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Date/Time: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 11:49:17 +0000
Post From: Numbers bars study
[2016-03-15 22:28:27] |
@sstfrederik - Posts: 405 |
I am working for a client on replicating some features of the numbers bars study. I am having a hard time finding out how to do certain things. As it is highly unlikely the source code can be made available on that study, can you tell me if I should at least be able to do the following with the available documented tools in ACSIL: - divide the bar in three columns? - Highlight a box? - open and close markers - vertical bar on price - open to close boxes? With subgraph DRAWSTYLE_FILLRECTTOP and BOTTOM I can draw the rectangle boxes, with the UseTool I can put text in them. It is unclear to me how to draw the highlight and a vertical bar. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-03-16 03:12:13