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Support Board

Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 13:28:16 +0000

Not able to Login to Support Board with Account Name when logged out.

View Count: 1053

[2015-05-02 01:37:20]
Oclark - Posts: 4
I can log into the support board from Sierra Charts>> Help Account Control Panel>>then Support.


When I am logged out, and then try to log into the Account Support Board with my Account name, I get a message that it is invalid. My Account name isn't recognized.

Also I have a new Custom file, that doesn't seem to recognize my Account name (thus the indicators will not work).

I have verified my Account name so I know I am using the correct one based on a confirmation email sent to you. But the Account name isn't being recognized?

What's the issue?

[2015-05-04 06:14:48]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
I get a message that it is invalid. My Account name isn't recognized.
The only reasonable explanation for this is that possibly you are entering the wrong Account Name. We have sent it to you by email.

Also make sure cookies are enabled on your browser.

Is the name of the custom studies file: PROXBars? If so you are properly authorized for it.

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