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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 10:55:19 +0000

Post From: non-OCO orders / Order Price Adjustments

[2015-10-16 10:38:12]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This Trade Activity log shows simulated trading and in trade simulation mode, it is not possible for what you describe to happen.

This log:
Order  2015-10-14 13:29:56.001  [Sim]GC-201512-NYMEX  Simulated order modify complete  18675  18675  Stop  1  Buy  1187.8    Open      Sim1  Open    1  
Order  2015-10-14 13:29:56.002  [Sim]GC-201512-NYMEX  Trade simulation fill. Bid: 1187.6 Ask: 1187.7 Last: 1187.8  18675  18675  Stop  1  Buy  1187.8    Filled  1187.7  1  Sim1  Open    1  
Order  2015-10-14 13:30:07.000  [Sim]GC-201512-NYMEX  Canceling all orders for Symbol and Account. Flatten/Reverse.                Unspecified      Sim1        
Order  2015-10-14 13:30:07.001  [Sim]GC-201512-NYMEX  Canceling all orders for Symbol and Account. Flatten/Reverse.  18674  18674  Stop  1  Sell  1182.2    Pending Cancel      Sim1  Open    2  
Order  2015-10-14 13:30:07.002  [Sim]GC-201512-NYMEX  Simulated order canceled  18674  18674  Stop  1  Sell  1182.2    Canceled      Sim1  Open    2  
Order  2015-10-14 13:30:07.003  [Sim]GC-201512-NYMEX  GC-201512-NYMEX [C] 55 Trades #13 | User order entry. Flatten&Cancel | Last: 1187.4. Current Position quantity: 2  18676    Market  2  Sell      Order Sent      Sim1  Close    2  
Order  2015-10-14 13:30:07.004  [Sim]GC-201512-NYMEX  Simulated order accepted  18676  18676  Market  2  Sell      Open      Sim1  Close    2  
Order  2015-10-14 13:30:07.005  [Sim]GC-201512-NYMEX  Trade simulation fill. Bid: 1187.3 Ask: 1187.4 Last: 1187.4  18676  18676  Market  2  Sell      Filled  1187.3  2  Sim1  Close    2  

Shows that you modified an order and then it filled. When it filled, your position Quantity went to 2. And then after you flattened the position taking the Position quantity back to 0.
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