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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 01:35:47 +0000

Post From: Live trading with Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed

[2016-02-23 03:39:56]
User144295 - Posts: 70
Thanks it works now. I have read also the post you provided and I would like to ask one more follow up question:

In this post there is short notice on the end:

"Notice : When trading from Sierra Chart, and you are running the TransAct AT software at the same time, you must disable the Auto Bracket feature in the TransAct AT software if you are using Attached Orders in Sierra Chart. Otherwise, a new order entered from Sierra Chart will cause an automatic bracket to be submitted from TransAct AT, resulting in two sets of brackets."

Does it mean that when trading Live from Sierra Chart I don't even have to be running TransAct AT platform at all?

Thank you very much for your reply in advance.