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Date/Time: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 15:04:20 +0000

Post From: Demo CQG

[2016-05-04 16:12:11]
User64530 - Posts: 4

I have checked the following link : http://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/CQGTrading.php#MarketDataAuthorizationsForSymbols but it does not help.

I have also talked to people from AMP but it seems to be an issue on your side.

I am testing a 14 days trial with AMP Futures/CQG Feed but several symbols are unknown :

F.US.EU6M16 : works fine
F.US.BP6M16 : no real time - symbol unknown
F.US.NE6M16 : no real time - symbol unknown
F.US.JY6M16 : works fine
F.US.DA6M16 : works fine
F.US.CA6M16 : no real time - symbol unknown
F.US.SF6M16 : no real time - symbol unknown

For the unknown symbols, when I delete/download data or disconnect/reconnect the feed, I can get the last candles, but nothing comes up in real time, what is very strange.

Thank you for your help.