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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 14:27:44 +0000
Post From: A pair of ACSIL studies you might find useful.
[2017-09-12 21:21:12] |
Sporken - Posts: 82 |
Yeah if you like. But if you want to just use the existing code then it needs to write the files to a valid folder. The easiest fix is to simply not specify a folder and just dump the files into the current path. This writes to the SierraCharts/Data folder. The code for that is below Incidentally, I thought there was an ACSIL variable that stored the current path to the SierraCharts/Data folder, and I thought it was sc.DataFilesFolder. But I just tried to test with this and found that it was actually set to the string "Sim1". I just checked the manual page but there's no entry for this field ACSIL Interface Members - Variables and Arrays: sc.DataFilesFolder SCSFExport scsf_Jason_LiveStudySaveDataToFile(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) { int Input_i = 0; SCInputRef Input_studyRef = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_BarsToSave = sc.Input[Input_i++]; //might be better to change it to DaysToSave SCInputRef Input_UniqueName = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_SaveInterval = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_SaveAllSubgraphs = sc.Input[Input_i++]; int gp_int_i = 1; int gp_float_i = 1; int gp_string_i = 1; int gp_datetime_i = 1; int gp_pointer_i = 1; SCDateTime& mysc_last_savetime = sc.GetPersistentSCDateTime(gp_datetime_i++); if (sc.SetDefaults) { sc.GraphName = "__JASON Live Study Save To File"; sc.StudyDescription = "Writes binary data into LiveStudy_files folder in SierraTWS folder"; sc.GraphRegion = 0; Input_studyRef.Name = "Study"; Input_studyRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(-1, -1); Input_BarsToSave.Name = "Bars to save"; Input_BarsToSave.SetInt(10); Input_UniqueName.Name = "Unique Name"; Input_UniqueName.SetString(""); Input_SaveInterval.Name = "Save Interval in seconds"; Input_SaveInterval.SetInt(5); Input_SaveAllSubgraphs.Name = "Save All Subgraphs"; Input_SaveAllSubgraphs.SetYesNo(1); mysc_last_savetime = 0; sc.UpdateAlways = 1; sc.AutoLoop = 0; return; } if ( (sc.CurrentSystemDateTime < mysc_last_savetime + (Input_SaveInterval.GetInt() * SECONDS)) && (sc.UpdateStartIndex != 0) && (!sc.IsFullRecalculation)) return; if (sc.ArraySize <= 0) return; int study_id = Input_studyRef.GetStudyID(); int subgraph_num_min = Input_studyRef.GetSubgraphIndex(); int subgraph_num_max = Input_studyRef.GetSubgraphIndex(); SCGraphData SubgraphArraysFromStudy; sc.GetStudyArraysFromChartUsingID(sc.ChartNumber, study_id, SubgraphArraysFromStudy); if (Input_SaveAllSubgraphs.GetYesNo()) { subgraph_num_min = 999; subgraph_num_max = -1; for (int sg = 0; sg < 60; sg++) { SCFloatArrayRef FloatArray_forRemoteSG = SubgraphArraysFromStudy[sg]; if (FloatArray_forRemoteSG.GetArraySize() > 0) { if (sg < subgraph_num_min) { subgraph_num_min = sg; } if (sg > subgraph_num_max) { subgraph_num_max = sg; } } } } SCString OutputFileName = SCString().Format("SavedSubgraph - %s - %s.JAS", sc.Symbol.GetChars(), Input_UniqueName.GetString()); SCString OutputPathAndFileName = OutputFileName; HANDLE FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD BytesWritten; // create new file FileHandle = CreateFile(OutputPathAndFileName.GetChars(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { const int num_bars = (sc.ArraySize < Input_BarsToSave.GetInt()) ? sc.ArraySize : Input_BarsToSave.GetInt(); WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_bars, (DWORD)sizeof(num_bars), &BytesWritten, NULL); const int num_subgraphs = subgraph_num_max - subgraph_num_min + 1; WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_subgraphs, (DWORD)sizeof(num_subgraphs), &BytesWritten, NULL); SCDateTime *the_date_vector = new SCDateTime[num_bars]; if (the_date_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } int n = 0; for (int i = sc.ArraySize - num_bars; i < sc.ArraySize; i++) { the_date_vector[n++] = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[i]; } WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_date_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(SCDateTime), &BytesWritten, NULL); delete[](the_date_vector); for (int sg = subgraph_num_min; sg <= subgraph_num_max; sg++) { SCString study_subgraph_name = sc.GetStudySubgraphName(study_id, sg); char the_name[1024]; strcpy_s(the_name, 1024, study_subgraph_name.GetChars()); WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_name[0], sizeof(the_name), &BytesWritten, NULL); SCFloatArrayRef FloatArray_forRemoteSG = SubgraphArraysFromStudy[sg]; float *the_float_vector = new float[num_bars]; if (the_float_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } int n = 0; for (int i = sc.ArraySize - num_bars; i < sc.ArraySize; i++) { the_float_vector[n++] = FloatArray_forRemoteSG[i]; } WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_float_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(float), &BytesWritten, NULL); delete[] the_float_vector; COLORREF *the_color_vector = NULL; SCColorArray DataColorArray; sc.GetStudyDataColorArrayFromChartUsingID(sc.ChartNumber, study_id, sg, DataColorArray); int num_colors = DataColorArray.GetArraySize(); WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_colors, (DWORD)sizeof(num_colors), &BytesWritten, NULL); if (num_colors > 0) { the_color_vector = new COLORREF[num_bars]; if (the_color_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } int n = 0; for (int i = sc.ArraySize - num_bars; i < sc.ArraySize; i++) { if (DataColorArray.GetArraySize() > 0) { the_color_vector[n++] = DataColorArray[i]; } } WriteFile(FileHandle, &the_color_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(COLORREF), &BytesWritten, NULL); delete[] the_color_vector; } } CloseHandle(FileHandle); mysc_last_savetime = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime; } } /*============================================================================*/ SCSFExport scsf_Jason_LiveStudyLoadDataFromFile(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) { int Input_i = 0; SCInputRef Input_UniqueName = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_LoadInterval = sc.Input[Input_i++]; SCInputRef Input_RenderOnlyVisible = sc.Input[Input_i++]; int gp_int_i = 1; int gp_float_i = 1; int gp_string_i = 1; int gp_datetime_i = 1; int gp_pointer_i = 1; SCDateTime& mysc_last_loadtime = sc.GetPersistentSCDateTime(gp_datetime_i++); if (sc.SetDefaults) { sc.GraphName = "__JASON Live Study Load from File"; sc.StudyDescription = "Loads the LiveStudy_files and puts them in subgraphs"; sc.GraphRegion = 0; Input_UniqueName.Name = "Unique Name"; Input_UniqueName.SetString(""); Input_LoadInterval.Name = "Load Interval in seconds"; Input_LoadInterval.SetInt(sc.SecondsPerBar); Input_RenderOnlyVisible.Name = "Render Only Visible"; Input_RenderOnlyVisible.SetYesNo(0); mysc_last_loadtime = 0; sc.AutoLoop = 0; return; } if ( (sc.CurrentSystemDateTime < mysc_last_loadtime + (Input_LoadInterval.GetInt() * SECONDS)) && (sc.UpdateStartIndex != 0) && (!sc.IsFullRecalculation)) return; SCString InputFileName = SCString().Format("SavedSubgraph - %s - %s.JAS", sc.Symbol.GetChars(), Input_UniqueName.GetString()); SCString InputPathAndFileName = InputFileName; HANDLE FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD NumBytes; // Open existing file // if this fails then it will try again in a second FileHandle = CreateFile(InputPathAndFileName.GetChars(), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int num_bars; ReadFile(FileHandle, &num_bars, (DWORD)sizeof(num_bars), &NumBytes, NULL); int num_subgraphs; ReadFile(FileHandle, &num_subgraphs, (DWORD)sizeof(num_subgraphs), &NumBytes, NULL); SCDateTime *the_date_vector = new SCDateTime[num_bars]; if (the_date_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_date_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(SCDateTime), &NumBytes, NULL); for (int sg = 0; sg < num_subgraphs; sg++) { char the_name[1024]; ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_name[0], sizeof(the_name), &NumBytes, NULL); sc.Subgraph[sg].Name = SCString(the_name); float *the_float_vector = new float[num_bars]; if (the_float_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_float_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(float), &NumBytes, NULL); COLORREF *the_color_vector = NULL; int num_colors; //WriteFile(FileHandle, &num_colors, (DWORD)sizeof(num_colors), &BytesWritten, NULL); ReadFile(FileHandle, &num_colors, (DWORD)sizeof(num_colors), &NumBytes, NULL); if (num_colors > 0) { the_color_vector = new COLORREF[num_bars]; if (the_color_vector == NULL) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); return; } ReadFile(FileHandle, &the_color_vector[0], num_bars * sizeof(COLORREF), &NumBytes, NULL); } int curr_source_i = num_bars-1; int begin, end; if (Input_RenderOnlyVisible.GetYesNo()) { begin = sc.IndexOfLastVisibleBar; //backwards order end = sc.IndexOfFirstVisibleBar; } else { begin = sc.ArraySize - 1; end = 0; } for (int Index = begin; Index >= end; Index--) {// Start from the higher indices/dates and work backwards. SCDateTime dt = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[Index]; while ((curr_source_i >= 0) && (the_date_vector[curr_source_i] > dt)) { curr_source_i--; } if (curr_source_i >= 0) { sc.Subgraph[sg][Index] = the_float_vector[curr_source_i]; if (num_colors > 0) { sc.Subgraph[sg].DataColor[Index] = the_color_vector[curr_source_i]; } } else { sc.Subgraph[sg][Index] = 0.0f; } } if (the_color_vector != NULL) { delete[] the_color_vector; } delete[] the_float_vector; } delete[] the_date_vector; CloseHandle(FileHandle); mysc_last_loadtime = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime; } } |