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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 02:45:42 +0000

data questions

View Count: 1615

[2018-03-07 10:54:23]
User703026 - Posts: 3
I'm new to SC...

1. TD Ameritrade real time futures data: SC states that TD does not provide real time futures data. Yet, on the Think or Swim platform I'm getting real time futures data. I am also able to chart TD real time futures data using SC. Please clarify.

2. Interactive Brokers exchange traded futures spreads: Can you bar (OHLC) chart IB provided data for exchange traded futures spreads using SC (using their IB / exchange symbols). If not thru IB, is it possible via another available 3rd party provider.

3. In regard to manually created spreads, please explain their level of accuracy at the daily and intraday time frames.

Thank you.
[2018-03-07 12:00:05]
User703026 - Posts: 3
Please clarify how can TD help - the real time data on the TD side is to the best of my knowledge without lag (in comparison to other real time data sources).
[2018-03-07 12:29:27]
Xfanman1 - Posts: 320
Please clarify how can TD help - the real time data on the TD side is to the best of my knowledge without lag (in comparison to other real time data sources).

TD Ameritrade does not provide Futures data via their API. Only data for Stocks, Options and ETF's. Here's a link to the TD Ameritrade API Help Page if you wish to confirm what I'm telling you. SC has no way to help you in this situation. I also don't work for SC but I'm sure they'll respond to the rest of your questions.

[2018-03-07 17:50:21]
User703026 - Posts: 3
Thank you for the link...
[2018-03-07 20:19:30]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. This is explained here:

2. All of this is answered here:
Interactive Brokers Symbols: Futures Spreads Format (not supported)

3. This page should answer the question:
How to Create High Accuracy Spread or Ratio Charts
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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