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A pair of ACSIL studies you might find useful.
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[2017-09-12 16:30:41] |
Sporken - Posts: 82 |
Hi, This is not a support request. I don't know how to contact you without using the support board. I want to give you a couple of ACSIL studies that I hope you find interesting/useful. I sometimes see people asking support questions about 1 second charts or tick charts and contacting you because they are having problems because they try to load far too much data etc etc. This is what I did when I first used Sierra and I found it difficult to make charts which showed things like the 200 day Moving average, or yearly pivots, on these very short timeframe charts without complicated use of hidden daily charts etc. It took me a long time to really figure out how to do this the expected way. I also used hourly charts that loaded 500 days of data etc just because I wanted to show a yearly pivot etc. I don't any longer. Recently I made this pair of ACSIL studies that I think you might find useful. The first one writes out binary files of all, or some, of the subgraphs from a study. The user specifies a "Unique Name" for the thing being written, "200DayMA" for example or "YearlyPivots" etc. The second reads these binary files specified by the "Unique Names" into subgraphs according to whatever was last written to disk. It means I can see my macro indicators on micro timeframes. For example, I have a SubInstance with a Chartbook showing thirty six 20 second charts that each load only 1 day of data and yet they show all of my indicators from all of my timeframes, from all of my Sub Instances. Of course, it's less efficient to actually write these subgraphs to disk in this way, and I have to do an element by element copy the subgraph data to do the WriteFile because I cannot get the pointer to the raw subgraph data. But it was the only way I could do it in ACSIL. And each is only written every 20 seconds, or once per day etc etc. and they're only loaded once every 20 seconds or whatever. And I normally only save the last 100 days of elements. So I've not noticed these studies being a drag on performance. But you could, if you wanted, do this far more efficiently I'm sure. The existing code expects a folder to already exist in C:\\SierraChart_Live\\SierraTWS\\LiveStudy_files\\ This is hardcoded at the moment but would be very easily changed to a folder in the root install data folder. I think the idea of giving studies or subgraphs "unique names" to identify them universally might be something that would be very mush easier for new users to comprehend. Anyway, maybe you find this interesting. All the best, -Jason SCSFExport scsf_Jason_LiveStudySaveDataToFile(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) { int Input_i = 0; SCInputRef Input_studyRef = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_BarsToSave = sc.Input[Input_i++]; //might be better to change it to DaysToSave SCInputRef Input_UniqueName = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_SaveInterval = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_SaveAllSubgraphs = sc.Input[Input_i++]; int gp_int_i = 1; int gp_float_i = 1; int gp_string_i = 1; int gp_datetime_i = 1; int gp_pointer_i = 1; SCDateTime& mysc_last_savetime = sc.GetPersistentSCDateTime(gp_datetime_i++); if (sc.SetDefaults) { sc.GraphName = "__JASON Live Study Save To File"; sc.StudyDescription = "Writes binary data into LiveStudy_files folder in SierraTWS folder"; sc.GraphRegion = 0; Input_studyRef.Name = "Study"; Input_studyRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(-1, -1); Input_BarsToSave.Name = "Bars to save"; Input_BarsToSave.SetInt(10); Input_UniqueName.Name = "Unique Name"; Input_UniqueName.SetString(""); Input_SaveInterval.Name = "Save Interval in seconds"; Input_SaveInterval.SetInt(5); Input_SaveAllSubgraphs.Name = "Save All Subgraphs"; Input_SaveAllSubgraphs.SetYesNo(1); mysc_last_savetime = 0; sc.UpdateAlways = 1; sc.AutoLoop = 0; return; } if ( (sc.CurrentSystemDateTime < mysc_last_savetime + (Input_SaveInterval.GetInt() * SECONDS)) && (sc.UpdateStartIndex != 0) && (!sc.IsFullRecalculation)) return; if (sc.ArraySize <= 0) return; int study_id = Input_studyRef.GetStudyID(); int subgraph_num_min = Input_studyRef.GetSubgraphIndex(); int subgraph_num_max = Input_studyRef.GetSubgraphIndex(); SCGraphData SubgraphArraysFromStudy; sc.GetStudyArraysFromChartUsingID(sc.ChartNumber, study_id, SubgraphArraysFromStudy); if (Input_SaveAllSubgraphs.GetYesNo()) { subgraph_num_min = 999; subgraph_num_max = -1; for (int sg = 0; sg < 60; sg++) { SCFloatArrayRef FloatArray_forRemoteSG = SubgraphArraysFromStudy[sg]; if (FloatArray_forRemoteSG.GetArraySize() > 0) { if (sg < subgraph_num_min) { subgraph_num_min = sg; } if (sg > subgraph_num_max) { subgraph_num_max = sg; } } } } SCString OutputFileName = SCString().Format("SavedSubgraph - %s - %s.JAS", sc.Symbol.GetChars(), Input_UniqueName.GetString()); SCString OutputPathAndFileName = SCString("C:\\SierraChart_Live\\SierraTWS\\LiveStudy_files\\") + OutputFileName; HANDLE FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD BytesWritten; // create new file FileHandle = CreateFile(OutputPathAndFileName.GetChars(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { const int num_bars = (sc.ArraySize < Input_BarsToSave.GetInt()) ? sc.ArraySize : Input_BarsToSave.GetInt(); WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_bars, (DWORD)sizeof(num_bars), &BytesWritten, NULL); const int num_subgraphs = subgraph_num_max - subgraph_num_min + 1; WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_subgraphs, (DWORD)sizeof(num_subgraphs), &BytesWritten, NULL); SCDateTime *the_date_vector = new SCDateTime[num_bars]; if (the_date_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } int n = 0; for (int i = sc.ArraySize - num_bars; i < sc.ArraySize; i++) { the_date_vector[n++] = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[i]; } WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_date_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(SCDateTime), &BytesWritten, NULL); delete[](the_date_vector); for (int sg = subgraph_num_min; sg <= subgraph_num_max; sg++) { SCString study_subgraph_name = sc.GetStudySubgraphName(study_id, sg); char the_name[1024]; strcpy_s(the_name, 1024, study_subgraph_name.GetChars()); WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_name[0], sizeof(the_name), &BytesWritten, NULL); SCFloatArrayRef FloatArray_forRemoteSG = SubgraphArraysFromStudy[sg]; float *the_float_vector = new float[num_bars]; if (the_float_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } int n = 0; for (int i = sc.ArraySize - num_bars; i < sc.ArraySize; i++) { the_float_vector[n++] = FloatArray_forRemoteSG[i]; } WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_float_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(float), &BytesWritten, NULL); delete[] the_float_vector; COLORREF *the_color_vector = NULL; SCColorArray DataColorArray; sc.GetStudyDataColorArrayFromChartUsingID(sc.ChartNumber, study_id, sg, DataColorArray); int num_colors = DataColorArray.GetArraySize(); WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_colors, (DWORD)sizeof(num_colors), &BytesWritten, NULL); if (num_colors > 0) { the_color_vector = new COLORREF[num_bars]; if (the_color_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } int n = 0; for (int i = sc.ArraySize - num_bars; i < sc.ArraySize; i++) { if (DataColorArray.GetArraySize() > 0) { the_color_vector[n++] = DataColorArray[i]; } } WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_color_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(COLORREF), &BytesWritten, NULL); delete[] the_color_vector; } } CloseHandle(FileHandle); mysc_last_savetime = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime; } } /*============================================================================*/ SCSFExport scsf_Jason_LiveStudyLoadDataFromFile(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) { int Input_i = 0; SCInputRef Input_UniqueName = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_LoadInterval = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_RenderOnlyVisible = sc.Input[Input_i++]; int gp_int_i = 1; int gp_float_i = 1; int gp_string_i = 1; int gp_datetime_i = 1; int gp_pointer_i = 1; SCDateTime& mysc_last_loadtime = sc.GetPersistentSCDateTime(gp_datetime_i++); if (sc.SetDefaults) { sc.GraphName = "__JASON Live Study Load from File"; sc.StudyDescription = "Loads the LiveStudy_files and puts them in subgraphs"; sc.GraphRegion = 0; Input_UniqueName.Name = "Unique Name"; Input_UniqueName.SetString(""); Input_LoadInterval.Name = "Load Interval in seconds"; Input_LoadInterval.SetInt(sc.SecondsPerBar); Input_RenderOnlyVisible.Name = "Render Only Visible"; Input_RenderOnlyVisible.SetYesNo(0); mysc_last_loadtime = 0; sc.AutoLoop = 0; return; } if ( (sc.CurrentSystemDateTime < mysc_last_loadtime + (Input_LoadInterval.GetInt() * SECONDS)) && (sc.UpdateStartIndex != 0) && (!sc.IsFullRecalculation)) return; SCString InputFileName = SCString().Format("SavedSubgraph - %s - %s.JAS", sc.Symbol.GetChars(), Input_UniqueName.GetString()); SCString InputPathAndFileName = SCString("C:\\SierraChart_Live\\SierraTWS\\LiveStudy_files\\") + InputFileName; HANDLE FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD NumBytes; // Open existing file // if this fails then it will try again in a second FileHandle = CreateFile(InputPathAndFileName.GetChars(), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int num_bars; ReadFile(FileHandle, &num_bars, (DWORD)sizeof(num_bars), &NumBytes, NULL); int num_subgraphs; ReadFile(FileHandle, &num_subgraphs, (DWORD)sizeof(num_subgraphs), &NumBytes, NULL); SCDateTime *the_date_vector = new SCDateTime[num_bars]; if (the_date_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_date_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(SCDateTime), &NumBytes, NULL); for (int sg = 0; sg < num_subgraphs; sg++) { char the_name[1024]; ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_name[0], sizeof(the_name), &NumBytes, NULL); sc.Subgraph[sg].Name = SCString(the_name); float *the_float_vector = new float[num_bars]; if (the_float_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_float_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(float), &NumBytes, NULL); COLORREF *the_color_vector = NULL; int num_colors; //WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_colors, (DWORD)sizeof(num_colors), &BytesWritten, NULL); ReadFile(FileHandle, &num_colors, (DWORD)sizeof(num_colors), &NumBytes, NULL); if (num_colors > 0) { the_color_vector = new COLORREF[num_bars]; if (the_color_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_color_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(COLORREF), &NumBytes, NULL); } int curr_source_i = num_bars-1; int begin, end; if (Input_RenderOnlyVisible.GetYesNo()) { begin = sc.IndexOfLastVisibleBar; //backwards order end = sc.IndexOfFirstVisibleBar; } else { begin = sc.ArraySize - 1; end = 0; } for (int Index = begin; Index >= end; Index--) {// Start from the higher indices/dates and work backwards. SCDateTime dt = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[Index]; while ((curr_source_i >= 0) && (the_date_vector[curr_source_i] > dt)) { curr_source_i--; } if (curr_source_i >= 0) { sc.Subgraph[sg][Index] = the_float_vector[curr_source_i]; if (num_colors > 0) { sc.Subgraph[sg].DataColor[Index] = the_color_vector[curr_source_i]; } } else { sc.Subgraph[sg][Index] = 0.0f; } } if (the_color_vector != NULL) { delete[] the_color_vector; } delete[] the_float_vector; } delete[] the_date_vector; CloseHandle(FileHandle); mysc_last_loadtime = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime; } } |
[2017-09-12 20:42:53] |
Thank you for the contribution. We also corrected the title of the thread. Do you want us to include these studies within the User Contributed Studies file provided with Sierra Chart? Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2017-09-12 21:21:12] |
Sporken - Posts: 82 |
Yeah if you like. But if you want to just use the existing code then it needs to write the files to a valid folder. The easiest fix is to simply not specify a folder and just dump the files into the current path. This writes to the SierraCharts/Data folder. The code for that is below Incidentally, I thought there was an ACSIL variable that stored the current path to the SierraCharts/Data folder, and I thought it was sc.DataFilesFolder. But I just tried to test with this and found that it was actually set to the string "Sim1". I just checked the manual page but there's no entry for this field ACSIL Interface Members - Variables and Arrays: sc.DataFilesFolder SCSFExport scsf_Jason_LiveStudySaveDataToFile(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) { int Input_i = 0; SCInputRef Input_studyRef = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_BarsToSave = sc.Input[Input_i++]; //might be better to change it to DaysToSave SCInputRef Input_UniqueName = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_SaveInterval = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_SaveAllSubgraphs = sc.Input[Input_i++]; int gp_int_i = 1; int gp_float_i = 1; int gp_string_i = 1; int gp_datetime_i = 1; int gp_pointer_i = 1; SCDateTime& mysc_last_savetime = sc.GetPersistentSCDateTime(gp_datetime_i++); if (sc.SetDefaults) { sc.GraphName = "__JASON Live Study Save To File"; sc.StudyDescription = "Writes binary data into LiveStudy_files folder in SierraTWS folder"; sc.GraphRegion = 0; Input_studyRef.Name = "Study"; Input_studyRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(-1, -1); Input_BarsToSave.Name = "Bars to save"; Input_BarsToSave.SetInt(10); Input_UniqueName.Name = "Unique Name"; Input_UniqueName.SetString(""); Input_SaveInterval.Name = "Save Interval in seconds"; Input_SaveInterval.SetInt(5); Input_SaveAllSubgraphs.Name = "Save All Subgraphs"; Input_SaveAllSubgraphs.SetYesNo(1); mysc_last_savetime = 0; sc.UpdateAlways = 1; sc.AutoLoop = 0; return; } if ( (sc.CurrentSystemDateTime < mysc_last_savetime + (Input_SaveInterval.GetInt() * SECONDS)) && (sc.UpdateStartIndex != 0) && (!sc.IsFullRecalculation)) return; if (sc.ArraySize <= 0) return; int study_id = Input_studyRef.GetStudyID(); int subgraph_num_min = Input_studyRef.GetSubgraphIndex(); int subgraph_num_max = Input_studyRef.GetSubgraphIndex(); SCGraphData SubgraphArraysFromStudy; sc.GetStudyArraysFromChartUsingID(sc.ChartNumber, study_id, SubgraphArraysFromStudy); if (Input_SaveAllSubgraphs.GetYesNo()) { subgraph_num_min = 999; subgraph_num_max = -1; for (int sg = 0; sg < 60; sg++) { SCFloatArrayRef FloatArray_forRemoteSG = SubgraphArraysFromStudy[sg]; if (FloatArray_forRemoteSG.GetArraySize() > 0) { if (sg < subgraph_num_min) { subgraph_num_min = sg; } if (sg > subgraph_num_max) { subgraph_num_max = sg; } } } } SCString OutputFileName = SCString().Format("SavedSubgraph - %s - %s.JAS", sc.Symbol.GetChars(), Input_UniqueName.GetString()); SCString OutputPathAndFileName = OutputFileName; HANDLE FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD BytesWritten; // create new file FileHandle = CreateFile(OutputPathAndFileName.GetChars(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { const int num_bars = (sc.ArraySize < Input_BarsToSave.GetInt()) ? sc.ArraySize : Input_BarsToSave.GetInt(); WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_bars, (DWORD)sizeof(num_bars), &BytesWritten, NULL); const int num_subgraphs = subgraph_num_max - subgraph_num_min + 1; WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_subgraphs, (DWORD)sizeof(num_subgraphs), &BytesWritten, NULL); SCDateTime *the_date_vector = new SCDateTime[num_bars]; if (the_date_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } int n = 0; for (int i = sc.ArraySize - num_bars; i < sc.ArraySize; i++) { the_date_vector[n++] = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[i]; } WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_date_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(SCDateTime), &BytesWritten, NULL); delete[](the_date_vector); for (int sg = subgraph_num_min; sg <= subgraph_num_max; sg++) { SCString study_subgraph_name = sc.GetStudySubgraphName(study_id, sg); char the_name[1024]; strcpy_s(the_name, 1024, study_subgraph_name.GetChars()); WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_name[0], sizeof(the_name), &BytesWritten, NULL); SCFloatArrayRef FloatArray_forRemoteSG = SubgraphArraysFromStudy[sg]; float *the_float_vector = new float[num_bars]; if (the_float_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } int n = 0; for (int i = sc.ArraySize - num_bars; i < sc.ArraySize; i++) { the_float_vector[n++] = FloatArray_forRemoteSG[i]; } WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_float_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(float), &BytesWritten, NULL); delete[] the_float_vector; COLORREF *the_color_vector = NULL; SCColorArray DataColorArray; sc.GetStudyDataColorArrayFromChartUsingID(sc.ChartNumber, study_id, sg, DataColorArray); int num_colors = DataColorArray.GetArraySize(); WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_colors, (DWORD)sizeof(num_colors), &BytesWritten, NULL); if (num_colors > 0) { the_color_vector = new COLORREF[num_bars]; if (the_color_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } int n = 0; for (int i = sc.ArraySize - num_bars; i < sc.ArraySize; i++) { if (DataColorArray.GetArraySize() > 0) { the_color_vector[n++] = DataColorArray[i]; } } WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_color_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(COLORREF), &BytesWritten, NULL); delete[] the_color_vector; } } CloseHandle(FileHandle); mysc_last_savetime = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime; } } /*============================================================================*/ SCSFExport scsf_Jason_LiveStudyLoadDataFromFile(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) { int Input_i = 0; SCInputRef Input_UniqueName = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_LoadInterval = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_RenderOnlyVisible = sc.Input[Input_i++]; int gp_int_i = 1; int gp_float_i = 1; int gp_string_i = 1; int gp_datetime_i = 1; int gp_pointer_i = 1; SCDateTime& mysc_last_loadtime = sc.GetPersistentSCDateTime(gp_datetime_i++); if (sc.SetDefaults) { sc.GraphName = "__JASON Live Study Load from File"; sc.StudyDescription = "Loads the LiveStudy_files and puts them in subgraphs"; sc.GraphRegion = 0; Input_UniqueName.Name = "Unique Name"; Input_UniqueName.SetString(""); Input_LoadInterval.Name = "Load Interval in seconds"; Input_LoadInterval.SetInt(sc.SecondsPerBar); Input_RenderOnlyVisible.Name = "Render Only Visible"; Input_RenderOnlyVisible.SetYesNo(0); mysc_last_loadtime = 0; sc.AutoLoop = 0; return; } if ( (sc.CurrentSystemDateTime < mysc_last_loadtime + (Input_LoadInterval.GetInt() * SECONDS)) && (sc.UpdateStartIndex != 0) && (!sc.IsFullRecalculation)) return; SCString InputFileName = SCString().Format("SavedSubgraph - %s - %s.JAS", sc.Symbol.GetChars(), Input_UniqueName.GetString()); SCString InputPathAndFileName = InputFileName; HANDLE FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD NumBytes; // Open existing file // if this fails then it will try again in a second FileHandle = CreateFile(InputPathAndFileName.GetChars(), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int num_bars; ReadFile(FileHandle, &num_bars, (DWORD)sizeof(num_bars), &NumBytes, NULL); int num_subgraphs; ReadFile(FileHandle, &num_subgraphs, (DWORD)sizeof(num_subgraphs), &NumBytes, NULL); SCDateTime *the_date_vector = new SCDateTime[num_bars]; if (the_date_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_date_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(SCDateTime), &NumBytes, NULL); for (int sg = 0; sg < num_subgraphs; sg++) { char the_name[1024]; ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_name[0], sizeof(the_name), &NumBytes, NULL); sc.Subgraph[sg].Name = SCString(the_name); float *the_float_vector = new float[num_bars]; if (the_float_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_float_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(float), &NumBytes, NULL); COLORREF *the_color_vector = NULL; int num_colors; //WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_colors, (DWORD)sizeof(num_colors), &BytesWritten, NULL); ReadFile(FileHandle, &num_colors, (DWORD)sizeof(num_colors), &NumBytes, NULL); if (num_colors > 0) { the_color_vector = new COLORREF[num_bars]; if (the_color_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_color_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(COLORREF), &NumBytes, NULL); } int curr_source_i = num_bars-1; int begin, end; if (Input_RenderOnlyVisible.GetYesNo()) { begin = sc.IndexOfLastVisibleBar; //backwards order end = sc.IndexOfFirstVisibleBar; } else { begin = sc.ArraySize - 1; end = 0; } for (int Index = begin; Index >= end; Index--) {// Start from the higher indices/dates and work backwards. SCDateTime dt = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[Index]; while ((curr_source_i >= 0) && (the_date_vector[curr_source_i] > dt)) { curr_source_i--; } if (curr_source_i >= 0) { sc.Subgraph[sg][Index] = the_float_vector[curr_source_i]; if (num_colors > 0) { sc.Subgraph[sg].DataColor[Index] = the_color_vector[curr_source_i]; } } else { sc.Subgraph[sg][Index] = 0.0f; } } if (the_color_vector != NULL) { delete[] the_color_vector; } delete[] the_float_vector; } delete[] the_date_vector; CloseHandle(FileHandle); mysc_last_loadtime = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime; } } |
[2017-09-12 21:49:20] |
The problem with sc.DataFilesFolder will be solved in the next release.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2017-09-13 00:47:45] |
User29926 - Posts: 92 |
Thank you for the contribution. We also corrected the title of the thread.
It would be helpful if Sierra includes an example chart book as well.
Do you want us to include these studies within the User Contributed Studies file provided with Sierra Chart? |
[2017-09-13 08:44:47] |
Sporken - Posts: 82 |
Maybe a link to this thread in the C++ would suffice for instructions and anyone googling will find this page because I've mentioned this text "__JASON Live Study Save To File" "__JASON Live Study Load from File" A pair of ACSIL studies you might find useful. Basic instruction are: You just add a "__JASON Live Study Save To File" to the chart with the thing you want to save. You specify which study you want to save. You specify a "Unique Name". Something like "200DayMA" or "DailyMovingAverages" or "YearlyPivots" or whatever you want to name it. Don't use characters that are not allowed in filenames. (like * . " / \ [ ] : ; | = ,) You specify how many bars should be saved into the file. The more you specify, the slower it will be. For daily data, 100 or 200 bars is normally plenty for displaying on hourly or minute charts. You specify the save interval, how many seconds must elapse between saves. Full recalculations cause a save as well. 5 seconds or more is fine if you're not sure. You specify whether you want it to save only the 1 specific subgraph from the study specified in Input 1, or all of the subgraphs from the study specified in Input1. Study1 allows you to set the SG to something. The 2nd parameter on that input. If you mark "Save All subgraphs" then the 2nd parameter on Input1 is ignored (all the subgraphs are saved) You also add a "__JASON Live Study Load from File" on the chart where you want the study to appear. You specify the same "Unique Name" as you saved it with (Something like "200DayMA" or "DailyMovingAverages" or "YearlyPivots") You specify how regular the updates should be, in seconds. If its a 20 second chart and you're copying Yearly Pivots then there is no point in refreshing them any more frequently than 20 seconds. Set 5 seconds if you're not sure. The 3rd parameter "Render only visible" is something I never honestly use, it tells it to only draw into the currently visible window of chart bars, but really there's no point in doing this. the study is fast enough that I've never found a time when it was good to set this to "Yes". Just always leave this as "No" I think. You specify how the subgraphs should appear on the subgraphs page. Once the study has run once, then the subgraphs will all be listed, ready to have their drawing style specified. Make sure you add the Save To File Study AFTER any study that it is saving. So if you are saving your HourlyMovingAverages then this study should go after that one in the list of Studies. Come to think of it, the "Save To File" study should probably have sc.CalculationPrecedence = VERY_LOW_PREC_LEVEL; in the sc.SetDefaults block. OK hopefully that is enough for people to figure it out. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-09-13 08:51:23
[2017-09-13 16:40:02] |
Add this documentation into the study itself. Refer to: Come to think of it, the "Save To File" study should probably have You should then add this.
sc.CalculationPrecedence = VERY_LOW_PREC_LEVEL; Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-01-17 10:54:40] |
User462086 - Posts: 196 |
Firstly, thank you very much for this! It's been useful on several occasions. Is there a way to delete a subgraph after it's been created dynamically? |
[2021-01-17 12:20:10] |
Sporken - Posts: 82 |
Hi, I wrote this.. But it's a long time since I used Sierra Charts. IIRC you just need to delete the "__JASON Live Study Load from File" study and then you can delete the subgraphs it is creating/updating. I hope this helps |
[2021-01-17 12:57:00] |
User462086 - Posts: 196 |
Hi, I'm looking for a way to both add & remove subgraphs dynamically while keeping the study on a chart. Will probably just fill the 'deleted' subgraphs with zeros if an elegant method doesn't exist. Thanks a lot for the speedy reply!
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