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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 15:29:26 +0000

Post From: Automatic Vbp Day/Evening Session Profiles?

[2015-02-10 06:43:13]
Halco - Posts: 92
30 min chart, EUR/USD, FXCM tick data. I now have two separate profiles, both "StartTime to EndTime". The evening session is set to Minutes - 600. It's fine on the chart. I set the day session to Minutes - 840 and it draws two to three profiles within the day session. Not sure I'm doing wrong there or if it's a glitch.

I then set the day session to Days - 1 and it draws the day sessions fine except for Fridays, when it draws two profiles, the second of which is Sunday 2:00 - 4:30 pm (EST). I don't suppose there's any way around that.

Still don't know why the Minutes - 840 isn't right, but this way seems to work well enough. Thanks.