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Date/Time: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 06:47:12 +0000

Study Subgraph Diff as a CandleStick Bar

View Count: 1376

[2021-03-11 20:10:10]
User964846 - Posts: 38
Is this possible? Could this line graph of subgraph difference be turned into candlestick bars? Might you consider adding this functionality if it doesn't exist? Or is this idea, nice, but just not feasible?
[2021-03-11 21:26:25]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
You can do this yourself. Just use the Spreadsheet Formula (Bar) study to define what you want to use for the Open/High/Low/Close. Refer to the following for general information (you will enter a specific formula for each O/H/L/C):
Spreadsheet Formula
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[2021-03-11 21:58:09]
User964846 - Posts: 38
Would you be willing to show me an example of how to write a formula for "High"?
[2021-03-11 22:01:31]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
The Spreadsheet Formula uses the same syntax as Alerts. So you will find the information on how to write formulas on this page:
Study/Chart Alerts And Scanning
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2021-03-11 22:18:19]
User964846 - Posts: 38
Ok, So I wrote a Small and a Large function for each bar, but it returned like I thought it would...

I wrote: =SMALL(ID3.SG1:ID3.SG1[-1],1) - Unfortunately these functions require 2 bars. I need to know the OHLC for all points on that specific bar. Right now, the graph only shows the Close for each bar.

With that said, am I using the wrong formulas? Or is what I am trying to do, not possible?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-03-11 22:36:37
[2021-03-11 22:36:36]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
What exactly do you want to have for each of the 4 items (Open, High, Low, Close)?
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[2021-03-11 22:41:28]
User964846 - Posts: 38
My goal: I am looking into the difference between two price charts, using study subgraph difference.

That difference chart, only displays the close of each bar - a line graph. However, it does not show that a specific bar in question, was significantly higher, and or lower, BEFORE the bar closed.

Just like a price chart, has 4 data points - OHLC, I would like to see the OHLC for each 'study subgraph difference' bar - NOT just the difference between the close of the last bar, and the close of this bar.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-03-11 22:45:19
[2021-03-11 22:59:34]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
You would need to use the Difference (Bar) study then. Refer to the following:
Difference (Bar or Single Line)
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[2021-03-11 23:49:18]
User964846 - Posts: 38
That worked, thank you very much!!!
[2021-03-12 03:00:35]
User964846 - Posts: 38
Hey, the difference bars work somewhat as advertised. Sometimes they capture the high and low, but there are a number of instances where the price moves down, and then back up, and no low is recorded.
Did I set the study up wrong? Or does this just happen sometimes?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-03-12 03:17:25
[2021-03-12 14:58:57]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
Can you show us an example of this by taking a screenshot by following these instructions:
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[2021-03-12 15:17:09]
User964846 - Posts: 38
This is the image when the difference bar has moved up

This image was shot AFTER the above one. No High was recorded.
[2021-03-12 16:09:31]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
Since you are running a replay what you would need to do is to see what the bar looks like after it closes and see if it has the correct data. During a standard replay it is not calling the study to calculate at every update like in real-time, so you could end up in a situation where things look a bit odd.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2021-03-12 16:20:22]
User964846 - Posts: 38
Ok. ok... Then I just record it live and show u what I'm talkin bout. I'll do that later today.
[2021-03-12 16:31:09]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
Another possibility, although this should not happen, is that since the differences are negative that this is causing an issue. Try adding 100 (or something appropriate) on the Difference (Bar) inputs to Chart 1 and see if the problem recurs.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2021-03-12 19:37:22]
User964846 - Posts: 38
All images were LIVE.

1st image - price rises

2nd image - price recedes, No High is Recorded

Now images with positive y-axis difference and additional y-axis decimal places:

1st image - price rises

2nd image - price recedes, no high is recorded

3rd image - high actually seems to recede after a few more ups and downs.
[2021-03-12 22:48:28]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
Give us some time to look into this.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-03-21 20:34:11]
User964846 - Posts: 38
Just checking back in -
[2021-03-22 15:37:10]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
We have not had time to dig into it yet.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-03-24 18:37:29]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
What you are seeing is explained in the documentation for the Difference (Bar) study. Specifically, the following:
The High and Low can change within a bar. The High will not always get higher and the Low will not always get lower. They are based upon the High and Low values between the two charts used in the calculation, respectively.

If the Open or the Close differences exceed the High or Low differences, then the High and/or Low are adjusted so that the Open or Close differences do not exceed them. For the greatest accuracy you may be interested in the High Accuracy Spread study configuration.

So what you are seeing is that the High is constantly changing based on the actual values and may go lower. It could even go to a point where it is lower than the Open/Close and therefore is replaced with that value.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2021-03-31 16:40:50]
User964846 - Posts: 38

Go To: "Instructions"
Custom Calculated Symbols

ok, So I tried using the symbol name exactly as it appears on a chart - 1*{GCM21_FUT_COMEX}-70*{SIK21_FUT_COMEX}
Seems to be Working

Last Question:
Is it possible to make the custom symbol, display a continuous contract based on volume rollover?
B/c Right now, I am only able to see back to march 14. HOWEVER, if it is not possible, then that is fine. Thank you for the help!!

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-03-31 18:31:44
[2021-03-31 19:35:25]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
Is it possible to make the custom symbol, display a continuous contract based on volume rollover?
B/c Right now, I am only able to see back to march 14. HOWEVER, if it is not possible, then that is fine. Thank you for the help!!

This is not supported.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2023-12-19 21:55:53]
User14953 - Posts: 236
Can an analysis study be applied to a difference bar chart?

Chart symbol A = 5m candlestick chart
Chart symbol B = ditto

Chart C = 5m Difference bar chart comprised of candlestick OHLC price differences between Chart A and B.

How is a study applied to Chart C, eg a MACD or something? Thank you.
[2023-12-20 13:56:47]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36286
Yes, this can be done. Refer to the following:
Chart Studies: Settings and Inputs Tab >> Based On - Basing a Study on Another Study
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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