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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 03:55:29 +0000

Post From: Addition of a saved study collection (single spreadsheet) is causing errors

[2013-07-25 14:09:13]
TheOddsAreYouDontKnowTheOdds - Posts: 29
Hi, I have sent you a message log about this as well.

Trying to set it up so I have a single spreadsheet with multiple sheets (tabs) showing data from a number of futures. So, I made the study for trading, set up the parameters, and save it as a collection. When I added the saved study to a new symbol, i get a continuous string of error messages about OTHER studies on my chart getting affected because they are now (suddenly) referencing a study subgraph that does not exist. Don't know why the new study affects the prior studies in this way. What study subgraph would cease to exist by my addition of this new saved study collection?