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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 17:22:42 +0000

Post From: Took Option of CME Non Pro for FX - but data not live and 10 minutes behind

[2016-04-06 05:49:16]
User186889 - Posts: 53
Hello Sierra

Thanks for your reply

FUTEX are a recognised prop house in the UK (http://www.futex.co.uk/) where I did a 3 month training course at the end of 2015 to learn about Futures trading and MacroEconomics; I then pay them a monthly fee for access to the exchanges and trading ladders and go through their clearing house(s).

I am not a pro trader; I undertook the course to do an MSc (Degree / UK Masters in Science) through / with them and I dabble in trades to cover my fees (which you will see from the attached are expensive) and to support my education

I also have an account with AMP (See statement attached), which I initially set up to trade Futures on a part time basis

If the 3 attached are not enough then can you please advise what you require from FUTEX in the way of paperwork to confirm this account please

Regards, Mark Boast
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-04-06 05:57:35
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