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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 04:14:01 +0000

Post From: order placement on DOM

[2015-03-09 21:39:00]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
Hi, Using IB I have been noticing recently that when I click the the Dom to place a limit order if the order is placed on the wrong side of the last traded price, it instead places a stop order, even it the spread is higher/lower than the last traded price (more of an issue for thinly traded markets).

But then today I placed a buy limit order, below the last traded price eg last traded price 17970 limit order 17965, it sat on the screen for 30 seconds and then filled as a stop order at 17971.

This is all being done through simply clicking the price I want on a Dom in the buy or sell columns.

Is this a setting I can turn off? It has really been messing with me lately.