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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:38:35 +0000

Post From: Charting IB Symbols

[2014-10-23 10:19:50]
User80177 - Posts: 29
Would appreciate advise on the flwg:

1. I subscribed to IB for the DAX Cash index (IB symbol DAX) and DJSTOXX50 index (IB symbol ERTX50). I have problems displaying these symbols in SC.

For DAX, I used symbol DAX-I-DTB from the SC\File\Find Symbol\InteractiveBrokers Instance\IB Index. The SC chart displays intraday bars correctly but does not update in real-time.

For DJSTOXX50 index, I could not find the symbol in SC\Find Symbol.

2. I have two separate installs of SC. One is ATChart and another for IB with a separate subscription. The data sharing between the two instances are working well but I do have a couple of questions;

a) The Chart Settings/Trade and Current Quote Symbol is occasionally "lost" after restarting SC or when I "Connect" to the data service. And, sometimes, the Chart Settings/Symbol changes to the symbol of the Data/Trade Service Settings/Service that is set.

b) Currently, my two installs are sharing a common data folder. I seem to recall reading recently that each SC installation should use its own Data folder, that sharing data folders can cause problems. If so, please point me to the article.
