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Date/Time: Sun, 09 Feb 2025 01:08:04 +0000

Added Denali - Can't place orders

View Count: 597

[2020-08-05 17:44:23]
User463534 - Posts: 3
Hi, Last weekend i believe CGQ was down and I couldn't download historic data for back testing one of my new algos. This was late Friday evening and I couldn't get it to work, and I needed data for scheduled backtesting.

What I did was go ahead and sign up for Denali directly from this website and I'll pay for it myself through here or get AMP to start paying once things settle (still have CGQ through AMP). This gave me instant access to the historic data I needed last weekend. And I've been wanting to try it for as long as I have been with Sierra Charts. When I first requested it through AMP (they bill me and pay you) it did not go through for days and I finally told them to just sign me up for CGQ to speed up the process. Within hours I had CGQ login credentials. Ive stuck with CGQ ever since but I want to try out Denali.

The problem is I'm trying to place orders through the new Denali routing but I get a generic error "Buy Order for MESU20_FUT_CME has been rejected. I missed a trade, switched and
reconnected back to my CGQ account, swapped the symbols and it seems I can place test orders on the Dom and Chart using my live CGQ account. I hope real orders go though now, but I haven't confirmed.

I would like the get Denali SC working. Do you have any suggestions for executing orders with the new Data Feed and Routing? Historical and Intrad day data is working - but this is the first order I would have placed since I switched - and i realized it is not working.

A few more points since I am here. I received a message with the platform stating that I needed $62 in my account and until that was paid there would be no order fills. Maybe that is what this is about. First, I never tried Denali as I decided to use CGQ and I never did a free trial or finish the activiation process. I would think and what I clicked online was that there was 1 month free. So if that is why orders are not filling then I kindly request the free month trial. Also the cost was stated at $62 instead of $42 so the prce seemed off as well and I need some clarification on the billing cost.

Please let me know and thanks! Sorry for mispellings I'm in a hurry! Thanks!
[2020-08-05 19:09:01]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
First, you have not placed any trades through the Sierra Chart Order Routing Service and you have not paid Order Fill fees. The reason you received the message about the payment is simply because your account balance is $0.00 which is under the $5.00 threshold for generating this message since you are using the Sierra Chart order routing service.

In addition, the reason why the $62.00 was specified is that the Denali Data Feed costs $51.20 per month and then we added $10.00 to cover Order Fill fees and rounded up to the nearest whole dollar.

Second, you are setup to use the Sierra Chart Order Routing Service. We do not know why the one order you tried was rejected. But when you switch from CQG to the SC Order Routing, you basically need to go through these Setup Instructions starting at step #9 to ensure that you have everything properly setup:

If there is an order rejection we need to see the actual Trade Service Log message. Instructions:
Support Board Posting Information: Providing Lines From Trade Service Log
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-08-05 19:09:20

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