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Where is setting for original independent subgraph scaling?
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[2019-08-26 05:16:55] |
User791263 - Posts: 151 |
My Version 1483 worked well in many aspects, such as region adjust without going to tools menu. Subgraph scales were independent per study. I updated to V-1957 due to CQG protocol requirements, by a work-around you suggested, to use V1957 as server to a separate-folder V-1483, (too large/complex and shifted spreadsheets when I tried to convert, so can't for a long while. I'm attempting a smaller Chartbook version of my huge V1483-one, to all be in one V1957 folder. I had problems on LIFO vs FIFO trade reporting (found your setting option for LIFO)--- Problem: subgraphs will not scale independently-- the scale window only shows and accesses the main chart scale. The old default showed whatever was the subgraph. Where is original independent scaling setting? Or a very-visible global setting to fix that. Right-clicking the right border edge no longer accomplishes changes to sub scale. Nor does accessing the scale window under Analysis-Study. That is, nothing on this instruction Chart Scale and Scale Adjusting: Opening the Scale Settings Window For a Study works.. the Study just stays the top Chart scale. "Reset" on the region scale does nothing. Changing the sub-graph scale (example: to new constant range) changes the main chart scale. Main and region scales windows only affect the main chart scale. The subgraphs look like they are defaulting to automatic but there's no way to tell. Some I can adjust by sliding inside the border. I used study collections from V-1483. ADDED: Subgraphs also are snapping to same 1 tick .25 with crosshair readings, as if subgraph was entirely based on Main chart. This is unusable, as many subcharts' levels are in decimals and tool Lines must be marked at decimal levels.. they also are snapping by .25. Most regions have several studies overlaid, each with slightly different ranges. I can't view any of that properly. Some of these look more like Independent or "same as region" scales. Completely unlike what I had, and not adjustable. See example pic: (I could show you the prior, if you want) Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-28 14:03:28
Vers1957RegionsWontAdjust.jpg / V - Attached On 2019-08-28 14:03:12 UTC - Size: 159.53 KB - 312 views |
[2019-08-28 16:58:19] |
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368 |
This does not make sense. You can access the scale settings for an individual study by following the instructions here: Chart Scale and Scale Adjusting: Opening the Scale Settings Window For a Study Changing the scale of the study is not going to affect the main price graph unless it is in the same chart region, and using a Scale Range of Automatic. In that case the scale will expand as necessary to accommodate the scale of the study Although we do see a problem when using a Constant Range Scale with studies where the initial scale is not correct. This will be corrected in the next release. But this does not affect the main price graph. Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-28 17:00:45
[2019-08-28 17:33:55] |
User791263 - Posts: 151 |
I cited that link (see mid post). It does not work fast and properly by region-- as prior: with right-side border 1-click scale access,... not a slow 3-step per study (18 steps for 6 studies/region, to change automatic to constant range). When region was set automatic, sliding the region border quickly adjusted all to market range. I could jump fast to Automatic or Constant range for 6 studies, -- 1 click. Now border click or slide changes the Main chart scale! And region crosshair values snap by Main chart .25 increment - unusable for critical decimals, unlike prior. This change to "by study" is nearly-impossible to use with many studies per region which must be aligned precisely on common region scale, much slower to operate, yet markets go faster. It worked perfectly in V1483. I have many charts with some regions over 15 studies (study of study (derivatives)). We know what we need, such as Region 2 and 3 with 4 to 10 studies each of similar range. They all adjusted at once with one right-click. Market volatility requires fast region scale adjustment or type. Same problem with Tool-Adjust region. Prior was much faster, easier.. click-drag on divider. I have hundreds of studies, scores of charts. Market ranges vary hugely. We appreciate many improvements,and your efforts and difficulty, but 3 of your changes (including default Trade report FIFO) create big problems for me and likely others who are updating, or may, to latest Version. EDIT: See Vers 1483 Pic of same Chartbook area (as pic of V1957 I first showed): Vers 1483 here shows overlayed studies perfectly-aligned, with precise tool reading of 2.21 not snapping. You may need to Zoom or open with old MS Paint. EDIT2: Once I set all 7 substudies the same scale (not Automatic), the border slider works for those and the snap stops snapping and the appearance is near V-1483. But apparently sliding the scale causes them all to revert to Automatic. Maybe that's the "Automatic" issue you cited. We need a master Option "by Region" or "By Study" where scale button is on Studies list-- to allow either by study or by region (that to act like V1483), or just go back to 1483's scaling code. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-29 15:27:22
Vers1483RegionsPerfectAlignmentAdjust.jpg / V - Attached On 2019-08-29 12:31:16 UTC - Size: 369.54 KB - 317 views |
[2019-09-05 04:47:26] |
User791263 - Posts: 151 |
Still re Ver 1957. I tested more. Something is wrong and changed from prior scaling. When I set overlayed Oscillators (0-100) and 4 other studies to same Constant Range(ie 92 or 140 with same "keep last bar in view"), the graphs do not stay anywhere near in proportion to each other or the base scale: one of level 60.5 appears below the other at 23.1(same Oscillator different settings.) I display values of each study-graph to know the actual reading. Even the "Line" study set at 50 sits at 68! The crosshairs agree with Drawn horizontal lines which are the only 2 things that stay accurate relative to base scale (underlying range 92 or 140). But when Automatic and Constant Range are mixed among studies, neither crosshairs nor value of horizontal line work (no value shown in tool values window). (This worked in V1483). Nor does Automatic setting work exactly like it did prior, which was never great. Overlayed Studies go out of view and also do not keep same proportion.. nor relation. That is useless for required precision levels. Crosshairs sometimes do not snap but often do in regions 2-12.. snapping by Main chart ticks, or read nothing. Different than V1483. Those decimals and accuracy of study versus underlying scale and drawn lines are crucial. Only drawn lines show correct decimals matching the true scale. A Study not accurately matching the underlying scale is dangerous to a trader. The fundamental maxim must be: Chart graph always correct versus underlying scale. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-09-05 06:33:02
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