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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 00:48:22 +0000

Multiple Drawing Numbers and Drawing Sensitivity -

View Count: 2220

[2017-02-24 23:17:32]
User186889 - Posts: 54
Hello Sierra

I really like your charts but for 2 items that really drive me bananas! Especially when I am trying to scalp a one minute chart (Screen shots attached)

PROBLEM 1 - Sometimes when I select one individual chart drawing or line, Multiple numbers appear on each drawing and can't be got rid of unless I select Hand Tool Feature (ESC won't work which is the obvious fix/action)

PROBLEM 2 - It is very difficult to select 2 drawings close together even if the mouse is carefully pointed at an individual drawing; I would estimate 25% of all my selections end up with multiple selections at the same time - why please? I could understand, like for example in Powerpoint, when you group objects you get multiple objects, but I am trying to select just one and getting many. This is quite frustrating on such a good tool. I have tried loads of different sensitivity settings and I can get it 'slightly better' but it still does it a lot of the time and really annoying when trying to do fast chart work like when scalping. I have attached a screen print of the 2 problems - Thanks Mark B
imageDrawing issue - Numbers and Sensitivity - 24 Feb 17.png / V - Attached On 2017-02-24 23:16:29 UTC - Size: 147.03 KB - 410 views
[2017-02-26 06:53:51]
User201106 - Posts: 62
Here are a couple of tips that I use for these.

#1. If all the drawing numbers appear it may be because the Delete key was pressed. You can just right click anywhere on the chart with no drawing object and it returns to normal. If you click on a drawing object with a number it will be deleted.

If you click in an area with a cluster of drawing objects and numbers appear you can hit ESC or left click anywhere on the chart with no drawing object and it returns to normal.

#2. To select a drawing object in a cluster of drawings just press and hold the Alt key with the mouse click and it will cycle through the objects one at a time.
[2017-02-26 14:12:21]
User186889 - Posts: 54
To Canyon2

That was absolutely marvelous - and so simple as well

Thanks Mark B
[2017-02-27 18:34:12]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We need some time to look this over.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2017-02-28 15:10:33]
User186889 - Posts: 54
Hello Sierra

See answer from Canyon 2; both his answers were wonderful and succinct and worked - but it would be useful if the ESC key could be used when all numbers appear on the screen to occult them, it's not obvious how to get rid of them.

As for being able to select objects when close together - I think some effort in looking at refining drawing manipulation would be welcome. It is not easy, for example -
(1) To select the objects without selecting many
(2) it's not easy to move objects as they often expand instead of move
(3) It would be useful to be able select multiple objects simultaneously if for example, you wanted to change all the colours at the same time - it would pay to see how Powerpoint do their shape manipulation and 'echo' the methods
Keep up the good work - Cheers -Mark
[2017-03-01 09:09:25]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We have updated the documentation here regarding Converging Drawings:
Chart Drawing Tools: Converging Drawings

PROBLEM 1 - Sometimes when I select one individual chart drawing or line, Multiple numbers appear on each drawing and can't be got rid of unless I select Hand Tool Feature (ESC won't work which is the obvious fix/action)

but it would be useful if the ESC key could be used when all numbers appear on the screen to occult them, it's not obvious how to get rid of them.

The Escape key does cancel the identification numbers when there are multiple drawings which have been selected when you left click in an area where there are converging drawings. If this is not working for you describe the steps so we can reproduce.

(1) To select the objects without selecting many
In this particular case, use this method documented here:
Chart Drawing Tools: Move Drawing - Menu and Control Bar Button Method (Menu and Control Bar Button Method)

(2) it's not easy to move objects as they often expand instead of move
Use the method explained above or make sure you left click near the middle of the drawing.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-03-01 09:10:19
[2019-08-09 19:45:44]
U536222 - Posts: 40
With respect to the last answer for point (2) above
(2) it's not easy to move objects as they often expand instead of move
I tried your answer but the problem is for example, I find, for example on the box object, if it's narrow, I can't move it only expand. If it's wide, then clicking in the centre will select it to move. How do I fix that so I can select smaller rectangles as very frustrating! I attached a chart.
image2019-08-09 sierra resize.png / V - Attached On 2019-08-09 19:44:19 UTC - Size: 4.85 KB - 285 views
[2019-08-11 02:38:00]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We understand what you are showing in the image.

However, if you right-click on the Chart Drawing select Move Drawing, it will move it no matter where you did the right click.

We will make that clear in the documentation.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-11 02:38:42
[2019-08-11 03:19:41]
U536222 - Posts: 40
Thanks. I realize that but I'm trying to minimize clicks and right clicks as it gives me problems with my wrist and fingers. It'd be nice if it worked properly in all cases. Moreover, even in your 'solution' one doesn't know when click and drag to move works and when it doesn't, and so you forget and try to move as that's what's expected, and it doesn't work and resizes instead. Now it's been resized, then you have to resize it back and then deselect. Then right click and choose move leading to even more clicks. Once should just be able to drag and move consistently like any charting app. Thanks.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-11 03:21:35
[2019-08-11 04:54:19]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Moreover, even in your 'solution' one doesn't know when click and drag to move works and when it doesn't,
We do not understand this. If you select Move Drawing from the Chart Drawing Shortcut menu, that is what is going to happen. No mistake about that.

And when you are working with a rectangle drawing that has very little vertical height to it, you may have trouble trying to indicate between a move, or an adjustment of the top or bottom. This is ultimately controlled by the text size of the chart. That is what controls the margin area around the line to determine selection. Refer to:
Graphics Settings: Fonts and Text Appearance

There is complete consistency in the behavior. To say somehow Sierra Chart is less capable than other programs, or is somehow doing something inconsistently is complete nonsense.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-11 04:55:46
[2019-08-11 05:02:06]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Here is the relevant documentation:
Chart Drawing Tools: Preventing Adjust of Rectangle Drawing When Intending Moving
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2019-08-11 05:37:49]
U536222 - Posts: 40

It is OK to update the documentation after I pointed it out as you said you'd do, but that doesn't change the point that the click and move is not consistent in all cases as that's exactly what you are documenting. You can try other programs like medved trader or tradingview.com and click and drag any thin rectangle and size it by its handles - even rectangle a couple of pixels wide or as thick as a line in medved trader for example. But I did add, that it would be nice to avoid extra clicks especially if one has wrist issues. So there was no need to get testy, maybe you missed that it was a suggestion.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-11 05:41:09
[2019-08-15 01:35:16]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
There definitely is complete consistency in the behavior. There simply is not any other technical possibility. This we are certain of. If there is an apparent inconsistency, there is a misunderstanding as to how to interact with a drawing.

And the margin above and below or to the left and right of a rectangle line is based on the text height of the chart, we would have to check but it should be half the height. We can make that separately controllable. We think that is where you are having difficulty. Once we make the margin controllable and you make it smaller that will help.

Having a wider margin gives you the huge advantage of not having to be too precise with where you left click. This is a monumental problem with other programs is that the click margins for selection are often just too small.

A rectangle can be resized not just by its handles but anywhere along its four sides.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-15 01:36:44
[2019-08-15 02:21:00]
U536222 - Posts: 40
Hi there

Ok, I think that may be it. If it is not too much trouble at some point that separate one would help those that need it. In the mean time, I decided to only use right click move and once you get used to it, it's OK.

I have another question. For pitchforks, the options > pitchfork type does not get saved with the TC# you are saving. It just stays as whatever you set. I think it makes sense if you are setting pitchfork config then the type of pitchfork should be set too with the TC# settings. That way you can also switch the type with a TC button instead of manually going through all the tabs and options etc.

[2019-08-15 20:49:14]
U536222 - Posts: 40
New suggestion: When an object is selected, the mouse wheel could quickly rotate between TC values.

As far as I can tell, when a drawing object is currently selected, the mouse wheel isn't used for anything special (even if Ctrl, Alt or Shift is pressed) except to move the chart or change bar spacing per chart or global chart settings just as when no object is selected.

So this suggestion would be an easy way to apply TCs quickly. It would be as good if done with Ctrl + wheel for example, so to leave default wheel actions as is. Pls let me know what you think. If you have this already, or I missed something, please advise.


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