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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 18:28:22 +0000

Trade Activity Log - importing symbols with fractions in price not populating

View Count: 752

[2016-02-25 01:24:00]
User264623 - Posts: 28
I am using two computers (a laptop while traveling, and a desktop otherwise) to trade a single account. To populate the missing orders on each computer's trade activity log I am using the export and import function to save time over the manual insert entry.

Two issues with importing Trade Activity Log:

1) When importing an instrument with price fractions (i.e. ZB, 30 year bond), the fraction part is not populated on the import.
Example: Entry price is 164 12/32.... the imported entry price shows 164 0/32. Only the whole number portion is being transferred. The exported text file contains the complete price however. I manually edited each fill record in in the trade activity log to correct the missing fraction, but is there a more efficient solution?

2) My DTS time zone is set to New York (-5 EST /-4 EDT), on both computers. The exported trade activity log txt file outputs the order fills in this time zone... however the import fill records are in UTC. How do I get the time to stay consistent?

Thank you
[2016-02-25 01:32:00]
User264623 - Posts: 28
2) My DTS time zone is set to New York (-5 EST /-4 EDT), on both computers. The exported trade activity log txt file outputs the order fills in this time zone... however the import fill records are in UTC. How do I get the time to stay consistent?

Correction: NOT UTC time. (the opposite actually).

The displayed order fill times on the imported records are -5 or -4 hours less than the original order fill (depending on season).
Example: Original order fill occurred at 10:07:30... the imported fill record displays 05:07:30. In contrast to the exported txt file - which displays 10:07:30.
[2016-02-25 03:50:05]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. This is fixed. The new release will be out in a couple of hours.

2. We will come up with a solution for this. Just give us one or two days.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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