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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 15:51:16 +0000

Post From: Where is setting for original independent subgraph scaling?

[2019-08-26 05:16:55]
User791263 - Posts: 151
My Version 1483 worked well in many aspects, such as region adjust without going to tools menu.
Subgraph scales were independent per study.

I updated to V-1957 due to CQG protocol requirements, by a work-around you suggested, to use V1957 as server to a separate-folder V-1483, (too large/complex and shifted spreadsheets when I tried to convert, so can't for a long while.

I'm attempting a smaller Chartbook version of my huge V1483-one, to all be in one V1957 folder.
I had problems on LIFO vs FIFO trade reporting (found your setting option for LIFO)---

Problem: subgraphs will not scale independently-- the scale window only shows and accesses the main chart scale. The old default showed whatever was the subgraph.
Where is original independent scaling setting?
Or a very-visible global setting to fix that.

Right-clicking the right border edge no longer accomplishes changes to sub scale.
Nor does accessing the scale window under Analysis-Study. That is, nothing on this instruction
Chart Scale and Scale Adjusting: Opening the Scale Settings Window For a Study
works.. the Study just stays the top Chart scale.
"Reset" on the region scale does nothing.
Changing the sub-graph scale (example: to new constant range) changes the main chart scale.
Main and region scales windows only affect the main chart scale. The subgraphs look like they are defaulting to automatic but there's no way to tell. Some I can adjust by sliding inside the border.
I used study collections from V-1483.
ADDED: Subgraphs also are snapping to same 1 tick .25 with crosshair readings, as if subgraph was entirely based on Main chart. This is unusable, as many subcharts' levels are in decimals and
tool Lines must be marked at decimal levels.. they also are snapping by .25.

Most regions have several studies overlaid, each with slightly different ranges. I can't view any of that properly. Some of these look more like Independent or "same as region" scales. Completely unlike what I had, and not adjustable. See example pic: (I could show you the prior, if you want)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-28 14:03:28
imageVers1957RegionsWontAdjust.jpg / V - Attached On 2019-08-28 14:03:12 UTC - Size: 159.53 KB - 312 views