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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 17:07:38 +0000

Post From: Updated Sierra Charts and now ChartValues/Cross Hair tool will not deactivate

[2016-03-02 16:53:04]
User86150 - Posts: 11
Hey Guys,

I updated to version 1374 and now the Tool of ChartValues/Cross Hair will not leave my charts. It does not matter what tool I use the CrossHairs is overlapping causing my system to freakout when I try to use other tools..Ie Fib rettracements etc.

I've uninstalled sierra and reinstalled a previous version..(Same Problem) completely did a uninstall and reinstalled it back to the 1374 (new spreadsheet version)..Same problem.

At this time it appears it does not mattter what version I am using the Cross hair tool is stuck on my charts. Is this part of the update?

I've even removed the tool all together from the chart window but its till active no matter what I do. Can you please advise how to fix this or remove it all together. I cant draw on my charts anymore as the cross hair keeps activating.
