Support Board
Date/Time: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 09:53:55 +0000
Post From: Trade Activity Log - importing symbols with fractions in price not populating
[2016-02-25 01:32:00] |
User264623 - Posts: 28 |
2) My DTS time zone is set to New York (-5 EST /-4 EDT), on both computers. The exported trade activity log txt file outputs the order fills in this time zone... however the import fill records are in UTC. How do I get the time to stay consistent?
Correction: NOT UTC time. (the opposite actually). The displayed order fill times on the imported records are -5 or -4 hours less than the original order fill (depending on season). Example: Original order fill occurred at 10:07:30... the imported fill record displays 05:07:30. In contrast to the exported txt file - which displays 10:07:30. |