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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 21:25:28 +0000

Post From: Open position is not shown in chart (trader)

[2015-01-25 23:59:01]
User77270 - Posts: 23
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I see the position in the "trade orders and positions" window, just like normal.

I've been eperimenting with all kind of chart symbols.
Now I use ABCO-CFD-SMART (in the "symbol" field).

I did try using ABCO in the "symbol" field and one of the following in the "trade and current quote field":

None of those combinations gave me the open position.

I only have this problem with CFD, stocks work as normal. I believe that I only have this problem since the last update - I know everything used to work fine some weeks ago, but I cannot tell if it stopped working before the update or after it. Could that problem be due to the new SC version?