Support Board
Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 05:10:00 +0000
Post From: $VIX - Data Download Failure
[2015-12-08 10:05:56] |
User0534414 - Posts: 4 |
Hello, I am using the symbol $VIX. The data is provided by IB. All VIX data (weekly/ 5/15 mn ect..) is loading fine on the TWS from IB and works real-time, but doesn't load until the end and does not up-date at all on Sierra. The all historical/intraday data when downloaded display all required spec. The symbol I am currently trying is the " VIX-201512-CFE-USD-1000" that is the Dec16'15 @CFE contract. Now if downloading the same symbol from CBOE, the message of a completed download appear but the chart remain black on the screen no matter the period selected.. Please let me know if this issue concern Sierra platform or the TWS.. Thank for your help in advance.