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Date/Time: Sat, 11 Jan 2025 02:20:07 +0000

Post From: Volume By Price option

[2015-06-25 11:05:38]
User87197 - Posts: 65
Hey SC. I think this would be a super-quick implementation that could be really handy for people using the Volume By Price study (of which SC's is the already pre-eminent iteration IMO). In the study settings under "Maximum Volume Bar Width Type" a third option for "Fill Space" would allow someone to have their VBP study fill a percentage of the Fill Space.

I think the case for adding it is pretty straightforward, but to elaborate just in case:
The existing: 'Window Width' setting can become awkward for users that are switching their chart windows to/from 'Fullscreen' mode frequently or changing their window-size. The 'Period Length' option (by necessity) begins each new session with essentially zero width and gradually becomes legible as time elapses (which is not as appropriate for users that are assessing the changes in the profile near the beginning of their chosen period length.

Thanks SC,