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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 02:57:29 +0000

Post From: Multiple Drawing Numbers and Drawing Sensitivity -

[2019-08-09 19:45:44]
U536222 - Posts: 40
With respect to the last answer for point (2) above
(2) it's not easy to move objects as they often expand instead of move
I tried your answer but the problem is for example, I find, for example on the box object, if it's narrow, I can't move it only expand. If it's wide, then clicking in the centre will select it to move. How do I fix that so I can select smaller rectangles as very frustrating! I attached a chart.
image2019-08-09 sierra resize.png / V - Attached On 2019-08-09 19:44:19 UTC - Size: 4.85 KB - 287 views