNO Nasdaq Data 04 March 2014.PNG / V - Attached On 2014-03-04 15:05:39 UTC - Size: 13.74 KB - 379 views
[2014-03-04 16:52:02]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The initial problem was resolved and after further research on this, another problem has been determined. On the backend, for some reason your account is not indicating it is authorized for NASDAQ indices.

This issue is being worked on.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-04 19:10:19]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Your account is now fully authorized for NASDAQ indices.

At this time all you need to do is select File >> Disconnect and then File >> Connect to Data Feed.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-04 19:36:41]
User23386 - Posts: 43
I did just that and still no Nasdaq quotes. Please find attached latest log file. All I am getting is the historical chart data for each symbol. Looks like its 15 minutes delayed. Chart attached for Nasdaq Composite Index.


Relevant Message Log lines:

Symbol Error - $NASX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Exchange not authorized. | 2014-03-04 14:31:31
Symbol Error - $IUXX is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Exchange not authorized. | 2014-03-04 14:31:32
Symbol Error - $BANK is unknown, unavailable, or improperly formatted. Exchange not authorized. | 2014-03-04 14:31:32

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-03-04 20:56:33
[2014-03-04 20:57:01]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Just to let you know, we are doing a more detailed check on this. You may want to try reconnecting again. There is no need to post another log.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-04 21:05:27]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We can still see there is a problem. We have communicated again to those who are responsible for this, to make sure that the exchange is properly authorized on the backend. We apologize for this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-05 15:11:55]
User23386 - Posts: 43
No Nasdaq quotes as off yet today. Any time scale on this?
[2014-03-05 16:50:31]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We have more of an understanding about the problem. Something having to do with the NASDAQ exchange agreement. Not sure it is going to get resolved today, but we expect it to be resolved in a few days. If you want a refund for the NASDAQ indices exchange fee, let us know.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-05 17:11:21]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We are told this problem is now resolved. Try reconnecting to the data feed again and see if you get the NASDAQ indices.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-05 17:58:29]
User23386 - Posts: 43
No still no live data. I disconnected then tried closing Sierra and reconnecting on both Machines and still no data.
[2014-03-05 20:43:27]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
OK, we apologize for this. We do not not know why we are being told it should work but clearly it is not working.

We are changing over to a new backend authorization system over the weekend and we are told that new system will not have this problem with the NASDAQ indices.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-03-05 20:43:49
[2014-03-10 11:19:59]
User23386 - Posts: 43
Did you change over to your new backend authorization system? I am currently using version 1106. I have historical chart data for NASDAQ Indices. The NASDAQ Indices are not quoting any historical data (Fridays High/Low etc) at all in the quote box this morning while the other Indices are Dow Jones, S&P. I will wait till market open and report back to you regarding LIVE data.
[2014-03-10 16:58:55]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Not completely yet. We expect this will be done today or tomorrow.

Try selecting File >> Disconnect and File >> Connect to Data Feed, to see if you get the NASDAQ indices.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-12 04:06:57]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You finally now have access to NASDAQ indices. You only need to reconnect to the data feed in Sierra Chart:

File >> Disconnect and File >> Connect to Data Feed.

When you can please confirm they now work.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-03-12 21:16:52]
User23386 - Posts: 43
Yes they are working now.


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