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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:42:02 +0000

Post From: SC could not send order to IB for MSFT

[2015-02-14 04:06:53]
rc7rader - Posts: 144
FYI, I have not been able to contact IB about this issue because I am afraid they might talk about how Sierrachart works and other programming stuff. However, I finally discovered a way to work around this issue using the Trade and Current Quote Symbol option in Chart Settings. I entered MSFT here and it is now sending the order to IB. For the intraday chart, I still use the symbol MSFT-STK-SMART[NASDAQ. I don't know how this thing works but somehow this seems to be the solution to this long time issue.

I hope this helps or gives an idea to others experiencing the same issue.