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Date/Time: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 03:05:55 +0000

Post From: data questions

[2018-03-07 10:54:23]
User703026 - Posts: 3
I'm new to SC...

1. TD Ameritrade real time futures data: SC states that TD does not provide real time futures data. Yet, on the Think or Swim platform I'm getting real time futures data. I am also able to chart TD real time futures data using SC. Please clarify.

2. Interactive Brokers exchange traded futures spreads: Can you bar (OHLC) chart IB provided data for exchange traded futures spreads using SC (using their IB / exchange symbols). If not thru IB, is it possible via another available 3rd party provider.

3. In regard to manually created spreads, please explain their level of accuracy at the daily and intraday time frames.

Thank you.