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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 15:58:02 +0000

Post From: TICK-NYSE

[2015-08-14 13:54:23]
startledbymoth - Posts: 39
Downloaded upgrade today and wish I had not.
Have all data live today but TICK-NYSE, which is not showing data in chart.
Followed directions in 7.1:

"Go to your chart and use your mouse pointer to point to where you want to begin the historical Intraday data download at. This will be right before the missing or incomplete Intraday data.

Right-click your pointer and select Delete and Download Data on the chart shortcut menu . . ."

First time, at about 9:03 EST, Sierra Chart pop up menu asked, "Confirm deletion of data for TICK-NYSE starting at 2015-08-14 09:00:00." I confirmed, saw green historic download complete but nothing for today 2015-08-14.

Second and subsequent time, pop up prompt does not even acknowledge today's date, even though cursor is in 2015-08-14 at 09:00:00. Instead, prompt asks "Confirm deletion of data for TICK-NYSE starting at 2015-08-13 16:00:00." I confirm this, but no datat for today.


This is the second time I lost TICK data after download upgrade.