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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 05:11:47 +0000

Post From: ACSIL user buttons

[2015-07-10 20:19:56]
User231363 - Posts: 31
I am looking to implement 2 types of buttons that ACSIL can interact with:

(1) I am creating ACSIL code for a bid/ask pressure gauge, and need the user to be able to push a button to reset the pressure back to zero.

(2) I want to add a button that enables/disables each of my ACSIL studies

I can't find how to add a toolbar button that my ACSIL can receive a click event from.
I've read about the 50 ACSIL toolbar buttons, but it seems these won't work for me because only 1 of them can be active at a time.

Can you please point me toward how to create these buttons?
