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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 18:42:33 +0000

Post From: Volume by Price Study - Questions & Feature Requests

[2015-12-17 01:29:00]
Yoda - Posts: 106
The Name & Value Label options on the Peaks & Valleys (P&V) (SG18) & Point of Control (POC) (SG2) in the Volume by Price Study appear to be mistakenly linked:

- In the P&V Label option, I can only show or hide Value Labels, the other options below the Label check boxes do not appear to affect the P&V Name or where the values appear.

- However, if I have the Value Label checked in the POC area and I change the Horizontal Align, it controls the P&V values (as long as the P&V Value Label box is checked). In other words, it appears that the POC and P&V Labels are mistakenly tied together. Would it be possible to split these two so we have separate control of each?

- Also, no matter what I do, I cannot seem to have SC show the P&V Name Labels. How can I show the P&V Name Labels?

While we are on the topic of the Volume by Price study, I was wondering if it is possible to hide the P&V lines and only show the labels? If not, may I ask that this be considered for a future update?

Finally, is it possible to show the dates that Extended Points of Control started from (Specifically the ones that have not yet intersected with future price) ? The issue I am having is that I have a number of nVPOCs on my chart but it's not clear which date they relate to. Since some of these go back a long way, it's a lot of work to try to figure out what date they originated. It would be really great if SC provided the option of a date label for each nVPOC.

Thank you,