Support Board
Date/Time: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 23:44:52 +0000
Post From: New Instances Feature - Optimal Configuration to Maximize CPU Efficiency
[2016-04-19 03:05:53] |
User948528 - Posts: 108 |
Have searched documentation/support board. Please advise how to set up optimal configuration of new instances feature to best utilize i7 quad core w/HT - 8 logical cores for minimum chart update intervals, for use either on Rithmic or TT. 6 chartbooks, 1 instrument and 4 charts on each, overlaid each other on 3 monitors. 1 chartbook/instrument visible at a time on each monitor. 2 chartbooks, with all 6 instruments and 1 chart of each on 4th monitor, historical/slow intraday timeframes, slow update interval, 1 chartbook/visible at a time on 4th monitor. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-04-19 03:15:52